Teixeira de Freitas

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Teixeira de Freitas
Coordinates: 17 ° 33 ′  S , 39 ° 43 ′  W
Map: Bahia
Teixeira de Freitas
Teixeira de Freitas on the map of Bahia
Basic data
Country BrazilBrazil Brazil
State BahiaBahia Bahia
City foundation May 10, 1985
Residents 138,341  (2010)
City insignia
Teixeira de freitas.jpg
Detailed data
surface 1154 km 2
Population density 107 inhabitants / km 2
height 186  m
Waters Rio Itanhem
Post Code 45995
prefix 73
Time zone UTC −3
City Presidency João Bosco Bitencourt PT
Website www.teixeiradefreitas.ba.gov.br
Praça dos Leões
Praça dos Leões

Teixeira de Freitas is a Brazilian city ​​in the state of Bahia . The population is officially 138,341 inhabitants with an area of ​​1165 km². The current mayor is João Bosco Bitencourt PT and is in office after his election in 2012.


The first settlements in Teixeira de Freitas resulted from the rich wood stocks in this region. The first community of São José de Itanhém slowly developed from individual farmsteads . The name originated from the nearby Itanhém River . Hermenegildo Félix de Almeida and Júlio José de Oliveira started the industrial deforestation in this region in the 1950s, when there was still plenty of untouched virgin forest.

Later, the families of Joel Antunes, Manoel de Etelvina, Aurélio José de Oliveira, Duca Ferreira and the dos Guerra family built the first houses. On April 14, 1958, the first wedding took place in the Sao Pedro chapel. The bride and groom Aurélio José de Oliveira and D. Izaura Matias de Jesus were married by Brother Olavo (OFM).

After the clearing in Alcobaca , Água Fria de Goiás, the later Medeiros Neto , the clearing proceeded slowly towards the port of Santa Luzia in Nova Viçosa . As a result, Teixeira was one of the last clearings. Teixeira de Freitas, which at that time was popularly known as “Povoado Perna Aberta”, has its historical core at Avenida Marechal Castelo Branco and Princesa Isabel, where they meet at the intersection at the Barbosa house. The lucrative timber business led to a very high level of immigration with traders, farmers and fishermen from the nearby regions.

In 1958, the municipality of São José de Itanhém was renamed Teixeira de Freitas by the government of the Bahia state , after the statistician Mário Augusto Teixeira de Freitas .

Population development

In 1970 the city reached a population of 1000 according to the census (Censo Demográfico). After the construction of the BR-101 federal road , this changed explosively, so just a few years later in 1980 there were over 40,000 inhabitants. Teixeira de Freitas today is one of the most important and fastest growing cities in the Bahia Sul region, the estimate as of July 1, 2015 was 157,804 inhabitants.


Teixeira de Freitas has a humid tropical climate. The average annual temperature is 23 ° C. The maximum temperature is 30 ° C and the minimum temperature 19 ° C. The rainy season is from October to March. The average rainfall is between 1100 and 1300 mm per year.


Number of companies:

Trade: 1972
Services: 714
Educational institutions: 79
Public bodies: 52
Industrial companies: 101
Agriculture / Forestry: approx. 661
Total: 3,579


The city has 62 schools with 23,210 students. The school system consists of private and public educational institutions, with more than 15,000 pupils registered in the 1º and 2º gray (comparable to primary and secondary levels) in public schools. More than 820 teachers teach in the public schools. There are also a number of private schools.

Former mayor

Mayor of the city of Teixeira de Freitas:

Temóteo Alves De Brito Period from 1985 to 1988
Francistónio Alves Pinto Period from 1989 to 1992
Temóteo Alves Brito Period from 1993 to 1996
Wagner Ramos Mendonça Period from 1997 to 2000
Wagner Ramos Mendonça Period from 2001 to 2004
Apparecido Rodrigues Reservoir Period from 2005 to 2008
Apparecido Rodrigues Reservoir Period from 2008 to 2012
João Bosco Bitencourt Period from 2012 to 2015

sons and daughters of the town

Web links

Commons : Teixeira de Freitas, Bahia  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE): Cidades @ Bahia: Teixeira de Freitas . Retrieved December 21, 2015.