Head of the fire brigade (North Rhine-Westphalia)

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The head of the fire brigade in North Rhine-Westphalia leads the volunteer fire brigade at city or community level . This also applies to cities and municipalities with several fire departments and to volunteer fire departments with full-time employees.


At the suggestion of the district fire chief and after hearing the fire brigade by the municipality, the council appoints a head of the fire brigade and up to two deputies (deputy head of the fire brigade). They are appointed by the mayor. Insofar as the head of the fire brigade works on a voluntary basis, he and the deputies are appointed to a temporary volunteer position.

If the volunteer fire brigade has a fire station permanently staffed with at least six full-time functions for fire protection and assistance, its head also takes on the function of either the head of the fire brigade or the function of the deputy head of the fire brigade. For the performance of this task, the regulations on the honorary head of the fire service and representatives apply accordingly.

The term of office of the honorary head of the fire service, the deputy head of the fire service is six years. They must be personally and professionally suitable for their office and, if representation is not possible, must continue until a successor has been appointed. You can resign from your office prematurely for personal reasons. The provisions of Section 73 of the Municipal Code for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in the version of the notice of July 14, 1994 (GV.NRW. P. 666), which were last amended by law of February 3, 2015 (GV. NRW. P. 208) have been changed apply.


In addition to other legal tasks, he has the following tasks in accordance with the regulation on the career path of volunteer members of the volunteer fire brigade (LVO FF):

  • Admission, transportation and discharge of fire fighters (according to § 1 LVO FF),
  • Disciplinary superior of all fire fighters within the entire community (according to § 19 LVO FF),
  • Appointment of specialist advisors (according to § 3 I LVO FF).


Each fire brigade unit is headed by a unit leader who takes care of the needs of his unit. He reports to the head of the fire department.


A voluntary fire brigade, which exists alongside a professional fire brigade, is led by the head of the professional fire brigade. In this case, the members of the volunteer fire brigade who have reached the age of 16 elect a spokesperson and up to two deputies from their ranks for a period of six years who represent the interests of the volunteer fire brigade vis-à-vis the head of the professional fire brigade. You can choose who has adequate leadership training in the volunteer fire brigade. The spokesman for the volunteer fire brigade is to be involved in all essential decisions that affect his or her task.

Rank and function badge


A voluntary head of the fire brigade can be promoted up to a maximum of community or city fire inspector. For a full-time head of the fire department, on the other hand, the career law of the fire department technical officials applies.

Function badge

The head and the deputy head should only wear the respective function badges as deputy head and head.


According to Section 14 (1) LVO FF, only persons can be appointed head of the fire brigade or deputy head of the fire brigade who already have the rank of community or city fire inspector. This means that the courses “Introduction to staff work ” and “Head of a fire brigade” must have been completed at the fire brigade institute . Fire service officers in career group 2 meet these requirements upon completion of their full-time training.

If no suitable member of the volunteer fire brigade with the appropriate qualification is available, a temporary transfer of the function can take place in accordance with Section 17 (1) LVO FF. The qualification required for the function must be obtained immediately and the temporary transfer may not exceed two years.

Individual evidence

  1. The functional designations apply to both female and male fire service members. Fire brigade regulation 3 units in fire fighting and rescue operations, Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, 2008
  2. ↑ In the North Rhine-Westphalian context, the term "fire brigade unit" is functionally equivalent to local fire brigade as a spatially and spatially separated location of fire brigade equipment and personnel.
  3. Law on fire protection, assistance and disaster control (BHKG)
  4. a b c d e LVO FF