Schleswig-Holstein State Hunting Association

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State Hunting Association Schleswig-Holstein eV
purpose Hunting and nature conservation
Chair: President: Wolfgang Heins
Executive Director: Marcus Borner
Establishment date: 1950
Seat : Flintbek

The Landesjagdverband Schleswig-Holstein eV is an association of hunters (Landesjägerschaft) and other people interested in nature in Schleswig-Holstein . It is a registered, non-profit and state-recognized nature conservation association according to the Federal Nature Conservation Act ( BNatSchG ). The Landesjagdverband Schleswig-Holstein eV is a member of the German Hunting Association .


Around 17,500 of the approximately 20,000 hunting license holders in Schleswig-Holstein are organized in the Schleswig-Holstein State Hunting Association (LJV-SH) . The association is divided into 20 district hunters' associations and these into Hegeringe (amalgamation of several communities). The head office is in Flintbek near Kiel .

tasks and goals

The tasks of the Landesjagdverband Schleswig-Holstein eV are diverse. The LJV-SH represents the interests of the hunters of the state of Schleswig-Holstein and the professional hunting outside. The LJV-SH advocates the interests of its members through statements, suggestions and communications and tries to implement them on various levels. The LJV-SH also organizes advanced training for hunters and people interested in nature. These include, for example, seminars, lectures and information events on topics such as hunting grounds, game hygiene, questions about the hunting craft, but also about hunting policy or legal questions. Furthermore, the LJV-SH promotes hunting customs such as B. hunting blowing on Pless and Parforce horns , hunting dogs and shooting .

The tasks of the Landesjagdverband Schleswig-Holstein eV also lie in the sustainable safeguarding of the natural balance, the usability of natural resources, the fauna and flora, the diversity, uniqueness and beauty of nature and landscape within the meaning of the Federal Nature Conservation Act . This is to be achieved through the promotion of all wild fauna and flora and especially through support through biotope and species protection projects . Promoting the aspirations of the natural, environmental and landscape protection while respecting the legitimate interests of the country -, forest - and the fishing industry , in particular the purchase of land under the initiative PRONATUR in this context is also of great importance. But the promotion of animal protection within the framework of the generally recognized principles of German hunting justice , in particular the rescue of game in the areas of transport and agriculture , plays a role.

Among other things, public relations also play an important role. The LJV-SH is the contact for the media ( print media , radio and television ) and provides information material. At trade fairs and exhibitions, the LJV-SH provides detailed information on the topics mentioned and offers events for youth groups, school classes and adult education.

The Landesjagdverband looks after and supports nature reserves and nature conservation projects such as B. Projects for the Montagu's Harrier , the Seal and the Otter .

The wildlife register provides information on the occurrence and density of the individual wild species and is carried out in cooperation with the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel .

The Hegel teaching area in Grönwohld is used to apply the Hege according to current knowledge and offers the opportunity to try out new approaches and experiments in practice. In addition, it is used for environmental and advanced training for visitors.

In addition, the district hunting associations of the State Hunting Association offer preparatory courses for obtaining the first annual hunting license . The training of young hunters is carried out uniformly through common guidelines.

The newsletter "Jäger in Schleswig-Holstein" appears 10 times a year and has been the official newsletter of the Landesjagdverband Schleswig-Holstein eV since the 1960s. Except in January and August, the association journal is always free to all members of the LJV-SH in the middle of the month sent.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Georg Volquardts, Hans Jessen: On the hunting history of Schleswig-Holstein from the origins to 2014 . Ed .: Landesjagdverband Schleswig-Holstein eV 1st edition. 2017, p. 482 .
  2. Address of the LJV-SH. Retrieved September 4, 2018 .
  3. ^ Tasks and goals of the LJV-SH. Retrieved September 4, 2018 .
  4. Georg Volquardts, Hans Jessen: On the hunting history of Schleswig-Holstein from the origins to 2014 . Ed .: Landesjagdverband Schleswig-Holstein eV 1st edition. 2017, p. 484 .
  5. Wildlife Register. Retrieved September 4, 2018 .
  6. Hege teaching area of the Hunting Association-SH. Retrieved September 4, 2018 .
  7. Young hunter info of the LJV-SH. Retrieved September 4, 2018 .
  8. Information sheet LJV-SH. Retrieved September 4, 2018 .