List of architectural monuments in Hohenburg

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The monuments of the Oberpfälzer Markt Hohenburg are compiled on this page . This table is a partial list of the list of architectural monuments in Bavaria . The basis is the Bavarian Monument List , which was first drawn up on the basis of the Bavarian Monument Protection Act of October 1, 1973 and has since been managed by the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation . The following information does not replace the legally binding information from the monument protection authority.

Hohenburg coat of arms

Architectural monuments according to districts


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( location )
Ensemble market place The ensemble includes an elongated, slightly curved street market and buildings on both sides up to the original market wall, the enclosure of which also appears as a longitudinal rectangle with a curved exterior E-3-71-129-1 Ensemble market place
At Pflegehof 1; At Pflegehof 2; Marktplatz 16
( location )
Former Hohenburg nursing home Around 1600, three-storey plastered building with six-sided bay window; Extension, probably 17th century, later Pfründnerhaus, with foundation plaque, 1900 D-3-71-129-26 Former Hohenburg nursing home
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Haagweg 2
( location )
Residential stable house 18th century, with gable D-3-71-129-21 BW
( Location ) So-called fox chapel 18th century; with equipment ; in front of house number 92 D-3-71-129-20 So-called fox chapel
Hammermühlstrasse 5
( location )
Residential stable house Residential stable house with plastered half-timbered gable, 18./19. century D-3-71-129-19 BW
In Hohenburg
( location )
Chapel shrine St. Salvator Marked 1714; at the cemetery wall D-3-71-129-31 BW
On the road to Schmidmühlen
( location )
Mary's shrine Around 1800, with a half-height quarry stone wall D-3-71-129-32 Mary's shrine
( Coordinates are missing! Help me. ) Market consolidation Small remnants of the former market fortifications have been preserved at the east and west ends of the market D-3-71-129-1
Marketplace 4; Marktplatz 8
( location )
Residential building Early 19th century, half-timbered gable D-3-71-129-22 BW
Marketplace 7
( location )
Agricultural bourgeoisie 17./18. Century with arched gate entrance D-3-71-129-15 BW
Marktplatz 8
( location )
Catholic parish church of St. James Baroque hall building with drawn-in choir closed on three sides, 1663/64 using the late Gothic east tower based on Romanesque wall remains, around 1725 redesign; with equipment D-3-71-129-28 Catholic parish church of St. James
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Marketplace 10; Nikolaus-Erb-Strasse 1
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Public house 18th century, gable construction; Outbuilding, 19th century D-3-71-129-23 BW
Marktplatz 12
( location )
Kindergarten St. Jakobus Around 1700, gable construction with floor bay window D-3-71-129-24 Kindergarten St. Jakobus
Marktplatz 13
( location )
Residential building 16th century, gable construction D-3-71-129-14 Residential building
Marketplace 14; Marktplatz 16
( location )
Steinstadel Associated stone barn with half-hipped roof, probably end of the 18th century; two cantilevers, 18th century; at the house D-3-71-129-2 BW
Marktplatz 15
( location )
Former inn 16th century, gable roof construction; Rear utility building partly with half-timbering, probably 18th century D-3-71-129-13 BW
Marketplace 16; Marktplatz 14
( location )
Gasthof Alte Post 17./18. Century, hipped roof construction with floor bay window; Outbuilding with half-timbered gable, mid-19th century D-3-71-129-3 Gasthof Alte Post
Marktplatz 19
( location )
town hall Around 1662, redesign and expansion in 1719/20, with baroque exterior structure, inscription plaque in the entrance, inscribed 1586, from Hohenburg D-3-71-129-25 town hall
Marktplatz 20
( location )
Craftsman House 17th century, with a staircase in front D-3-71-129-4 BW
Marktplatz 22
( location )
Residential building 16./17. Century, with stepped gable D-3-71-129-5 BW
Marktplatz 26
( location )
Steinstadel Associated stone barn, 2nd half of the 18th century, half-hipped roof building with iron shutters D-3-71-129-6 BW
Marktplatz 27
( location )
Residential building 18th century, gable roof construction D-3-71-129-12 BW
Marktplatz 28
( location )
Outbuildings Associated outbuilding with half-timbered gable, 1st half of the 19th century D-3-71-129-7 BW
Marketplace 29; Marktplatz 31
( location )
Candle arches Between house number 33 and 29 D-3-71-129-10 BW
Marktplatz 31
( location )
Residential building 16th century, with stepped gable; Rear utility building with half-timbering, marked 1873 on the lintel D-3-71-129-11 Residential building
Marktplatz 39
( location )
Residential building Early 19th century, saddle roof construction with a half-timbered gable at the rear D-3-71-129-9 BW
Marktplatz 43
( location )
Residential building Marked 1878, saddle roof building with old door leaf D-3-71-129-8 BW
Mendorferbucher Straße 1
( location )
Residential building Essentially the 18th century D-3-71-129-16 BW
Mendorferbucher Straße 2
( location )
Inn Probably 18th century, hipped roof buildings with a three-sided farmyard D-3-71-129-29 BW
Mendorferbucher Straße 4
( location )
Wall with archway Wall made of plastered quarry stone with a crenellated archway, various tombs with cast iron crosses, 2nd half of the 19th century; in the cemetery D-3-71-129-30 BW
Mendorferbucher Straße 15
( location )
Catholic cemetery church St. Salvator End of the 14th century; with equipment D-3-71-129-27 Catholic cemetery church St. Salvator
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Sandberg; on the road to Adertshausen ( coordinates are missing! Help me . )
Wayside cross Wrought iron, 19th century D-3-71-129-34
at the exit to Allersburg
( coordinates are missing! Help me. )
Atonement Cross Probably late medieval D-3-71-129-33 Atonement Cross
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Adertshausen 20
( location )
Rectory Hipped roof construction, 18./19. Century; Commercial construction, 18./19. century D-3-71-129-37 BW
Adertshausen 21
( location )
Catholic Parish Church of St. Peter 1889, keeping the Gothic tower; with equipment D-3-71-129-38 Catholic Parish Church of St. Peter
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House number 9
( location )
Former inn 18th century, hipped roof construction; next to the church D-3-71-129-36 BW
On the road to Allertshofen, about 2 kilometers from the outskirts
( location )
Stone cross Probably late medieval D-3-71-129-39 BW


