Leopold Kramer

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Leopold Kramer. Photo from 1900.

Leopold Kramer (born September 29, 1869 in Prague , † October 29, 1942 in Vienna ) was an Austrian actor .

Live and act

The merchant's son had followed his father's wish and underwent commercial training in Hamburg . Finally he received artistic training from Ferdinand Kracher and made his debut at the Rudolfsheimer Theater in his adopted home Vienna on January 9, 1894. In the same year Kramer began his first permanent engagement at the Royal Municipal Theater in Olomouc in Moravia .

After a stopover in Halle, Germany (1896/96), Kramer returned to Vienna's stage world in spring 1897. His early successes included the pastor of Kirchfeld in Ludwig Anzengruber 's play of the same name and Boris Mensky in Hans Huckebein . Criticism in modern pieces attested him to be particularly effective. His early subject was that of bon vivants and youthful characters in conversational pieces.

Until the outbreak of the First World War, Kramer remained connected to the Deutsches Volkstheater in his adopted home, Vienna, where he also worked as a senior director. In later years (the first decade after the end of the war) he headed the Deutsche Landestheater (also a senior director) in Prague, before moving to Berlin in 1927 to work as an actor in the stands .

He stood in front of the camera for the first time during the First World War and was offered small film roles several times during his stay in Berlin in 1927/28. Kramer mostly played dignitaries and aristocrats of all kinds: a professor in honor of your mother , a baron in Hungarian Rhapsody and a banker in the melodrama What does love cost? , a rare leading role in Kramer's cinematic work. Even in the first years of sound film, Kramer was seen on the screen before he retired from film at the age of 65.

In 1937 the elderly artist was offered a stage director again; this time from the United German Theaters in Brno in the Czech Republic , where he was also the senior director. In the following year Kramer ended his artistic activity and retired to Vienna.

Leopold Kramer was also considered to be a sponsor of numerous Viennese actors, including the brothers Paul and Attila Hörbiger and the latter's wife, Paula Wessely . He had been married to his colleague Pepi Kramer-Glöckner since 1900 .



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