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Rüdersdorf municipality near Berlin
Coordinates: 52 ° 28 ′ 50 ″  N , 13 ° 54 ′ 15 ″  E
Height : 52 m above sea level NHN
Residents : 560  (2005)
Incorporation : October 26, 2003
Postal code : 15345
Area code : 033434

Lichtenow is a district of the municipality Rüdersdorf near Berlin in the district of Märkisch-Oderland .


The first documentary mention of Lichtenow comes from the years 1320 to 1323 . The historical village structure corresponds to a Slavic round , in the area of ​​which the oldest buildings of the place can be found. The village church, which dates from around 1499 and is now a listed building , and the syringe house integrated into the church wall are part of it. In the area of ​​the village center is also the oldest residential building in the village, a double room made of field stone. The syringe house was completely renovated in 1993 with the help of the local population and today forms the background for the annual village festival in July.

The church has been undergoing a full reconstruction since May 2006. Thanks to the help of the parish, the parish council and donations from the population, the roof structure has now been completely rebuilt.

The old brick factory

The old town center of Lichtenow is about 1 km north of the B1 / 5. The Lichtenow Lamm district settled along the B1 / 5 around 1800. Residential houses were built here, as well as craft and brick factories. The now unused chimney of the old brickworks at the end of the village in the direction of Frankfurt (Oder) still bears witness to this today.

Lichtenow, located on the Barnim plateau, is part of the Ostbrandenburgische Platte natural area . Today the wetland that stretches between the two settlement areas, together with the Lichtenower Mühlenfließ and the ponds adjacent to the east , which arose from former clay pits, are considered a valuable biotope.

In the middle of this landscape, exactly between the two settlement areas Lichtenow - Dorf and Lichtenow - Lamm, is the old school on Fließweg. The village children were taught here until 1955. Today this building is being expanded into a house for three families.

At the beginning of the 1950s, twelve so-called new farmer's houses were built in Siedlerstrasse, which are still inhabited today and have since been adapted to the current standard of living.

In the 1980s around 10 hectares of land had to be made available for recreational purposes. Two large gardens were created in Lichtenow Lamm, which are mainly still used today by Berlin allotment gardeners. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, many new houses were built in Lichtenow and the construction of footpaths and bike paths in and around the place makes this area interesting for short vacationers who want to make a detour to Berlin. The connection to Berlin is guaranteed by the B 1/5 or you can use a bus and train connection from Rüdersdorf near Berlin. At the beginning of the 1990s, Lichtenow had about 370 inhabitants. In the course of the gap and redevelopment, the place not only became visually more attractive, but also gained residents. In 2005 Lichtenow had 560 inhabitants, making it the only part of the municipality of Rüdersdorf near Berlin whose population had increased.


On October 26, 2003 Lichtenow was incorporated into Rüdersdorf near Berlin.

The church in Lichtenow

Village church

The old village center of Lichtenow is about one kilometer north of the B1. The small village church is located in the middle of this old village center. It was built in 1499 as a late Gothic , rectangular field stone building. A tower tower with three bells is located above the west gable. The baptismal font dates from the 18th century. In 1898 the Albert Lang company from Berlin installed an organ that is still in use today. Before the war, there was a beautiful hand-carved altar in the church. Since the wooden parts were so heavily infested with woodworms, they had to be removed and could no longer be replaced. Today the church is one of the monuments in the Märkisch-Oderland district. A special feature is the syringe house built directly into the church wall and completely renovated in 2003. Since 2003, the church has been used not only for purely ecclesiastical, but also for cultural purposes. The Ortschronik working group initiated the event “Lichtenow in der Kirche” and, together with the parish council, has already carried out several events that have been very well received by the citizens. The structural condition of the church has deteriorated so much in the course of the last few years that an initiative to save this monument was started. Joint efforts and, of course, financial resources from the church, community and donations from citizens made it possible to tackle the renovation of the church. Beginning in May 2006, a complete renovation of the building will take place, so that the continued existence of this building, which belongs to the village, is secured for future generations.

Repair of the church in Lichtenow

After years of effort, the time had finally come. Construction work on our church began in May. There was a slight delay due to the investigation by the monument authority on the church walls. The roof structure was removed and replaced with new beams . The construction workers from Oehneland were responsible for the work. And right on time for the annual village festival on July 8, 2006, the topping-out ceremony was held. According to old tradition, judgments were celebrated and the chairman of the parish council, Wolfgang Witt, hammered the very last nail into the entablature with some effort. Many Lichtenowers followed this process with great pleasure and rewarded the construction workers with applause. But the builders still have a lot of work to do. By 2008, the church is to have a restored facade and the tower is to be repaired. But pastor, Jens Greulich, is optimistic that all difficulties can be overcome. At the moment the roof is covered with a tarpaulin so that the inside of the church is protected. As soon as the roof tiles are delivered, the roofing begins.

Web links

Commons : Lichtenow  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ StBA: Changes in the municipalities in Germany, see 2003