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Aicha 1
( location )
Farmhouse Inscribed 1813 and 1821 D-3-71-129-40 Farmhouse


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Allersburg 3
( location )
Former rectory Hipped roof building, around 1615, courtyard entrance with stone pillars D-3-71-129-42 BW
Allersburg 16
( location )
Lard grinder Hipped roof construction, around 1750, extensions marked 1854 and 1878 D-3-71-129-43 BW
Allersburg 24
( location )
Inscription plaque Marked 1795, probably from the castle D-3-71-129-44 BW
Allersburg 34; Allersburg 32a
( location )
Catholic Parish Church of St. Michael Gothic, later changes; with equipment ; former Karner, Romanesque, later converted into Leonhard's Chapel and more recently into a morgue; Remains of the surrounding wall and the former battlements of the cemetery fortifications, medieval D-3-71-129-41 Catholic Parish Church of St. Michael
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Formerly Weiherhaus
( location )
Wall and moat remains Medieval, probably; southwest of the place D-3-71-129-46 BW
In Allersburg
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Commercial construction Commercial building formerly belonging to the castle, in the core 17th century D-3-71-129-45 BW


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( Location ) chapel 1848; with equipment D-3-71-129-47 BW
Berghausen 18
( location )
Former rectory Hipped roof building, marked 1865 on the lintel D-3-71-129-48 BW


