Lisl Ponger

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Lisl Ponger (born August 2, 1947 in Nuremberg ) is an Austrian artist.


After training in the photography class at the Graphic Education and Research Institute in Vienna , Ponger worked as a filmmaker, photographer and media artist. Ponger photographed activities by Otto Muehl , Hermann Nitsch and other representatives of Viennese actionism , among others . She spent long stays in Mexico and the USA. She started filming in 1979. The themes of foreignness and home, remembering and forgetting play a major role in her work.

In 1998/99 and 2001/02 Lisl Ponger was visiting professor at the University of Applied Arts Vienna .

In 2002 Lisl Ponger was invited to Documenta11 and in 2007 she was represented in the documenta 12 film program .



  • Space Equals Time - Far Freaking Out (1979)
  • Film - An Exercise in Illusion I. (1980)
  • Flashes of Light (1981)
  • The Four Corners of the World (1981)
  • Souvenirs (1982)
  • Film - An Exercise in Illusion II. (1983)
  • Tendencies To Exist (1984)
  • Container - Contained (1985)
  • The Sound of Space (1986)
  • Substantial Shadows (1987)
  • Train of Recollection (1988)
  • Semiotic Ghosts (1991)
  • Phantom Strange Vienna (1991)
  • Passages (1996)
  • Panorama (1998)
  • déjà vu (1999)
  • Imago Mundi - Changing the Valid, Sayable and Feasible (2007)


  • Doppler anarchy. Vienna 1967 - 1972. Falter Verlag, 1990.
  • Strange Vienna. Wieser Verlag, 1993.
  • Xenographic views. Wieser Verlag, 1995.
  • Viennese settings. Wieser Verlag, 1999.
  • Lisl Ponger. Photo work. 2000.
  • Phantom Strange Vienna. Phantom Foreign Vienna. with texts by Tim Sharp and a conversation between Ljubomir Bratić , Anna Kowalska , Lisl Ponger and Tim Sharp . Wieser Verlag, Klagenfurt / Celovec 2004, ISBN 3-85129-433-5 .
  • Photo and film work. Wieser Verlag, 2007.
  • Work Show XV. Photo gallery Vienna No. 44/2010, ISBN 978-3-902725-29-5 .
  • Art contribution "Wild Places". In: Manuel Aßner, Jessica Breidbach et al. (Eds.): AfrikaBilder im Wandel? Sources, continuities, effects and breaks. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2012, ISBN 978-3-631-61568-3 .
  • The Vanishing Middle Class . Exhibition catalog Secession, 2014, Revolver Publishing, 2014, ISBN 978-3-902592-77-4 .
  • The Master Narrative , exhibition catalog Weltmuseum Wien, 2017, ISBN 978-3-99020156-5
  • Professione: fotografa . Edited by Thorsten Sadowsky for the Museum der Moderne Salzburg . 2019. Salzburg: Fotohof edition . ISBN 978-3-902993-73-1


  • Katja Triebe: Overcoming images with pictures - Lisl Ponger's “The Big Game” and “Riefenstahl Diptych”. In: Manuel Aßner, Jessica Breidbach et al. (Eds.): AfrikaBilder im Wandel? Sources, continuities, effects and breaks. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2012, ISBN 978-3-631-61568-3 .
  • Jonathan Rosenbaum: Lisl Ponger's Cinema. The Lesson of Ignorance. In: Peter Tscherkassky (Ed.): Film Unframed. A History of Austrian Avant-Garde Cinema. SYNEMA, 2012, ISBN 978-3-901644-42-9 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Salzburger Nachrichten: Salzburg "Otto Breicha Photo Prize" goes to Lisl Ponger . Article dated September 25, 2017, accessed September 25, 2017.