Le Monde diplomatique

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Logo of the German language edition
former logo
Building of Le Monde Diplomatique in Berlin-Kreuzberg , Charlottenburg / Rudi Dutschke Strasse

The monthly newspaper Le Monde diplomatique (referred to as “Le Diplo” by its French readers ), published in various language editions in France and several other countries , publishes detailed analyzes and commentaries on international politics and cultural issues.

French edition

The first issue appeared in May 1954 with the headline "Old Diplomacy - New Diplomacy". In 2015, an average of 159,095 copies were distributed, of which 128,511 were sold in France. 38 editions in a further 16 languages ​​(26 including online editions) lead to a total circulation of around 2.2 million worldwide.

Le Monde Diplomatique is 49% owned by the association L'association des Amis du Monde diplomatique , most of whose members are also readers of the newspaper, 51% are owned by the French daily Le Monde . The independence of the publication is to be preserved through the limitation of the advertisements and through the capital participation on the part of the readership.

The paper takes a critical stance towards economic liberalism and globalization and takes a position on the left . An editorial from 1997, which criticized the deregulation of the financial markets, written by the editor-in-chief Ignacio Ramonet , led to the establishment of Attac , a non-governmental organization that campaigns, among other things, for the introduction of the Tobin tax (also: financial transaction tax). The magazine is therefore referred to, among other things, as the "Kampfblatt" or "Zentralorgan" of globalization-critical circles.

more publishments

The magazine “Manière de voir” appears in French every two months . The series, which began in 1987, consists of themed issues, mostly with articles that have already been published. The similar German-language half-year series "Edition" has been published since 2007, but contains a larger proportion of new texts.

In the tradition of political geography , the newspaper also publishes the Atlas of Globalization under its name . It presents the global political, economic and social situation in the form of cartographic images with short texts. The editions, which appear every three years, differ greatly from one another. In France, editions appeared in 2002, 2005 and 2008. The German editions, again with their own share of texts and graphics, appeared in 2003, 2006, 2009 and 2012. The 2015 atlas was created without a French template. The thematic atlases Climate (French 2007, German 2008) and 20th Century (French 2010, German 2011) appear every three years .

Editions of the Meat Atlas and similar supplements have been published since 2013 , each in cooperation with the BUND , the Heinrich Böll Foundation , the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and other organizations. They are under a Creative Commons license (CC-BY-SA).

Editions by language

The first non-French-language editions only translated the French contributions; as do most issues that appear as a supplement to a daily or weekly newspaper. However, where Le Monde diplomatique also appears as a separate newspaper, the editorial offices make their own contributions, which are each marked as such.

Current list of editions by language:

language country Frequency of publication Edition comment Website
Afrikaans South Africa monthly as a supplement to Die Vrye Afrikaan magazine
Arabic Egypt as a supplement to the daily Akhbar al Arab 380,000
Arabic Morocco as a supplement to the weekly Al Sahifa / Le Journal 30,000
Arabic Qatar As a side dish in Al-Watan 30,000
Arabic Lebanon As a side dish in Al-Akhbar
Bulgarian Per month 4,000 bg.mondediplo.com
Chinese cn.mondediplo.com
German Germany As a supplement in taz 77,967 (3rd quarter 2019) Has appeared as a supplement on the second Friday or Thursday of the month since May 12, 1995 , but is also available as a single edition and by subscription. monde-diplomatique.de
German Switzerland As a supplement in WOZ 19,606 (WEMF 2019) Has been published as a supplement on the second Friday or Thursday of the month since May 1995, but is also available as a single edition and as a single subscription. woz.ch/lmd/aktuell
English Great Britain 6,000 mondediplo.com
English India Insert from Hard News 40,000
Esperanto Internet edition In 2005, readers of this Esperanto version founded a worldwide community, the Monda Asembleo Socia (MAS) (“Worldwide Social Assembly”), not only to read the analyzes of the Monde diplomatique , but also to discuss them and possibly develop actions from them . This organization sees itself as part of the alternative world movement and takes part in the social forums. eo.mondediplo.com
Finnish Finland Every two months in magazine format as a joint edition together with articles from the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta published by Into Kustannus mondediplo.fi
French France 270,000 monde-diplomatique.fr
Greek Every Sunday four pages in Eleftherotypia 200,000
Italian Supplement to Il Manifesto from 1994 to 2012 (90,000) At the end of February 2012, the forced liquidation of the newspaper Il Manifesto began, and Monde diplomatique is no longer published. monde-diplomatique.it
Japanese diplo.jp
Catalan mondiplomatic.com
Korean 5,000 published by Le Monde Corea
Croatian monthly 10,000 masmedia.hr/lmd
Kurdish Europe Monthly newspaper 3,000 Since November 2009 as a separate monthly newspaper. lemonde-kurdi.com
Kurdish Kurdistan Autonomous Region / Iraq Monthly newspaper Since November 2009 as a separate monthly newspaper.
Norwegian Monthly in the weekly Morgenbladet 20,000
Persian Iran Side dish from Sedaye Edalat 50,000 ir.mondediplo.com
Polish Per month 10,000 monde-diplomatique.pl
Portuguese Portugal pt.mondediplo.com
Portuguese Brazil diplomatique.uol.com.br
Russian Supplement to the Novaya Gazeta 90,000 ru.mondediplo.com
Serbian Supplement to the weekly Nin 30,000
Slovak Slovakia


Slovenian Slovenia Monthly newspaper 8,000
Spanish Argentina per month 30,000 eldiplo.org
Spanish Bolivia every two months as a side dish to El Juguete rabioso 5,000
Spanish Chile per month 10,000 since September 2000 lemondediplomatique.cl
Spanish Colombia Per month 10,000 eldiplo.info
Spanish Peru Per month since May 2007
Spanish Puerto Rico As a supplement to the weekly Claridad 20,000
Spanish Spain 25,000 monde-diplomatique.es
Hungarian Per month 101,500 magyardiplo.hu


  • Wendy Kristanasen (Editor): The Best of Le Monde Diplomatique 2012. Pluto Press 2012, ISBN 978-0-7453-3187-4 .
  • Atlas of globalization. Berlin 2003
  • Atlas of globalization. The new data and facts about the state of the world. Berlin 2006
  • Atlas of globalization. See and understand what moves the world. Berlin 2009
  • Atlas of globalization. The world of tomorrow. Berlin 2012
  • Atlas of globalization. Less becomes more. Berlin 2015

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ [1] distributed edition of Le Monde diplomatique
  2. ^ Kampfblatt without pictures Süddeutsche Zeitung , May 17, 2010
  3. The Meat Atlas - Data and facts about animals as food 2013 ( Memento from November 26, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 3.4 MB)
  4. Meat Atlas - Infographics
  5. Dominique Vidal: A global network . Le Monde diplomatique. November 10, 2006. Retrieved September 25, 2013.
  6. International editions ( English ) Le Monde diplomatique. Retrieved July 13, 2019.
  7. Thomas Schmid: taz ? sachen : 25 years LMd: How it all began . In: The daily newspaper: taz . May 14, 2020, ISSN  0931-9085 , p. 2 ( taz.de [accessed on May 20, 2020]).