Labeo dyocheilus

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Labeo dyocheilus
Labeo dyocheilus Achilles 130.jpg

Labeo dyocheilus

Order : Carp-like (Cypriniformes)
Subordination : Carp fish-like (Cyprinoidei)
Family : Carp fish (Cyprinidae)
Subfamily : Labeoninae
Genre : Labeo
Type : Labeo dyocheilus
Scientific name
Labeo dyocheilus
McClelland , 1839

The Brahmaputra Labeo ( Labeo dyocheilus ), Assamese - Xilghoria (শিলঘৰীয়া) and often called Boalla in Bengali গুড়া মাছ and Hindi भोला , is a medium-sized carp fish from the Indian and Indochinese regions.


The Brahmaputra Labeo has a strong body, large scales and fins with a reddish border. The back is dark brown and the eyes are reddish. Labeo dyocheilus has a large mouth with a pearly spawning rash on the mouth area . It can be up to 90 centimeters long. A specimen weighing 5 kilograms was caught with a rod in the Thai Srinakarin Reservoir.

distribution and habitat

The Brahmaputra Labeo occurs in Pakistan , Bangladesh and Nepal , i.e. in the river systems of the Indus and Meghna (which includes the Ganges and Brahmaputra ), as well as in those of the Salween , Mae Nam Chao Phraya , Mae Nam Mae Klong and Mekong . It prefers clear and fast-flowing stretches of water, but can also be found in the brackish Mekong Delta .

Way of life

Little is known about the way of life of the Brahmaputra Labeo.

Notes and individual references

  1. a b c Labeo dyocheilus on (English)
  2. ^ Fishing World Records

Web links