List of medicinal springs in Bad Wildungen

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At many sources there are information boards like this one from the Georg Viktor source
Share over 1000 RM in "Bad Wildunger Heilquellen AG - Königsquelle" from January 1, 1912

The list of medicinal springs in Bad Wildungen includes all medicinal springs in Bad Wildungen in the Waldeck-Frankenberg district in Hesse .


The village "villa vildungen" appeared as early as around 800 in an inventory of the Hersfeld monastery . The Wildunger Stadtbrunnen, today's Georg-Viktor-Quelle, is mentioned in a deed of donation to the Johanniter-Hospital. Four wells were already known when the Wildunger Fountain Writing appeared in 1580. The medicinal water business flourished from the middle of the 18th century , but after the Napoleonic War the business subsided again.

The Wildunger Mineralquellen-Aktiengesellschaft was founded in 1855. At that time eight medicinal springs were known, but other springs such as the park spring were also used. In 1869 the Königsquelle was redesigned. A spa park was laid out around the Königsquelle. Over time, hotels and spa hospitals were built. Among other things, the Fürstenhof was built in 1902 . The state "Bad Wildunger Heilquellen AG - Königsquelle" acquired in 1907 from Dr. Carl Rörig his property with the Königsquelle and the buildings located on it (e.g. spring enclosure and sanatorium).

After the First World War , the number of cures dropped sharply, as urological diseases could also be treated in normal hospitals. There was also heavy building activity: 18 bunkers were built in the city; Bad Wildungen was to become the headquarters of the Air Force.

After the Second World War , the spa business increased again. Cures were increasingly used for rehabilitation.


Bad Wildungen is located in the eastern part of the Kellerwald , part of the Rhenish Slate Mountains . The structure of the basement forest in the Bad Wildungen area is complex and characterized by tectonic scales . Since the healing water flows through different stones in the underground, the composition of the healing water is different.

The sources

Notes on the lists:

Sources in Bad Wildungen

Name and location Art Bulk Carbon dioxide Minerals description image
Bilsteinquelle or Reitzenhagener Quelle, Molkenstoffel, Vorloquelle
Calcium Magnesium Hydrogen Carbonate Acid 0.13 l / s - 0.5 l / s 1,452 - 3,444 mg / l 906.6 - 1,786 mg / l The source is in Reitzenhagen . It was captured for the first time in 1705. In 2005 the well system was renovated. It is the popular spring in Bad Wildungen. The mineral spring is artesian and recognized by the state. Bilsteinquelle Reitzenhagen Bad Wildungen.jpg
Georg-Viktor-Quelle, formerly also Sauerbrunnen or Stadtbrunnen
Calcium Magnesium Hydrogen Carbonate Acid 0.24 l / s ± 0.02 l / s. 2,151 - 2,652 mg / l 3,661 - 4,543 mg / l As early as 1378 the spring water was piped to Niederwildungen. The mineral spring is artesian and recognized by the state. Today the spring is shut down. It was named after Prince Georg Viktor . 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Forest spring, formerly also Georg-Viktor-Quelle borehole A
Calcium-Magnesium-Sodium-Hydrogen Carbonate-Acid 0.012 l / s - 0.017 l / s. 1,722 - 2,552 mg / l 2,250 - 2,959 mg / l The source is located southwest of the Georg Viktor source. In 1958 a borehole was sunk to a depth of 248.3 meters, in 1963 this borehole was expanded into a well. The source is artesian . 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Georg-Viktor-Quelle, well drilling B
Calcium Magnesium Hydrogen Carbonate Acid 0.3 l / s - 0.9 l / s 1,770 - 3,200 mg / l 1,495 - 1,965 mg / l The Georg-Viktor-Quelle, well bore B is located northeast of the Georg-Viktor-Quelle. The mineral spring is artesian and recognized by the state. The medicinal water is also bottled and sold. 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Helenenquelle, formerly also Salzquelle and Salzborn
Calcium-Magnesium-Hydrogen Carbonate-Chloride-Acid 0.27 l / s - 0.63 l / s. 1,584 - 2,656 mg / l 4,889 - 5,086 mg / l The spring was named in 1886 after Georg Victor's wife. It was captured for the first time in 1696 by Juliane Elisabeth von Waldeck . The mineral spring is artesian and recognized by the state. Helenenquelle Bad Wildungen.jpg
Sodium-Calcium-Magnesium-Hydrogen Carbonate-Chloride-Acid 0.04 l / s - 0.85 l / s 1,551 - 2,354 mg / l 2,772 - 4,036 mg / l The spring is considered to be the oldest spring in Bad Wildungen. Dr. Carl Rörig rediscovered the spring on his property in 1869 and gave it its name. The fountain temple was built around 1910. The mineral spring is artesian and recognized by the state. Königsquelle Bad Wildungen.jpg
Park spring (hole II)
Calcium-Magnesium-Hydrogen Carbonate-Chloride-Acid 0.33 l / s - 1.17 l / s 2,585 - 3,325 mg / l 1,631 - 1,681 mg / l The park spring got its name in 2004. The first version of the spring took place in 1900. In the park spring, the following springs are brought together in one shaft: bathing spring, borehole IV, borehole VIII, borehole IX and grotto spring. The mineral spring is artesian and recognized by the state 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Park spring (hole IX)
Sourling, 0.017 l / s 1,005 mg / l 917 mg / l The park spring got its name in 2004. The first version of the spring took place in 1900. The following springs are brought together in one shaft under the park spring: bathing spring, bore IV, bore VIII, bore IX and grotto spring. The healing spring is artesian and recognized by the state 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Valley spring
Sourling 0.235 l / s - 1 l / s 1,111 - 2,706 mg / l 656.9 - 12,140 mg / l The valley source has been known since 1580. The mineral spring is artesian and recognized by the state. Bad Wildungen valley spring.jpg
Castle source
Magnesium-Calcium-Hydrogen Carbonate-Acid 0.04 - 0.11 l / s 1,408 - 2,156 mg / l 1,700 - 2,453 mg / l There are four springs that together made up the castle spring. Today only one source is active, the others have drained away. The healing spring is artesian . Castle spring Bad Wildungen.jpg
Steel source, also bridge well
Ferrous acid 0.05 - 0.1 l / s 1,496 - 2,354 mg / l 387.6-488.8 mg / l The source was named because of its high iron content (19.5 to 26.66 mg / l). The spring has been known since 1860. The healing spring is artesian . Stahlquelle Bad Wildungen.jpg
Calcium-Sodium-Magnesium-Acid 0.26 - 0.95 l / s 769.4 mg / l 2,104 mg / l The spring was caught in 1909 and is now closed. The source is artesian . 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Source Obermühle
Calcium Magnesium Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate 0.02 l / s - 2,313 The source is privately owned. 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Quelle Hotel Quellenhof
- - - - Nothing is known about the nature of the source. The source has seeped away, the socket presumably closed. 60x15transparent spacer.svg

