List of architectural monuments in Weißenhorn

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The monuments of the Swabian town of Weißenhorn are compiled on this page . This table is a partial list of the list of architectural monuments in Bavaria . The basis is the Bavarian Monument List , which was first drawn up on the basis of the Bavarian Monument Protection Act of October 1, 1973 and has since been managed by the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation . The following information does not replace the legally binding information from the monument protection authority. This list reflects the update status of December 19, 2017 and contains 150 architectural monuments.

The Upper Gate in Weißenhorn
Weissenhorn coat of arms


Ensemble old town Weißenhorn

View from the church square into the main street of the city

The ensemble includes the formerly fortified oval of the old town between the streets of the western and eastern promenade and the main square, as well as the suburban areas that were created in the late Middle Ages to the north (Günzburger Straße) and south (Memminger Straße). The town of Weißenhorn developed on the eastern bank of the Roth valley from a castle settlement near the fortified square of the Lords of Neuffen . It was first mentioned in 1172. In the 13th century, a city was planned in the northwest of the former moated castle with a central axis, the main street, from which narrow streets branch off at right angles at equal intervals on both sides. The settlement area established at that time, about 300 m long and 175 m wide, was enclosed in an oval shape by a rampart and moat, including the castle with its church. Soon it was no longer enough; Suburbs that already existed in 1350 formed along the main connecting routes in front of the two gates . They were not included in the fortifications that were renewed and reinforced at the end of the 15th century. In 1342 the city came to the Dukes of Bavaria as a marriage property , but it was mostly lent on as pledge, including 1376–1473 to the Lords of Rechberg . From 1473 it was again under the direct administration of the Dukes of Bavaria-Landshut , who included the area of ​​the city in their territorial policy on both sides of the Upper Danube . The city ​​fortifications with the large gate towers are a monument of this time. In 1505 Weißenhorn came to Austria through Emperor Maximilian , but in 1507 it was loaned to the Fuggers , subject to certain rights . This joint administration by a Fuggerian nursing office with Upper Austrian supervision remained in place until the Kingdom of Bavaria took over part of the Austrian foreland in 1806 . The city still shows the typical character of a central Swabian small town with the function of a sub-center for administration, trade and commerce. At the beginning of the 18th century there were 19 guilds. The main focus was on the barch weaving, the products of which were distributed through the Fuggerian factories. But also various markets - since the 14th century - and the Schranne were important for the structural development (Old Town Hall, 1390 called as a department store, later Waaghaus; Schranne and Wollhaus for the Barchentschau, Zehentstadel etc.). The building structure has been preserved to this day. Almost exclusively gabled houses frame the main axes, in the suburbs mostly open-plan. In the side streets there are also eaves side houses, z. T. - even with a closed construction - appear lined up. In addition to the massive gate towers, the Fugger Castle and the stately parish church at the southern end of the former wall ring form the most important accents of the city skyline. After the demolition of the wall in 1818-1837 and extensive leveling of the ditches and ramparts until 1873 in the 19th century, the core of the old town, delimited by the former wall ring with ramparts and ditches, did not experience any change in its structure and demarcation except for the southeast corner with the parish church of the 19th century . Century on the enlarged main square. The expansion of the street of the Eastern Promenade with avenue trees and the layout of Bahnhofstrasse, from the middle of the 19th century, left the old seclusion untouched. With the park-like trees in the area of ​​the western promenade, they form an advantageous urban green belt, as is typical for the mid-19th century in this situation. File number: E-7-75-164-1.

Ensemble Babenhauser Strasse Bubenhausen

Ensemble Babenhauser Strasse

The ensemble includes the straight streets of Babenhauser Straße, which runs axially past the old town center. The row of streets documents with their buildings and the ground plan the construction of a late medieval weavers' settlement, which goes back to the initiative of the Fuggers. Today's buildings mostly date from the 19th century. It is a regular series of houses, two-storey residential stables with, for example, a gable facing the street. Partly still hook-shaped barn. In front of the former Gasthof Hirsch there is a square-like extension of the street, which shows the planned layout of the 16th century. File number: E-7-75-164-2.

