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Liet (Frisian for 'Lied') is a series of music competitions that take place in different European regions. The course of these competitions corresponds to the Eurovision Grand Prix, but with Liet the regional cultures of the participants are strongly emphasized. The participants either represent a regional musical tradition or sing in one of Europe's traditional minority languages.

Liet started in 1991 in the West Frisian capital Leeuwarden . Since 2002, a Europe-wide edition of Liet has been held almost annually under the name Liet Ynternasjonaal (Lied International). The participants are chosen in various European regions at national or international preliminary rounds.

The Liet-Grand Prix is ​​organized by the Stichting Liet. The European Liet Ynternasjonaal is organized in collaboration with the European Bureau for Language Minorities .

Preliminary rounds

The following music competitions serve as preliminary rounds for participation in Liet Ynternasjonaal:

Previous episodes of Liet Ynternasjonaal

2010, Lorient ( France )

2009, Ljouwert / Leeuwarden ( Friesland )

2008, Luleå ( Lapland , Sweden)

2007, the competition planned in Catalonia could not take place for financial reasons.

2006, Östersund ( Lapland , Sweden)

2004, Ljouwert / Leeuwarden ( Friesland )

2003, Ljouwert / Leeuwarden ( Friesland )

2002, Ljouwert / Leeuwarden ( Friesland )

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