List of architectural monuments in Paffendorf

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Shield-shaped memorial plaque of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia with the coat of arms of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, above it in capital letters "Monument", top left and right as well as a nail in the middle.

The list of architectural monuments in Paffendorf contains the listed buildings in the area of Bergheim-Paffendorf in North Rhine-Westphalia (as of April 2010). These architectural monuments are entered in the list of monuments of the city of Bergheim; The basis for the admission is the Monument Protection Act North Rhine-Westphalia (DSchG NRW).

image designation location description construction time Monument
Registration of
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Hagelkreuz direction Desdorf
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Hagelkreuz direction Desdorf
Between Desdorf u. Paffendorf, Bergheim-Paffendorf: embossed pedestal, embossed base on it, above top with relief and inscription, above Celtic cross, about 2 m high, sandstone; Inscription: “Holy God, just God, mighty God, have mercy on me and the whole world:”; 2 elms next to the cross as protective trees; the cross is accessible through a small path lined with poplar trees. 110 June 26, 1992
AZ: 155
Paffendorf Castle
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Paffendorf Castle
Moated castle Schloss Paffendorf including crossroads at the bridge to the castle park, the pavilion, the ice cellar and the bridge pylons on the other side of the Erft. The new building of the two-part brick moated castle is dated for the years 1531–1546. The three-wing mansion stands on its own island. The wings of the castle are grouped at an acute angle around an inner courtyard, with 2 round outer corner towers on the north and east sides. The outer bailey, also three-winged, was rebuilt in 1745/1757 over an older building. 1531-1546 47 0Oct. 3, 1989
AZ: 103
Jewish Cemetery
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Jewish Cemetery
The Jewish cemetery Paffendorf is outside the village, right next to the K 41 between Bergheim and Paffendorf. The cemetery was laid out in the middle of the last century. It is no longer possible to determine whether an older burial site existed. Today there are 14 grave crosses in the cemetery. These come from the years 1823, 1900, 1898, 1897, 1887, 1886, 1874, 1870 and 1864, plus 4 tombstones whose dates are no longer legible. 42 July 13, 1989
AZ: 101
catholic parish church of St. Pankratius
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catholic parish church of St. Pankratius
Renovations in the 15th century and around 1860, 3-aisled , 3-bay , cross -ridge -vaulted hall church with front bay and 5/8 end from the late Gothic period with a Romanesque west tower in front. 11./12. century 35 23 Mar 1989
AZ: 92
catholic parish church St. Pankratius / Kirchhof catholic parish church St. Pankratius / Kirchhof
Cemetery with a number of old tombstones 123 0Sep 1 1992
AZ: 201
Wayside cross Glescher Straße / corner of Schmitteweg
Heavily weathered crossroads; Rectangular base with remains of a heraldic cartouche, above a top with an ogival niche with symbols of suffering in relief, above it a newer cross; the structure in total about 3.5 m high, material sandstone; Newly carved in the base: "Faith, Hope, Love". Mid 19th century 78 June 13, 1991
AZ: 152
Paffendorf Glescher Str 7.jpg
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Glescher Strasse 7
2-storey, 5-axis brick residential building, eaves facing Glescher Strasse, connecting buildings on one side, a brick wall on the second side that follows the bend of the street. Slightly arched windows, ashlar sills, elevated rectangular central entrance with ashlar walls, skylight, original door leaf and outside staircase in front ; exposed gable with only one window; Rectangular cellar windows with ashlar frames in the separate plinth. Mid 19th century 69 0Jan. 3, 1991
AZ: 138
Building on the same property as Glescher Straße 31 (half-timbered house Glescher Straße 29)
single-storey half-timbered house with integrated business section, facing the street; high, offset, massive and plastered plinth, the basement windows of which illuminate a deep, barrel-vaulted cellar; upright rectangular entrance with inscription field above the lintel and original door leaf; tall rectangular windows on the sides of the sturdy posts, brick infills; the passage has an original timber lintel, on the side a newer brick farm building is attached, which also has half-timbering on the side facing the passage. 1726 119 0Sep 1 1992
AZ: 170
Bergheim-Paffendorf, Meßweg 1.jpg Meßweg 1 (Glescher Straße 35)
2-storey plastered brick building with a recessed, plastered base and mansard roof; Front side facing the measuring path, this 4-axis, structured by pilaster strips, window slightly arched, entrance in the 2nd axis; the two front window axes are clogged (possibly originally designed as false windows, as their walls, unlike the other openings, are not folded); Street side with 3 openings on each floor, between the upper floor windows as remnants of the tie rod dating a 1 and 8, on the back newer extensions, skylights. Around 1800 66 0Jan. 3, 1991
AZ: 140
Paffendorf Glescher Str 38.jpg Glescher Strasse 38
2-storey, rural brick house, eaves facing the street, with a noticeably low, recessed, plastered base, in which the basement windows are exposed on both sides of the entrance; 5-axis street facade, high rectangular central entrance with ashlar walls; the windows slightly arched with stone sills, stepped eaves zone; Around 1860 81 June 13, 1991
AZ: 142
Bergheim-Paffendorf, Glescher Str. 39.jpg Glescher Strasse 39
Small agricultural property, two-storey residential building, plastered eaves facing the street, occupying one side of the square; structured by 6 window axes, the arched entrance with ashlar walls, wedge stone, skylight, original door leaf and new outside staircase in the 3rd axis; laterally the passage into the courtyard extending over 2 axes. 1827 68 0Jan. 3, 1991
AZ: 143
Glescher St. 43.jpg Glescher Strasse 43