Architectural monuments according to districts


location object description File no. image
At the wall 2
( location )
Former weighing and wool house Two-storey saddle roof building with stepped gables, added to the Upper Gate in 1534, modified in the second half of the 18th century; with equipment. D-7-75-164-1 Former weighing and wool house
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At the wall 13
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Residential building Two-story saddle roof building, cantilevered upper floor and half-timbered gable, second half of the 17th century. D-7-75-164-69 Residential building
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Bahnhofstrasse 5
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Residential building Two-storey hipped roof building with plastered rustics and little protruding mid-house, second half of the 19th century. D-7-75-164-5 Residential building
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Bahnhofstrasse 6
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Residential building Two-storey hipped roof building with little protruding central projection under the tail gable, around 1890. D-7-75-164-6 Residential building
Bahnhofstrasse 7
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villa Two-storey building with a corner tower and protruding and raised risalits, marked 1905. D-7-75-164-7 villa
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Bahnhofstrasse 8
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Residential building Two-storey hipped roof building with a dwarf house, around 1900. D-7-75-164-8 Residential building
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Bahnhofstrasse 9
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villa Two-storey, asymmetrically designed building with gable gables, corner bay windows, dormers, around 1910. D-7-75-164-9 villa
Bahnhofstrasse 12 a
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Former post office Two-story brick building with hipped roof, by Georg Werner and Clemens Böhm, around 1930. D-7-75-164-10 Former post office
Bahnhofstrasse 14
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villa Three-storey bare brick building with outside staircase, balcony, corner core and mansard roof, marked 1901, modern extensions in the north and west. D-7-75-164-11 villa
Bärengasse 4
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Residential building Two-storey saddle roof building, 18th century. D-7-75-164-4 Residential building
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Friedhofweg 1
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graveyard Created in 1542, expanded several times, and a. 1856. D-7-75-164-58 graveyard
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Friedhofweg 1
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Catholic cemetery church of St. Bartholomew Hall structure with pilaster strips and east tower in 1727, tower probably raised in 1744 and 1854; with equipment. D-7-75-164-57 Catholic cemetery church of St. Bartholomew
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Friedhofweg 8
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Funeral hall Ground floor saddle roof building with corner pilasters and a gabled dwelling, around 1907/08. D-7-75-164-171 Funeral hall
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Fuggerstrasse 2
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Former Fugger's garden palace Four-storey, tower-like building with a flat pyramid roof and a polygonal, raised stair tower, modified around 1600, modified around 1690, expanded several times in the 19th and 20th centuries. D-7-75-164-13 Former Fugger's garden palace
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Fuggerstrasse 2 a
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Catholic rectory Two-storey saddle roof construction with triangular or volute gable, dwarf house, polygonal bay window and corner pilasters around 1910/20, modernized to the south. D-7-75-164-14 Catholic rectory
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Fuggerstrasse 4
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villa Two-story building with a pyramid roof and bay windows, around 1910. D-7-75-164-15 villa
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Günzburger Straße 1
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Former inn Two-storey saddle roof building with corner blocks, the core of the mid-17th century, modified in the 18th century. D-7-75-164-17 Former inn
Günzburger Strasse 41
( location )
Hospital and Citizens Hospital Three-storey building on an angular floor plan with a symmetrical main front in classicist shapes, with a gabled dwarf in the middle, little protruding side projections, rustic plinth, corner blocks on the ground floor, pilaster strips on the upper floors and roof turrets, based on plans by building inspector Eduard Rübler, 1833 ff., In the 20th century. Century modern expanded. D-7-75-164-19 Hospital and Citizens Hospital
Günzburger Straße 41 a
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Catholic hospital chapel St. Leonhard Hall building with retracted rectangular choir and rooms with a gallery above, nave built around 1500 as a leprosy chapel, redesigned in Baroque style in 1722, choir rebuilt in 1833, at the same time probably extension to the west; with equipment. D-7-75-164-20 BW
Hasengasse 1
( location )
Former barn Originally part of Hauptstraße 16, half-timbered with notched carvings, 17th century, converted into a residential building in 1999–2000. D-7-75-164-162 Former barn
Hasengasse 4
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Residential building Two-storey saddle roof building with cantilevered upper and gable storeys in half-timbered construction, the core around 1430, in the first half of the 16th century renovation of the roof, around 1640 renovation of the southern gable, in the 19th century partial brickwork of the posts, change of the floor plan and extension of the Outbuilding. D-7-75-164-22 Residential building
Main square
( location )
Fountain Market or Nepomuk fountain, in the octagonal basin a central column with a figure of St. Johann Nepomuk, mid-19th century, column marked 1930, basin renewed. D-7-75-164-27 Fountain
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Hauptplatz 2
( location )
Residential and commercial building Two-storey saddle roof building with curved gables, a dwarf house and corner blocks, the core of the 18th century, changed to neo-baroque around 1910, extended to the east. D-7-75-164-23 Residential and commercial building
Hauptplatz 4
( location )
Residential and commercial building Two-storey saddle roof building with plastered rustics, upper and gable storeys protruding in plastered half-timbering, in the core 16th / 17th century, modified in the 18th century and modern. D-7-75-164-24 Residential and commercial building
Hauptplatz 6
( location )
Residential and commercial building Two-storey saddle roof building with tail gable and gable cornices, the core of the 18th century, extended on the back and heavily modernized. D-7-75-164-25 Residential and commercial building
Hauptplatz 7
( location )
Gasthof Lamm Two-storey saddle roof building with gable cornices, the core of the 18th century, the facade in the middle of the 19th century, with an attached rear building, heavily modernized. D-7-75-164-26 Gasthof Lamm
Hauptstrasse 1
( location )
Residential and commercial building Two-storey saddle roof construction with storey and gable profiles, in the core 17th / 18th century. Century, late classical facade around 1860. D-7-75-164-28 Residential and commercial building
Hauptstrasse 2
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Residential and commercial building Two-storey saddle roof building with tail gable and cornice structure, 17th century core, facade around 1780. D-7-75-164-29 Residential and commercial building
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Hauptstrasse 3
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Residential and commercial building Two-storey saddle roof building with curved gable, in the core 16./17. Century, facade 18th century. D-7-75-164-30 Residential and commercial building
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Hauptstrasse 4
