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Lajedão is a Brazilian municipality in the state of Bahia .


Distance from Salvador, the capital of Bahia: 974 km. Lajedão is on the BA-996


3,758 inhabitants - size: 610 km² - average temperature: 22.5 ° C


The first inhabitants of Lajedão were the "Nanuques Indios". The first colonialists did not come to town until the 20th century. Agricultural development and the clearing of tropical wood resulted in a place called Sitio Pedra da Floresta. Due to a nearby rock, the place was then renamed today's Lajedao. Lajedão was made an independent city in 1962. Since then, agriculture and cattle breeding has been the city's main source of income. There is no industry and agricultural yields depend on the weather and market developments.

Web links

Commons : Lajedão  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 17 ° 37 ′  S , 40 ° 21 ′  W