Deity of love

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Love deities are worshiped in numerous mythologies as goddesses and gods that are associated with sexual love or its origin. They are also often referred to as fertility deities, especially in the 19th century. Other deities are exclusively responsible for conjugal sexuality , such as the Greek Hera .

Deity of love Culture Art property
Cupid (Cupid) roman mythology man God and personification of love
Anat Egyptian , Sumerian woman Goddess of war and goddess of love
Aphrodite Greek mythology woman Goddess of love, beauty and sensual desire
Ashratum Babylonian religion woman Goddess of love, wife of Amurrum
Astarte Phoenician woman Queen of heaven and goddess of love
Azacca Haitian voodoo Loa Spiritual beings of agriculture and affairs of love
Bes Egyptian mythology man nocturnal patron god, god of procreation and birth
Eros Greek mythology man God of covetous love
Freya norse mythology woman Vanity goddess of love and marriage
Frigg norse mythology woman Patroness of marriage and motherhood, wife of Odin
Hathor Egyptian mythology woman all-embracing mother goddess
Inanna Sumerian religion woman Queen of Heaven
Ištar Assyrian , Babylonian woman Goddess of (sexual) desire
Kamadeva indian mythology man God of erotic love (kama: desire, worldly enjoyment)
Lakshmi indian mythology woman Goddess of luck, love and fertility
Mylitta Iranian mythology woman equal to the Greek Aphrodite (Urania)
Nanaja Babylonian , Sumerian woman Goddess of feminine eros and divine mistress
Qadesh Egyptian mythology woman Goddess of sacred ecstasy and sexual pleasure
Šawuška Hurrian religion woman Goddess of sexual love and war
Tanite punic woman Goddess of fertility, chief deity of Carthage
Turan Etruscan religion woman Fertility and protection goddess
Venus roman mythology woman Goddess of love, erotic desire and beauty
Voluptas roman mythology woman Goddess of lust for life and sexual pleasure