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Residential and commercial building Two-storey saddle roof construction, in the core 16. / 17. Century, facade in the middle of the 19th century. D-7-75-164-31 Residential and commercial building
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Hauptstrasse 5
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Residential and commercial building Two-storey saddle roof construction in half-timbered construction, with a protruding upper storey and pilaster structures, in the core 16./17. Century, facade second half of the 18th century. D-7-75-164-32 Residential and commercial building
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Hauptstrasse 8
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Former court house Residential and commercial building, three-storey, saddle roof construction, in the core 16./17. Century, facade 18th century, with changes in the 19th century. D-7-75-164-33 Former court house
Hauptstrasse 9
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Gasthof zum Engel Two-storey hipped roof building, late classicist facade with a central projection and pilaster strips, decorative vases on the attic, extended to the west with a two-storey saddle roof building with a dwelling, main building in the core 16./17. Century, facade and rear building changed around 1860. D-7-75-164-34 Gasthof zum Engel
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Hauptstrasse 10
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Residential and commercial building Two-storey saddle roof building with Krangaube, core 18th century or older, facade mid-19th century. D-7-75-164-35 Residential and commercial building
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Hauptstrasse 11
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Former Schranne Saddle roof construction in half-timbered with a cantilevered upper floor, four-fold cantilevered gable and former open hall on the ground floor, essentially late medieval, 1356/57 (Dendro), 1584 (Dendro) rebuilt with extension of the hall by a nave and installation of the council rooms on the upper floor, 1777 ground floor massive Lined up, 1872 extension of the new half-timbered Schranne to the west. D-7-75-164-36 Former Schranne
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Hauptstrasse 12
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Former inn Two-storey saddle roof building with tail gable, 17th century core, 18th century facade. D-7-75-164-37 Former inn
Hauptstrasse 13
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Gasthof zum Hasen Three-storey hipped roof building with a flat central risalit, wide, gabled risalits on the side fronts, corner cuboids, in the core 18th century or earlier, renewed in classicist forms in 1852. D-7-75-164-38 Gasthof zum Hasen
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Hauptstrasse 16
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Residential building Two-storey saddle roof building with cornice structure, upper storey and gable in plastered half-timbering, timber-framed economic wing attached to the rear, formerly associated barn now Hasengasse 1, main building marked 1673, changed in the 18th century, front door 1761. D-7-75-164-39 Residential building
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Hauptstrasse 20
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Residential and commercial building Two-storey saddle roof construction with a tail gable and cornice structure, the core probably 17th century, facade 18th century, shop front mid 19th century. D-7-75-164-40 Residential and commercial building
Hauptstrasse 23
( location )
Residential and commercial building Two-storey saddle roof building with corner pilasters, the core probably 17th century, facade probably second half 18th century. D-7-75-164-43 Residential and commercial building
Hauptstrasse 24
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Former inn Two-storey saddle roof building with tail gable, the core probably 17th century, facade 18th century, changed in the 19th century, modern extension in the south. D-7-75-164-44 Former inn
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Hauptstrasse 25
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Residential and commercial building Three-storey saddle roof building, built on the lower gate, in the core probably 17th century, facade 18th century. D-7-75-164-45 Residential and commercial building
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Hauptstrasse 26
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Residential and commercial building Narrow, three-storey saddle roof building with pilaster strips, probably 17th century core, 19th century facade. D-7-75-164-46 Residential and commercial building
Hauptstrasse 27
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Lower gate Gate tower with round arched passage, stepped gables, crossed gable roofs and ridge turrets, front gate with lateral pillars placed across corners, former gatekeeper's house with pedestrian passage built on to the east, raised by two storeys around 1470/80, 1527. D-7-75-164-47 Lower gate
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Heilig-Geist-Straße 1
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Former hospital church of the Holy Spirit Now war memorial church, hall building with retracted polygonal choir and tower in the northern corner, built in 1470, redesigned in Baroque style around 1720/30, elevation of the tower in 1729; with equipment. D-7-75-164-48 Former hospital church of the Holy Spirit
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Heilig-Geist-Straße 2
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Residential and commercial building Two-storey saddle roof structure, upper storey with attic, structure of pilasters and spherical attachments, mid-house, probably 17th century in core, 18th century facade. D-7-75-164-49 Residential and commercial building
Heilig-Geist-Straße 3
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Residential building Former eastern part of the Spitalstadel, probably second half of the 18th century, converted into a residential house in 1833, two-storey saddle roof construction with tail gable, corner pilasters, gable cornices and crane device. D-7-75-164-50 Residential building
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Heilig-Geist-Straße 8
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Residential building Two-storey saddle roof building with half-timbered gable in the east and Krangaube, assembled with No. 10, in the core around 1430 (Dendro). D-7-75-164-51 Residential building
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Heilig-Geist-Straße 10
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Residential building Two-storey saddle roof building, assembled with No. 8, probably 16th century core, heavily renovated. D-7-75-164-52 Residential building
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Illerberger Straße 9
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Former bathing room Now an inn, two-storey saddle roof building with high half-timbered gable and crane device, 18th century. D-7-75-164-54 Former bathing room
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Illerberger Straße 20
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villa Two-storey, late Classicist hipped roof building with slightly protruding and raised central projections with triangular gable, corner cuboid in the ground floor and pilaster strips on the upper floor, around 1889 (inscribed), with furnishings; wrought iron garden fence, at the time of construction. D-7-75-164-55 villa
Josef-Holl-Straße 5
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Section of the former Capuchin monastery wall Built after 1667. D-7-75-164-16 Section of the former Capuchin monastery wall
Near Josef-Holl-Straße
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Catholic Capuchin Chapel Rectangular with tail gable, 1813; with equipment. D-7-75-164-60 Catholic Capuchin Chapel
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Near Kaiser-Karl-Straße
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Catholic Antonius Chapel Rectangular with indented, three-sided end, 1907/08; with equipment D-7-75-164-59 Catholic Antonius Chapel
