Lieselotte Plangger-Popp

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Lieselotte Plangger-Popp (born May 31,  1913  at Gut Karlsfelde, Oletzko district , East Prussia as Lieselotte Popp ; † December 19, 2002 in Meran , South Tyrol) was a German graphic artist.


Lieslotte Popp moved with the family to Königsberg in 1922 , where she passed  her Abitur at the Hufen-Oberlyzeum and from 1933 to 1936 she attended the commercial graphics class at the Master School of German Crafts. She then worked for two years in the studio of the Königsberg publishing house Gräfe und Unzer . From 1938 she worked in a graphic company in Hanover and at the same time learned the technique of woodcut from Karl Dröge . From 1939 to 1945 she was the workshop manager of the Wagner University Printing Works in Innsbruck .

In 1946 she was expelled from Austria as a Reich German . She studied from 1946 to 1949 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich in Adolf Schinnerer's graphics class ; her other teachers included Willi Geiger and Adolf Thiermann . Then she worked as a freelance artist in Haimhausen  near Munich. In 1954 she married the South Tyrolean sculptor Hans Plangger  and then lived with him in Bolzano . In 1983 she moved to Merano, meanwhile widowed.

Plangger-Popp was a member of the South Tyrolean Artists Association and created illustrations for the Bozen house calendar and the Sciliar , but especially book illustrations, especially for works by Agnes Miegel  and for South Tyrolean poetry, collections of sagas and fairy tales. Your favorite techniques were wood and linocuts , woodcuts , lithographs and pipe spring drawings .



  • Popp, Lieselotte . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists of the XX. Century. tape 3 : K-P . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1956, p. 614 .
  • Ottilie Thiemann-Stoedtner: The graphic artist Lieselotte Plangger-Popp. On the occasion of her 70th birthday. In: Amperland, Volume 19 (1983), pp. 389–393 ( PDF; 921 kB )
  • Landsmannschaft Ostpreußen, Dept. Culture (Ed.): Lieselotte Plangger-Popp: Once my country. Photographs from East Prussia 1937/38 and later graphics. Hamburg 1996 ( PDF; 4.4 MB )
  • Christoph Bertsch (Ed.): Art in Tyrol, 20th century: significantly expanded and revised inventory catalog of the collection of the Institute for Art History at the University of Innsbruck including documentation of legacies and bequests in two volumes. Volume 2, Innsbruck 1997, pp. 534-535 ( urn: nbn: at: at-ubi: 2-7291 )
  • Silke Osman: Honesty and a signature of your own. On the death of the graphic artist and winner of the East Prussian Culture Prize Lieselotte Plangger-Popp. In: Das Ostpreußenblatt / Preußische Allgemeine Zeitung, January 18, 2003.