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Model of the Lillebelt
Model of the Lillebelt
Ship data
flag DenmarkDenmark Denmark
other ship names


Ship type Railway ferry
Owner DSB Færgerederi, København
Shipyard Wigham Richardson & Company , Newcastle upon Tyne , United KingdomUnited KingdomUnited Kingdom 
building-costs 83,907 Rigsbankdaler
Launch 1872
Commissioning March 19, 1872
Whereabouts last run on October 9, 1922, sold for scrapping
Ship dimensions and crew
42.83 m ( Lüa )
width 13.57 m
displacement 253  t
Machine system
machine Two-cylinder steam engine
280 hp
8 kn (15 km / h)
Transport capacities
Permitted number of passengers 300
Special capacities
Loading volume

Track length 38 meters,
5 freight cars

Ferry route 1872-1892 Fredericia – Strib (Lillebælt)
Ferry route 1892-1922 Glyngøre – Nykøbing M (Sallingsund)

The first Danish rail ferry Lillebelt joined as scheduled from March 19, 1872 the first rail ferry the country Fredericia on Funen with Strib on Jutland .


The paddle steamer of DSB Færgerederi in København was commissioned by Danske Statsbaner (DSB) at the Wigham Richardson & Company shipyard in Newcastle upon Tyne and cost 83,907 Rigsbankdaler . The ship was to be delivered in September 1871. There were delays due to a strike. Construction began on September 3, 1871, and the ferry was completed in early January 1872.

On January 13, 1872, the Lillebelt , accompanied from Newcastle by the DFDS screw steamer Anglo Dane, sailed across the North Sea towards Denmark. This measure proved to be justified. The day after departure there was a violent storm in which the ferry, which carried the two flaps for the ferry terminals in Fredericia and Strib in addition to an extra container for coal on the deck, temporarily got out of control. Anglo Dane served alternately as an emergency oar and tug ship. On January 17, 1872, the ferry arrived in Aarhus to bunker coal after most of the fuel was lost at sea due to the storm. On January 19th, Frederica was reached. After the flaps had been installed on the ferry docks, the first trip was made on March 8, 1872.

In addition to the boiler room and engine room, the ship had lounges for the passengers. The first class saloon and the second class saloon were in the foredeck , and the third saloon was in the aft . Class furnished. The ladies' salon was located next to the well-furnished rooms of the 1st and 2nd class.

Special intermediate wagons were used to load the ferry so that the existing steam locomotives of the types DSB M, DSB N and DSB Kj did not have to drive onto the ferry. In July 1872 the ferry had to be painted in the shipyard in Helsingør . Some changes were made. In the meantime, the freight wagons were jammed at the unattended ferry connection, which caused great displeasure among customers.

After the ferry became too small for the line between Fredericia and Strib across the Little Belt , which connected the railway network between Jutland and Funen, the ship was brought to Sallingsund in 1892 and used on the Glyngøre - Nykøbing Mors ferry line . From there it was also used as a reserve ferry across the Oddesund to Thyholm .

The Lillebelt made her last voyage on October 9, 1922. After that, she was sold for scrapping.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ H / F Lillebelt. In: The Danske store . Retrieved August 18, 2014 (Danish).
  2. a b Ib V. Andersen: Om Lillebæltsoverfarten 1872 - 1935. In: Den Store Danske . Retrieved August 18, 2014 (Danish, signal posts No. 4/1985 and No. 1/1986).

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