two-storey plastered house, eaves facing the street, with a very high, stepped base, in which the cellar windows are exposed; Residential part four-axis, rectangular entrance with door leaf from around 1900 and outside staircase in the 2nd axis, windows simply incised and slightly arched, stone sills, facing the neighboring house No. 45 is followed by a two-axis part, the ground floor of which is taken up by the large, arched entrance ; 1829 67 0Jan. 3, 1991
AZ: 144
Glescher Str. 48.jpg Glescher Strasse 48
single-storey, rural brick house, eaves facing the street, with integrated business section; Residential part with three axes, drawn-in entrance at the side, two-axis dwarf house with stair frieze above the eaves, windows simply cut, arched with brick sills; Laterally adjoining service wing with a basket arched passage and a lateral, arched window, plate anchor in the lintel of the passage; Stepped eaves zone, tooth cut and raised brickwork, stepped, plastered plinth with exposed cellar windows on one side, dormer window. Around 1900 82 June 13, 1991
AZ: 145
Glescher Str. 43.jpg Glescher Strasse 49
Small, agricultural property, residential house facing the street at the eaves, with a low utility wing adjoining it to the side, inside the large, arched entrance; Five-axis residential part with a stepped plinth, in which the cellar windows are exposed; arched, deeply drawn-in central entrance with skylight, double-sided arched, single-cut windows with sandstone sills and diamond-coated sandstone wedges; Around 1890 73 27 Mar 1991
AZ: 146
House Glescher Strasse 54 in Bergheim-Paffendorf, from the south-west.jpg Glescher Strasse 54
The building is the rectory, built in 1855 and located directly next to the church. It is far out of alignment and was built on an almost square floor plan. The street-side gable is symmetrically structured by 5 axes. A two-flight flight of stairs leads to a high rectangular central entrance with profiled ashlar walls. The windows with stone sills are rectangular and single cut, at both ends there are frames made of sandstone with a console in relief. 1855 33 16. Mar. 1989
AZ: 93
Glescher St. 55.jpg Glescher Strasse 55
Extension wing at the end of the 19th century; a single-storey, completely plastered, half-timbered house facing the street at the end of the 19th century was extended at the rear by a two-storey wing made of partly brick, partly half-timbered, and recently added a brick apartment building; in the core possibly end of the 18th century 92 Jan. 29, 1992
AZ: 147
Glescher Str. 59.jpg Glescher Strasse 59
two-storey brick building facing the street on the eaves, a little further back from the alignment of the rest of the buildings, the resulting front garden with original brick enclosure; Façade with 5-axis arched openings, side entrance with skylight, original door leaf and outside staircase, windows simply cut into stone sills and connected to each other on both floors by a sill cornice Around 1880 56 Jan. 12, 1990
AZ: 87
Glescher Str. 67.jpg Glescher Strasse 67
single-storey brick residential building with an integrated business section, eaves facing the street on one side of the square of a small farm. Occupying the property Around 1870 93 Jan. 30, 1992
AZ: 148
Glescher Str. 69.jpg Glescher Strasse 69
small, agricultural property, corner house, single storey, consisting of a gable and laterally adjoining eaves part; the eaves length of the house has only one room depth, followed by a higher, more massive, newer part; the very high plinth is solid and plastered on the street side, the tall rectangular windows have folded wooden frames, additional shutters on the ground floor and twin windows in the gable triangle on both sides of the post; Around 1800 80 June 12, 1991
AZ: 149
Glescher Str. 80.jpg Glescher Strasse 80
The core of the agricultural property with buildings on both sides dates from the end of the 18th century. The house is two-storey and faces the street at the gable end. The brick facade is three-axis with a arched entrance on the side. The door leaf dates from around 1930. 18th century 100 06th Mar 1992
AZ: 151
Wayside shrine
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Wayside shrine Holzgasse / corner of Heckenstrasse
Brick picture stick on a rectangular ground plan, gabled, pointed arch niche, inside it a new, very small figure of Mary made of porcelain, grating from more recent times; Subdivision of the outer surfaces through ornamental wall panels; partly as crosses, slightly deepened and filled with yellow brick material. The wayside shrine was restored in 2005. End of the 19th century 242 Sep 18 1996
AZ: 156
Königsstrasse 12
Small agr. Property, residential building facing the street, brick, 5-axis, with a stepped base, in which the basement windows are exposed to the left of the entrance; Well drawn-in, arched entrance with outside staircase in front, windows also arched with stone sills, stepped eaves zone; One-storey utility wing at the side with a large, arched entrance; the formerly existing farm buildings at the rear are only partially preserved. Around 1870 198 July 19, 1995
AZ: 154
Paffendorfer mill
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Paffendorfer mill Mill weir 23
The mill complex, consisting of a two-storey brick house with a gable facing the street and a side entrance gate and a rear mill wing built towards the end of the 19th century, with parts of the technical equipment, is testimony to the history of Paffendorf. 1835 27 November 14, 1988
(amendment on May 31,
AZ: 31
Wiedenfelder Höhe, memorial cross on the outskirts Wiedenfelder Höhe, memorial cross on the outskirts
Reuse of a wrought iron cross from around 1910; with curved roof, halo and body; At the base of the cross there is a copper inscription plaque, on it: "In memory of the Holtrop cross, Heimatfreunde Niederaußem-Auenheim 1984". 1910 232 0July 9, 1996
AZ: 157
War memorial in front of the Catholic parish church War memorial in front of the Catholic parish church
War memorial for the fallen of the First and Second World Wars, around 1920; Area enclosed in an iron fence, three-part structure with the names of the fallen, raised central part, with a rectangular niche and metal relief (dying warrior with guardian angel) material shell limestone with marble slabs, designation of origin: "K. Schmitz Wiedermann Süchteln ”; Around 1920 104 May 26, 1992
AZ: 202

Web links

Commons : Architectural monuments in Paffendorf  - collection of images, videos and audio files