Communauté d'agglomération Chambéry Métropole

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Communauté d'agglomération Chambéry Métropole
Savoie ( Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - France )
Establishment date December 28, 1999
Dissolution date January 1, 2017
legal form Communauté d'agglomération
Seat Chambery
Communities 24
president Xavier Dullin
SIREN number 247 300 098
surface 263.6 km²
Residents 125,416 (20123)
Population density 476 inhabitants / km²
Location of the CA Chambéry Métropole in the Savoie department
Location of the CA Chambéry Métropole in the Savoie department

The Communauté d'agglomération Chambéry Métropole is a former French association of municipalities with the legal form of a Communauté d'agglomération in the Savoie department , whose administrative seat was in the town of Chambéry . The community association consisted of 24 communities on an area of ​​263.6 km 2 .


The member communities had ceded very extensive competencies to the association. The competencies required included the development and promotion of economic activities and tourism as well as spatial planning based on a Schéma de Cohérence Territoriale . The community association steered the housing policy including social housing and student dormitories. He ran road maintenance and rescue services and was active in all environmental issues such as drinking water supply, wastewater treatment, noise protection, air purity, garbage collection and garbage disposal. In the infrastructure sector, the association was responsible for local public transport, including the creation of bus lanes and cycle paths. In addition, the association operated the municipal sports facilities and organized sports and cultural events. The association of municipalities was the operator of the Chambéry – Challes-les-Eaux airfield (not to be confused with the Chambéry-Savoie airport ).

Historical development

The idea of ​​intermunicipal cooperation in the Chambéry conurbation was born in 1957 with the establishment of a special purpose association for wastewater disposal and spatial planning. The district urbain de la cluse de Chambéry (DUCC) followed the special purpose association, which has been more broadly established since 1978 . At the beginning of 2000, the final form of the Communauté d'agglomération was finally formed, initially with 15 member communities. Two years later, the municipality of Saint-Jean-d'Arvey joined, followed by eight other municipalities ( Curienne , Les Déserts , Montagnole , Puygros , Saint-Cassin , Saint-Sulpice , Thoiry , La Thuile ) on January 1, 2006.

With effect from January 1, 2017, the community association merged with the Communauté de communes du Cœur des Bauges and thus formed the successor organization Communauté d'agglomération Chambéry Métropole-Cœur des Bauges .

Former member parishes

The following 24 municipalities belonged to the Communauté d'agglomération Chambéry Métropole:

local community Residents
January 1, 2017
Density of
population / km²
Post Code
Barberaz 000000000004717.00000000004,717 3.8 000000000001241.00000000001,241 73029 73000
Barby 000000000003414.00000000003,414 2.5 000000000001366.00000000001,366 73030 73230
Bassens 000000000004466.00000000004,466 3.1 000000000001441.00000000001,441 73031 73000
Challes-les-Eaux 000000000005590.00000000005,590 5.7 000000000000981.0000000000981 73064 73190
Chambery 000000000058919.000000000058,919 21.0 000000000002806.00000000002,806 73065 73000
Cognin 000000000006204.00000000006,204 4.5 000000000001379.00000000001,379 73087 73160
Curienne 000000000000682.0000000000682 8.6 000000000000079.000000000079 73097 73190
Jacob-Bellecombette 000000000003984.00000000003,984 2.5 000000000001594.00000000001,594 73137 73000
La Motte-Servolex 000000000011826.000000000011,826 29.9 000000000000396.0000000000396 73179 73290
La Ravoire 000000000008457.00000000008,457 6.8 000000000001244.00000000001,244 73213 73490
La Thuile 000000000000330.0000000000330 18.3 000000000000018.000000000018th 73294 73190
Les Déserts 000000000000795.0000000000795 33.6 000000000000024.000000000024 73098 73230
Montagnole 000000000000887.0000000000887 11.3 000000000000078.000000000078 73160 73000
Puygros 000000000000385.0000000000385 10.3 000000000000037.000000000037 73210 73190
Saint-Alban-Leysse 000000000006007.00000000006.007 8.4 000000000000715.0000000000715 73222 73230
Saint-Baldoph 000000000002809.00000000002,809 6.2 000000000000453.0000000000453 73225 73190
Saint-Cassin 000000000000838.0000000000838 14.8 000000000000057.000000000057 73228 73160
Saint-Jean-d'Arvey 000000000001697.00000000001,697 13.0 000000000000131.0000000000131 73243 73230
Saint-Jeoire-Prieuré 000000000001704.00000000001,704 5.3 000000000000322.0000000000322 73249 73190
Saint-Sulpice 000000000000760.0000000000760 8.8 000000000000086.000000000086 73281 73160
Sonnaz 000000000001857.00000000001,857 6.8 000000000000273.0000000000273 73288 73000
Thoiry 000000000000457.0000000000457 17.8 000000000000026.000000000026th 73293 73230
Verel-Pragondran 000000000000476.0000000000476 6.5 000000000000073.000000000073 73310 73230
Vimines 000000000002028.00000000002,028 14.2 000000000000143.0000000000143 73326 73160