Kurt Salamun

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Kurt Salamun

Kurt Salamun (born July 14, 1940 in Leoben , Styria ) is an Austrian philosopher .


Kurt Salamun studied philosophy , psychology , German and English at the University of Graz . In 1965 he received his doctorate. phil. In 1973 he completed his habilitation with a thesis on aspects of the ideology problem for philosophy with special consideration of the philosophy of politics and ideology criticism under Ernst Topitsch .

Salamun became an associate professor at the Institute for Philosophy at the University of Graz in 1975 . From 1999 to 2001 he was deputy director of the institute and from 2001 to 2005 director of the institute. He has been retired since October 1st, 2005.

As a university professor, he lectured at the Universities of Innsbruck and Klagenfurt , the Montanuniversität Leoben , the Inter University Center of Postgraduate Studies in Dubrovnik and was visiting professor at the German Summer School of the University of New Mexico (1970), the University of Linz (1992) and of the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt / Oder (1999).

He is u. a. Member of the scientific advisory board of the journal Totalitarismus und Demokratie .

Research priorities

further activities

  • Founder and President of the Austrian Karl Jaspers Society
  • Vice President of the Austrian Karl Popper Research Association
  • Member of the Board of Trustees of the Karl Jaspers Foundation, Basel / Heidelberg

Salamun is editor of the series of publications on the philosophy of Karl R. Poppers and critical rationalism and co-editor of the yearbook of the Austrian Karl Jaspers Society .


  • The “actual self-being” in “communication” with Karl Jaspers. Graz, 1965 (dissertation).
  • Aspects of the ideology problem (habilitation), published under the title Ideology, Science, Politics. Social Philosophical Studies Graz: Styria, 1975.
  • Ideology: attempt to clarify terms. Leibnitz: Retzhof Writings, 1968.
  • With Ernst Topitsch : Ideology: Rule of Prejudice. Munich: Langen Müller, 1972.
  • Karl Jaspers. Munich: Beck, 1985 (edition in Spanish 1987, in Japanese 1993, in Korean 1994). 2nd, extended edition Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2006 (edition in Korean 2011).
  • Ideology and enlightenment. Weltanschauung theory and politics. Vienna / Cologne / Graz: Böhlau, 1988.
  • Reason and criticism. Collected lectures and essays. (Bilingual edition: Korean – German). Busan / South Korea: Dong A University Press, 2000.
  • How should the person be? Philosophical ideals of the "real" person from Karl Marx to Karl Popper (= UTB . 3669). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012, ISBN 978-3-8252-3669-4 .

Kurt Salamun is the editor of:

  • Social philosophy as enlightenment. Festschrift for Ernst Topitsch. Tübingen: JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1979.
  • What is philosophy Newer texts about their self-image. Tübingen JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1980. 5th, extended edition 2009 (UTB 1000).
  • Peace and conflict research from the perspective of various scientific disciplines. Vienna: Literas, 1983.
  • with J. Marko: Conditions for a constructive concept of peace. Graz: Edition ÖH., 1983 (paperback).
  • Karl R. Popper and the Philosophy of Critical Rationalism. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1989.
  • Enlightenment perspectives. Weltanschauung analysis and ideology criticism. Tübingen: JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1989.
  • Morality and Politics from the Perspective of Critical Rationalism. Amsterdam / Atlanta: Rodopi, 1991.
  • Karl Jaspers: On the topicality of his thinking. Munich / Zurich: Piper, 1991.
  • Ideologies and ideology criticism. Ideology-theoretical reflections. Darmstadt: Scientific Book Society, 1992.
  • with Hans Albert: Man and Society from the Point of View of Critical Rationalism. Amsterdam / Atlanta: Rodopi, 1993.
  • Philosophy - Education - University. Studies on the educational philosophy of Karl Jaspers. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1995.
  • Spiritual tendencies of the time. Perspectives of Weltanschauung theory and cultural philosophy. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1996.
  • with Reinhard Neck: Karl R. Popper - Plea for critical-rational science. Frankfurt / Berlin / New York: Peter Lang, 2004.
  • Fundamentalism "interdisciplinary". Vienna: Lit, 2005.
  • with Gregory J. Walters: Karl Jaspers's Philosophy: Expositions and Interpretations. Amherst / New York: Humanity Press (Prometheus Books), 2008.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Series of publications ( Memento of the original from August 10, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on the website of the Rodopi publishing house, accessed on May 16, 2012. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.rodopi.nl
  2. ^ Yearbook , website of the Austrian Karl Jaspers Society, accessed on May 16, 2012.