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Wayside shrine Rectangular pillar with housing, probably renewed in the 20th century and moved here in 1976. D-7-75-164-21 Wayside shrine
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Two stone crosses Late medieval, one of which was previously marked 1439. D-7-75-164-163 Two stone crosses
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Kaiser-Karl-Strasse 16
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Evangelical Luth. Parish Church Kreuz-Christi Neo-Gothic hall with retracted polygonal choir and wooden roof turret, based on plans by Luitpold Gaiser, 1900; with equipment. D-7-75-164-56 Evangelical Luth.  Parish Church Kreuz-Christi
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Kirchplatz 1
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Upper gate Four-sided gate tower with pointed arched passage and keel-arched panels on the city and outside, front gate with round arched passages and side round towers, gate tower around 1470/80, front gate supposedly 1482, the southern tower marked 1492. D-7-75-164-61 Upper gate
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Kirchplatz 2
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Former so-called Kray Three-storey hipped roof building with groin vaulted arcade in the west, attached to the south of the Obere Tor, in the core 1576, with the exception of the loggia, new building according to plans by Josef Dossenberger the Elder. J., 1761/62. D-7-75-164-62 Former so-called Kray
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Kirchplatz 3
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Catholic parish church of the Assumption Three-aisled hall church with polygonal protruding transverse arms, retracted polygonal choir and tower moved to the north, based on plans by August von Voit, 1864 ff., Tower 1869 ff .; with equipment. D-7-75-164-63 Catholic parish church of the Assumption
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Kirchplatz 4, Kirchplatz 5
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Former castle Three-part complex west of the parish church with a courtyard in front: Old castle, three-storey saddle roof building with battlements on the sloping gable, around 1460/70, modified in Baroque style around 1730; all parts of the building with equipment. D-7-75-164-64 Former castle
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Kirchplatz 4, Kirchplatz 5
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Former castle New castle, three-storey saddle roof building with a stair tower in the northeast, built in 1513/14, probably changed in the second quarter of the 16th century. D-7-75-164-64 associated Former castle
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Kirchplatz 4, Kirchplatz 5
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Former castle Central building, three-storey saddle roof building as a connecting wing between the two castles, built around 1735 in place of three arcades from the 16th century. D-7-75-164-64 associated Former castle
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Kirchplatz 6
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Former brewery and inn Elongated two-storey saddle roof building with stepped gable and dwarf house on the south side, main facades richly structured with corner pilasters and cornices, stucco decor, in the core around 1565, facade around 1700 with changes after 1860. D-7-75-164-66 Former brewery and inn
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Kirchplatz 7
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Former town clerk Three-storey corner building, 1735, modified in a classical style in 1777. D-7-75-164-67 Former town clerk
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Kirchplatz 8
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Inn Three-storey saddle roof construction, the lower two storeys are solidly bricked with corner blocks, the upper storey and the gable storeys each protrude and in plastered half-timbering, in the core 16./17. Century. D-7-75-164-68 Inn
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Martin-Kuen-Straße 5
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Inn Two-storey saddle roof building with tail gable and plastered corner pilasters and gable bands, in the core 1660, 1912/13 neo-baroque redesign and extensions to the west. D-7-75-164-71 Inn
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Memminger Straße 2
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Former forge Two-storey saddle roof construction, upper storey and gable in half-timbering, probably first half of the 18th century. D-7-75-164-72 Former forge
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Memminger Straße 4
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Former inn Two-storey saddle roof building with plastered half-timbered gable, in the core 1553, facade 18th century. D-7-75-164-73 Former inn
Memminger Straße 6
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Residential and commercial building Two-storey saddle roof construction, upper storey and gable in half-timbered construction, the core of the 17th century. D-7-75-164-74 Residential and commercial building
Memminger Straße 7
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Residential and commercial building Two-storey saddle roof building, 18th century, facade changed. D-7-75-164-75 Residential and commercial building
Memminger Straße 9
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Residential and commercial building Two-storey saddle roof building, 18th century. D-7-75-164-76 Residential and commercial building
Memminger Straße 10
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Former nursing home of the Fugger rule Eaves two-storey saddle roof structure, in the core 1619 (Dendro), facade 18th century, utility wing with mansard roof and shed, 1823 (Dendro) attached to the rear. D-7-75-164-77 Former nursing home of the Fugger rule
Memminger Straße 19
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Residential and commercial building Two-storey saddle roof building with tail gable, upper storey partly in half-timbered, in the core probably 17th century, facade 18th century, extended on the back. D-7-75-164-78 Residential and commercial building
Memminger Straße 21
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Golden Ox Inn Two-storey saddle roof building with tail gable, half-timbered construction partly exposed, in the core 17th century, facade 18th century, extended on the back. D-7-75-164-79 Golden Ox Inn
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Memminger Straße 22
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Residential and commercial building Two-storey saddle roof building with upper and gable storeys in plastered half-timbering, in the core 17th century, facade 18th century. D-7-75-164-80 Residential and commercial building
Memminger Straße 31
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Residential and commercial building Two-story saddle roof building, upper floor in plastered half-timbering, in the core probably 18th century, facade early 19th century. D-7-75-164-81 Residential and commercial building
Memminger Straße 39
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Residential building Two-storey saddle roof building with a tail gable, the core probably 17th century, facade probably the second half of the 18th century. D-7-75-164-82 Residential building
Memminger Straße 51
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villa Two-storey building with dwelling houses, corner tower, arbor and bay window, built in the local style around 1900. D-7-75-164-83 villa
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Obere Mühlstrasse 4
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Residential building Two-storey saddle roof building with a late classicist facade structure around 1860/70. D-7-75-164-84 Residential building
Obere Mühlstrasse 6
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Residential building Two-storey saddle roof building with plastered half-timbered gable, in the core 17th / 18th century. Century, changed a lot. D-7-75-164-85 Residential building
Obere Mühlstrasse 12
