Lilium wardii

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Lilium wardii
Lilium wardii

Lilium wardii

Order : Lily-like (Liliales)
Family : Lily family (Liliaceae)
Subfamily : Lilioideae
Genre : Lilies ( Lilium )
Type : Lilium wardii
Scientific name
Lilium wardii
Stapf ex WWSm.

Lilium wardii ( Chinese  卓巴 百合 , Pinyin zhuóbā bǎihé ) is a species from the genus of lilies ( Lilium ) in the Asian section .


Lilium wardii reaches a height of 60 to 100 cm. The onions are round to bell-shaped and reach a diameter between 2.5 cm and 4 cm, they are covered with white, red-dotted scales. The stem is purple to brown and forms stolons . The leaves are narrow and lanceolate, 3 to 5.5 cm long and between 6 and 7 mm wide. They are distributed around the stem and adaxially (facing the leaf axis) deeply penetrated by three leaf veins. The edge is papillae .

The plant blooms from June to August with two to ten flowers nodding in a panicle , rarely with a single flower. The hermaphrodite flowers are threefold. The six identical bloom cladding sheets ( tepals ) are strongly bent back ( Turk's collar shape ) and 4.5 to 6 cm long and between 8 mm and 10 mm wide. The basic color of the flowers is pale purple-red or pink, with dark purple dots. The edges of the petals curl. The anthers are purple, the pollen are purple, and the filaments are also purple and 4 cm to 4.5 cm long. The nectaries are neither papilla nor fringed. The seeds ripen in August to form oval seed capsules about 2 cm in size and germinate immediately and epigeously .

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 24.


Lilium wardii is found on the edges of forests and on stony meadows at altitudes between 2000 and 3400 m above sea ​​level .

The species is native to the provinces of Guizhou , Sichuan of the People's Republic of China and southeast Tibet . The main area of ​​distribution is Tibet.


  • Flora Of China , Vol. 24, p. 143, online

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tropicos. [1]

Web links

Commons : Lilium wardii  - collection of images, videos and audio files