Leonhard Dobusch

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Leonhard Dobusch (2018)

Leonhard Dobusch (born May 30, 1980 in Linz ) is an Austrian economist . His research focuses on innovation, standardization and private regulation, especially in the area of ​​copyright markets.


Leonhard Dobusch was born in 1980 in Linz, Austria, as the son of the Mayor of Linz, Franz Dobusch . Dobusch studied business administration (until 2003) and law (until 2004) at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz .

After completing his studies, Dobusch initially worked at the Linz Higher Regional Court before accepting a DFG scholarship and at the DFG graduate college “Paths of Organizational Processes” at the Free University of Berlin on the subject of “Windows versus Linux: Market - Organization - Path” under the supervision of Jörg Sydow , Sigrid Quack and Georg Schreyögg received their doctorates. Dobusch then worked as a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne, including guest appearances at Stanford Law School and the Berlin Science Center .

In 2012 Dobusch took over a junior professorship for organizational theory at the Management Department of the Free University of Berlin, where he researched, among other things, transnational copyright regulation and management of digital communities. On February 1, 2016, Dobusch was appointed professor of business administration with a focus on organization at the Institute for Organization and Learning at the University of Innsbruck .

In May 2016 Dobusch was appointed as a representative for the "Internet" interest group in the XV. Appointed term of office (from July 2016) of the ZDF Television Council. It was nominated by the State of Berlin on the proposal of the Chaos Computer Club , D64 - Center for Digital Progress , eco - Association of the Internet Industry and media.net berlinbrandenburg .

In 2019 he founded the Momentum Institute together with Barbara Blaha .

Political commitment

Leonhard Dobusch was committed to the socialist youth during his studies . From 2000 to 2002 he was chairman of the Socialist Youth Linz, from 2000 to 2003 deputy chairman at the federal level. In addition, Dobusch worked from 2003 to 2004 as an economic consultant in the federal representation of the Austrian Students' Union in Vienna.

Dobusch is a regular speaker at network policy congresses and events as well as co-founder of the event series "Netzpolitischer Abend AT" in Vienna. He is also committed to the SPD-affiliated association D64 - Center for Digital Progress e. V. , digital society e. V. and the “Right to Remix” initiative.

Publications (selection)

Leonhard Dobusch regularly publishes on his research topics in blogs related to network policy, including Netzpolitik.org and iRights . He also runs the science blog governance across borders together with Sigrid Quack and Philip Mader .

Web links

Commons : Leonhard Dobusch  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sigrid Quack | Curriculum vitae. Retrieved January 10, 2019 .
  2. ^ Leonhard Dobusch: 4 Open: Wiki-based Course on “Open Organizations and Organizing Openness”. In: Governance Across Borders. April 27, 2016, accessed May 2, 2016 .
  3. leonido: #fernsehrat. In: leonidobusch.blogspot.de. Retrieved May 12, 2016 .
  4. Who we are. Netzpolitischer Abend AT, October 16, 2015, accessed on November 19, 2016 .
  5. ^ Leonhard Dobusch. D64, accessed May 2, 2016 .
  6. Our team. Right to remix, accessed May 2, 2016 .
  7. ^ Leonhard Dobusch: FES Discussion: Whose Internet? Gender relations and gender debates online. on netzpolitik.org on February 18, 2015, accessed on April 19, 2019.