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Former Upper Mill Two-storey saddle roof building on an angular floor plan with a protruding upper storey and a half-timbered gable, in the core 17th / 18th. Century. D-7-75-164-86 Former Upper Mill
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Oberhauser Strasse
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Wayside shrine Pillar with casing, 20th century; with historical equipment. D-7-75-164-96 Wayside shrine
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Eastern Promenade 3
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Residential building Two-storey hipped roof building with gabled dwelling houses and late classicist facade structure, around 1880. D-7-75-164-2 Residential building
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Eastern Promenade 20
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Residential building Two-storey, late classicist hipped roof building with a gabled central projectile and corner pilaster strips, around 1860. D-7-75-164-88 Residential building
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Professor-Jann-Gasse 3
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Residential building Two-storey saddle roof building in plastered half-timbering, 18th century. D-7-75-164-89 Residential building
Professor-Jann-Gasse 4
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Residential building Two-storey saddle roof building in plastered framework, in the core probably 17th / 18th. Century. D-7-75-164-90 Residential building
Near Reichenbacher Straße
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14 stations of the cross Stations on pillars, aedicle-like housing with clay reliefs, around 1890. D-7-75-164-172 14 stations of the cross
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Near Reichenbacher Straße
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Lourdes Chapel Rectangular with a three-sided end, stucco decoration in the gable and the spandrels, 1890; with equipment. D-7-75-164-93 Lourdes Chapel
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Reichenbacher Straße 5
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brewery Two-storey saddle roof building with tail gable, spherical attachments and corner cuboids, core 17th century, facade 18th century. D-7-75-164-91 brewery
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Reichenbacher Straße 11
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Former inn Two-storey saddle roof building with corner blocks and protruding gable, in the core probably 17th century, facade around 1729. D-7-75-164-92 Former inn
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Röslestrasse 2
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Former warehouse Ground floor saddle roof construction, knee and south gable in half-timbering, over the cellars of the former Capuchin monastery, built after 1667, D-7-75-164-161 Former warehouse
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Near Sankt-Johannis-Straße
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Fourteen Holy Helpers Chapel Case open on two sides with a three-sided end, 20th century; with equipment. D-7-75-164-95 BW
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Wieskapelle Rectangular with retracted arched apse, second half of the 18th century, changed in the middle of the 19th century. D-7-75-164-100 Wieskapelle
Schulstrasse 4
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Former agricultural school Two-storey building with a half-hipped roof, bay window, central dormer and plaster decoration in Baroque Art Nouveau, around 1910. D-7-75-164-98 Former agricultural school
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Schulstrasse 5
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Former school building Old school, classicist three-storey hipped roof building with little overhanging central projectile and corner pilaster strips, 1819. D-7-75-164-99 Former school building
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Sebastian-Sailer-Straße 1
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Former craftsman's house Two-storey saddle roof construction, essentially late medieval. D-7-75-164-101 Former craftsman's house
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Sebastian-Sailer-Straße 2
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Former benefice house Two-storey saddle roof building with half-timbering and crooked hip in the east, in the core of the 15th century, changed several times. D-7-75-164-102 Former benefice house
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Near Wettbach, behind Bärengasse 10
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So-called whipping tower Round tower with a high conical roof and small gables over three notches, formerly on the northwest corner of the city wall, 15th century. D-7-75-164-97 So-called whipping tower
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Wettbach 6
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Former bathing room Two-storey saddle roof construction in half-timbering, the core probably still from the 16th century. D-7-75-164-103 Former bathing room
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Wettbach 19
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Former beneficiary house Two-storey hipped roof building, perhaps based on plans by Josef Dossenberger the Elder. J., third quarter of the 18th century. D-7-75-164-104 Former beneficiary house
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Wettbach 23
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Former Zehntstadel Elongated, two-storey saddle roof structure with pilaster strips, in the core 1534, 1875 conversion into a fire station and theater by Valentin Gaiber, reopening in 1977 after repairs; with equipment. D-7-75-164-105 Former Zehntstadel
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Asch 2
( location )
Farmhouse Two-storey saddle roof construction, living part solidly bricked, double projecting east gable, side walls and former stable part partly with ornamental framework, around 1700, in the 19th / 20th century. Century extended to the west. D-7-75-164-107 Farmhouse
Asch 4
( location )
Farmhouse Two-storey saddle roof building, solid residential part with two-storey half-timbered gable, late 18th century, stable part in the 19th / 20th century. Century renewed. D-7-75-164-108 BW
( location )
Catholic chapel of St. Wendelin and Notburga Hall building with retracted, semicircular closed choir and roof turret, 1690, 1843 Extension of the nave and reconstruction in neo-Gothic forms; with equipment. D-7-75-164-106 Catholic chapel of St. Wendelin and Notburga
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Engelhardmühle 3
( location )
Mill Chapel Rectangular with semicircular end, 18th century; with equipment. D-7-75-164-110 BW
Kellerstraße 1
( location )
Former poor house Two-storey saddle roof construction in half-timbered construction with a protruding, two-storey east gable, 17th / 18th centuries. Century. D-7-75-164-111 BW
Near Sankt-Lorenz-Strasse; Witzighauser Straße 6
( location )
Field chapel Rectangular, 18th century; with equipment. D-7-75-164-114 BW
Pfarrgasse 2
( location )
Catholic parish church of St. Laurentius Hall building with retracted polygonal choir and tower to the north of the nave, redesigned in Baroque style around 1500, 1752 and the nave extended to the west, tower octagon and dome in 1754; with equipment. D-7-75-164-112 Catholic parish church of St. Laurentius
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Pfarrgasse 2
( location )
Cemetery wall Wall with inclined struts in brick, renewed in 1752. D-7-75-164-112 associated Cemetery wall
Pfarrgasse 2
( location )
Mount of Olives Chapel Rectangular with a gable roof, basket arch niche with hostage Christ below, above wide arched niche with Mount of Olives group, late Gothic core, around 1500. D-7-75-164-112 associated Mount of Olives Chapel
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Pfarrgasse 4
( location )
Catholic rectory Two-storey hipped roof building with a profiled eaves cornice and arched gate entrance, 1788/89. D-7-75-164-113 Catholic rectory
Ober dem Eschachweg
( location )
Field cross Crucifix with Mary, first half of the 19th century. D-7-75-164-117 BW