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Egelsheim 4
( location )
Trinity Chapel In the core 1st half of the 18th century, marked 1873; with equipment D-3-71-129-49 Trinity Chapel
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Friebertsheim 4; Friebertsheim 7
( location )
Wayside shrine 19th century D-3-71-129-51 Wayside shrine
Friebertsheim 5
( location )
Lady Chapel 19./20. century D-3-71-129-50 Lady Chapel
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Hammer mill

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Hammermühlstrasse 32
( location )
Hipped roof construction Signed 1850 on the lintel; Steinstadel, 1st half of the 18th century D-3-71-129-18 BW


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On the Lüß; Egelsheimer Weg
( location )
Chapel shrine Holy Trinity 19th century, renewed in 1967; in Unterlammerthal D-3-71-129-53 BW
Lammerthal 1
( location )
Lady Chapel Early 20th century, neo-Gothic; with equipment ; in Oberlammerthal D-3-71-129-52 BW


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Malsbach 5
( location )
Chapel of the Scourged Savior 18th century; with equipment D-3-71-129-54 BW

Mendorfer book

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House number 9
( coordinates are missing! Help me. )
Farm buildings 18th century, hipped roof construction D-3-71-129-56 Farm buildings
Pucher Straße 13
( location )
Inn 18./19. Century, hipped roof construction D-3-71-129-55 Inn


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Ransbach 11
( location )
Mill 17./18. Century, hipped roof construction D-3-71-129-57 BW


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Ransbach 1
( location )
Inn Hipped roof building, early 19th century D-3-71-129-58 BW
Ransbach 17
( location )
Fachwerkstadel Associated half-timbered barn, 18./19. century D-3-71-129-60 BW
Ransbach 40
( location )
Catholic Church of St. Peter Baroque building; with equipment ; Quarry stone cemetery wall with gate, probably 18th century D-3-71-129-61 Catholic Church of St. Peter
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Schallermühle 1; Pre-market 6; Vormarkt 8
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Schallermühle Stone barn with relief, 16./17. Century; Half-timbered barn, marked 1829, the core of the 18th century D-3-71-129-17 BW


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At the lower Aicha; Schwarzmühle 1
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Sacred Heart Chapel 1922; with equipment D-3-71-129-62 BW


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In Spieshof
( location )
Chapel shrine for the Scourged Savior 18./19. century D-3-71-129-63 BW
Vordere Zell
( location )
Rostein castle ruins From the facility of the 14./15. In the 17th century, parts of the enclosure wall, the kennel and the tower-like residential building have been preserved; in ruins since the mid-16th century D-3-71-129-64 Rostein castle ruins


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Stettkirchen 1
( location )
Catholic pilgrimage church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary Compact hall construction with a retracted choir closed on three sides, a mighty tower with a bell roof in the northern corner of the choir, Romanesque arched portal and portico on the south side, late Gothic with inclusion of Romanesque wall parts, extended to the west in 1656, alteration of the choir in 1691; with equipment D-3-71-129-65 Catholic pilgrimage church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary
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Stettkirchen 2
( location )
Former rectory Hipped roof construction, 18./19. century D-3-71-129-66 BW

See also


  1. This list may not correspond to the current status of the official list of monuments. The latter can be viewed on the Internet as a PDF using the link given under web links and is also mapped in the Bavarian Monument Atlas . Even these representations, although they are updated daily by the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation , do not always and everywhere reflect the current status. Therefore, the presence or absence of an object in this list or in the Bavarian Monument Atlas does not guarantee that it is currently a registered monument or not. The Bavarian List of Monuments is also an information directory. The property of a monument - and thus the legal protection - is defined in Art. 1 of the Bavarian Monument Protection Act (BayDSchG) and does not depend on the mapping in the Monument Atlas and the entry in the Bavarian Monument List. Objects that are not listed in the Bavarian Monument List can also be monuments if they meet the criteria according to Art. 1 BayDSchG. Early involvement of the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation according to Art. 6 BayDSchG is therefore necessary in all projects.


Web links

Commons : Architectural monuments in Hohenburg  - collection of images, videos and audio files