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Am Ascher Weg
( location )
Field chapel Rectangular with arched entrance, 18th century. D-7-75-164-122 Field chapel
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Baderstraße 1
( location )
Catholic Parish Church of the Assumption Hall building with retracted, semicircular closed choir and tower in the northern corner of the choir, probably third quarter of the 15th century, modified in Baroque style in 1723, 1736 and 1772; with equipment. D-7-75-164-118 Catholic Parish Church of the Assumption
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Baderstrasse 1; in the cemetery
( location )
Wrought iron grave crosses 18th century. D-7-75-164-118 associated BW
Baderstraße 1
( location )
Mount of Olives Chapel Two-storey with hipped roof, 18th century; with equipment. D-7-75-164-118 associated Mount of Olives Chapel
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Baderstraße 10
( location )
Former farmhouse Two-storey saddle roof construction, partly with unplastered half-timbering, built before 1823, modernized to the north. D-7-75-164-119 BW
Bibermühlstrasse 11
( location )
Former mill Two-storey saddle roof building, 18th century. D-7-75-164-120 Former mill
( location )
Field chapel Rectangular building, 19th century D-7-75-164-126 BW
Mittleres Höllgehau
( location )
Field chapel Rectangular with retracted, semicircular apse, 18th century; with equipment. D-7-75-164-125 Field chapel
Near Hadergasse, 600 m southeast of the church
( location )
Field chapel Rectangular with segmented arch niche, 19th century. D-7-75-164-124 Field chapel
Von-Thürheim-Straße 23
( location )
Former castle High, three-storey saddle roof structure, in the southwest a polygonal, also three-storey porch, 16th century, probably changed in the second half of the 18th century. D-7-75-164-121 Former castle
Waldstetter Weg
( location )
Field chapel Rectangular, 18th century; with equipment. D-7-75-164-123 BW


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Babenhauser Straße 12
( location )
Inn Two-storey saddle roof building with projecting gable in plastered half-timbering, 18th century D-7-75-164-127 Inn
Babenhauser Straße 44/46
( location )
Farmhouse Two-storey saddle roof building with corner pilasters, in the core 1785 (marked). D-7-75-164-128 Farmhouse
( location )
Catholic Votive Chapel Maria-Linden Hall building with a three-sided end and roof turret over the west gable, built in 1945/46 in Baroque style; with equipment. D-7-75-164-130 BW
Sankt-Michael-Strasse 4
( location )
Catholic Parish Church of St. Michael Hall building with retracted polygonal choir and tower in the north angle, tower substructure at the beginning of the 15th century, upper part of the tower, choir and nave in 1512, baroque in late 17th century, in the middle of the 18th century and heavily changed around 1800 with equipment. D-7-75-164-129 Catholic Parish Church of St. Michael
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Sankt-Michael-Strasse 4
( location )
graveyard Old brick wall, 18th century D-7-75-164-129 associated graveyard


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Bruehl; on the road to Bubenhausen
( location )
Field cross with wrought iron crucifix, inscribed 1892 D-7-75-164-132 BW
Kapellenweg 2
( location )
Catholic Curate Church of Our Lady Hall building with retracted polygonal choir and west tower, end of the 15th century, redesigned in Baroque style around 1725; with equipment. D-7-75-164-131 BW
( location )
crossroads Wrought iron crucifix on a stone pedestal, marked 1891. D-7-75-164-165 BW


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Kirchstrasse 16
( location )
Former school Two-story hipped roof building, 1819. D-7-75-164-133 Former school
Kirchstrasse 18
( location )
Catholic branch church St. Cyriakus Hall building with retracted polygonal choir and north tower, around 1500, redesigned in Baroque style in 1758; with equipment; Cemetery with partially renewed walling, 19./20. Century. D-7-75-164-134 Catholic branch church St. Cyriakus
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Memminger Straße 62
( location )
So-called emigrant house Former farmhouse, symmetrically laid out, ground floor building with a mansard hipped roof and mid-century house, end of the 18th century. D-7-75-164-135 So-called emigrant house
To the right of the Meßhofer Weg
( location )
Field Chapel of St. Mary of the Good Council Rectangular with a hipped roof on one side, after 1823; with equipment. D-7-75-164-137 BW
Sankt-Wendelin-Strasse 6
( location )
Former farmhouse Two-storey saddle roof building with residential and commercial section with segmental arched Tennentor, former home of the joiner Johannes Kempf, in the core 1793 (inscribed). D-7-75-164-136 Former farmhouse
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On the 2020 state road; next to the chapel
( location )
2 stone crosses Late medieval. D-7-75-164-143 2 stone crosses
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On the Staatsstrasse 2020
( location )
Wayside chapel Rectangular with apsidal end, end of the 19th century; with equipment. D-7-75-164-142 BW
St.-Nikolaus-Straße 37
( location )
Catholic parish church of St. Nicholas Hall building with retracted polygonal choir and south tower, in the corner between the nave and the tower dungeon niche, probably a late Gothic new building using older parts, 14th / 15th century. Century, 1708 baroque with renewal of the nave, 1773 choir and tower octagon renewed, redesigned in 1842/43; with equipment. D-7-75-164-140 Catholic parish church of St. Nicholas
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St.-Nikolaus-Straße 37
( location )
pillar in the cemetery, with a hollowed-out capital as a holy water font. D-7-75-164-140 associated BW
St.-Nikolaus-Straße 41
( location )
Former rectory Two-storey saddle roof structure, upper storey and east gable wall in plastered half-timbering, second half of the 18th century. D-7-75-164-141 Former rectory
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( location )
Field chapel Transverse rectangular, 19th century; with equipment D-7-75-164-144 BW

Mint House

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( location )
Stone cross Late medieval. D-7-75-164-138 BW


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Am Weißenhorner Weg
( location )
Way chapel St. Maria Rectangular with arched entrance, second half of the 19th century; with equipment. D-7-75-164-148 BW
Von-Katzbeck-Straße 50
( Location )
Former school Two-storey hipped roof, by Johann Maurus, 1788, modern extension in the south. D-7-75-164-147 Former school
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Von-Katzbeck-Straße 53
( Location )
Catholic Parish Church of St. Alban Hall building with retracted polygonal choir and tower in the northern corner, tower substructure and core of the choir from the last third of the 15th century, tower octagon and dome in the second half of the 16th century, 1685 and around 1750 baroque with extension of the nave and external structure at the choir, 1780 interior with pilasters, perhaps from Thaddäus Rieff; with equipment D-7-75-164-145 Catholic Parish Church of St. Alban
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Am Schloßberg 1
( location )
Catholic parish church of St. Johann Baptist Hall building with retracted polygonal choir and west tower, the core at the end of the 15th century, redesigned in 1736 with a new tower and west facade; with equipment. D-7-75-164-149 Catholic parish church of St. Johann Baptist
( location )
Field chapel Mariahilf Rectangular case with hipped roof, mid-19th century; with equipment. D-7-75-164-150 Field chapel Mariahilf


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Near Wilhelm-Wörle-Straße
( location )
Wayside chapel Rectangular, mid-19th century; with equipment D-7-75-164-151 Wayside chapel


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Habsburgerstrasse 17
( location )
Farmhouse Two-storey saddle roof building with rich half-timbered gable, second half of the 17th century, extended to the west in the 19th / 20th century. D-7-75-164-152 Farmhouse
Habsburgerstraße 18
( location )
Residential building Two-storey hipped roof building, at the rear half-timbered wall, late 18th / early 19th century D-7-75-164-153 BW
Habsburgerstrasse 55
( location )
Catholic Chapel of St. Leonhard Hall building with drawn-in, segment-arched closed choir and little protruding tower, around 1733; with equipment. D-7-75-164-160 BW
Waldstetter Straße 1
( location )
Rectory Two-story hipped roof building, around 1784. D-7-75-164-156 Rectory
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Waldstetter Strasse 2
( location )
Catholic Parish Church of St. Mauritius Hall building with retracted polygonal choir and tower in the south, late Gothic core, completely rebuilt in 1606 and 1755 ff. By Johann Georg Hitzelberger; with equipment. D-7-75-164-157 Catholic Parish Church of St. Mauritius
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Waldstetter Strasse 2
( location )
Walled cemetery Walls partly renewed. D-7-75-164-157 associated BW
Waldstetter Strasse 2
( location )
Dungeon chapel Apsidial closed with tail gable, around 1755/60. D-7-75-164-157 associated BW
Waldstetter Strasse 2
( location )
Marian column Stone figure of Maria Immaculata on pedestal and column, inscribed 1872. D-7-75-164-157 associated BW
Waldstetter Straße 5
( location )
Former chaplain's house Two-story hipped roof building, around 1762. D-7-75-164-158 BW

Former architectural monuments

This section lists objects that were previously entered in the list of monuments.

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Bärengasse 8
( location )
Residential building Two-storey saddle roof building with stepped gable and corner pilasters, around 1860. D-7-75-164-166 Residential building
Hauptstraße 21
( location )
Gasthaus zum Bären Two-storey saddle roof building with spherical attachments, corner blocks and gable cornices in the core, probably 17th century, facade 18th century. D-7-75-164-41 Gasthaus zum Bären
Hauptstraße 22
( location )
Residential building (Residence of the painters Franz Martin Kuen, died 1771, and Konrad Huber, died 1830; rebuilt in 1977 based on the model of the original building.) Memorial plaque; Madonna in a niche, 18th century. D-7-75-164-42 Residential building
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Schulstrasse 7
( location )
music school Three-storey hipped roof building with colossal pilaster strips and plastered corner cuboids, extension protruding on the back, end of the 19th century. D-7-75-164-169 music school
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Günzburger Strasse 57
( location )
Tavern sign with boom 18th century D-7-75-164-139 Tavern sign with boom
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See also


  1. This list may not correspond to the current status of the official list of monuments. The latter can be viewed on the Internet as a PDF using the link given under web links and is also mapped in the Bavarian Monument Atlas . Even these representations, although they are updated daily by the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation , do not always and everywhere reflect the current status. Therefore, the presence or absence of an object in this list or in the Bavarian Monument Atlas does not guarantee that it is currently a registered monument or not. The Bavarian List of Monuments is also an information directory. The property of a monument - and thus the legal protection - is defined in Art. 1 of the Bavarian Monument Protection Act (BayDSchG) and does not depend on the mapping in the Monument Atlas and the entry in the Bavarian Monument List. Objects that are not listed in the Bavarian Monument List can also be monuments if they meet the criteria according to Art. 1 BayDSchG. Early involvement of the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation according to Art. 6 BayDSchG is therefore necessary in all projects.


Web links

Commons : Architectural monuments in Weißenhorn  - Collection of images, videos and audio files