Sources in Reinhardshausen

Name and location Art Bulk Carbon dioxide Minerals description image
Dr. Hildegard-Dietrich-Quelle, formerly also called Bore II.
Calcium Magnesium Hydrogen Carbonate Acid. 0.17 l / s 3,650 mg / l 1,300 mg / l Named after a previous shareholder in Bad Reinhardsquelle GmbH. The well was drilled in 1974 and the hole is 116 meters deep. 60x15transparent spacer.svg
source location
Calcium Magnesium Hydrogen Carbonate Acid. 0.045 - 0.36 l / s 1,364-2530 mg / s 896.3 - 992.0 mg / l The spring was taken after 1900, it is artesian . The spring was dismantled in April 2008. Community source Reinhardshausen Bad Wildungen.jpg
Natural spring, formerly Neue Reinhardsquelle
Calcium Magnesium Hydrogen Carbonate Acid. 0.135 l / s 4,570 mg / l 2,580 mg / l The spring has existed since 1973. The well is 155 meters deep. 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Process source
Calcium Magnesium Hydrogen Carbonate Acid. 0.2 - 0.23 l / s 1,767 mg / l 2,852 mg / l The spring was first taken around 1894. The source consists of two source pipes. Until 2007 it was only used for spa treatments. Process source Reinhardshausen Bad Wildungen.jpg
Reinhardsquelle, formerly Reinerhäuser-Brunnen
Calcium Magnesium Hydrogen Carbonate Acid. 0.03 - 0.125 l / s 1,700 mg / l 943 - 3,021 mg / l The spring was known as early as 1619 and was also used then. There are two sources that lead to one version. The water is also bottled. 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Shaft source or source in the shaft
Calcium Magnesium Hydrogen Carbonate Acid 0.34 l / s 681.1 mg / s 1,247 mg / l The source is believed to be artesian . In 1990 the spring was closed. 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Temple spring, formerly also a sulfur spring
Calcium Magnesium Hydrogen Carbonate Acid 0.12 l / s 770.9 - 1,100 mg / l 785 - 1,388 mg / l Originally, from 1901 to 1903, warm water was searched for when drilling, but the temperature of the medicinal water is only 9.4 to 12.3 ° C. The original name Schwefelquelle comes from the sulphurous smell of the water. 60x15transparent spacer.svg
White source, formerly also Görnerquelle or Gustav-Görner-Quelle
Calcium Magnesium Hydrogen Carbonate Acid 0.17 - 0.7 l / s 1,269 - 1,430 mg / l 1,050 - 1,430 mg / l The name of the spring comes from small gas bubbles that give the water a white color. The name Grönerquelle comes from the builder of the spring, who sunk it in 1959. White spring Bad Wildungen.jpg


  • Marion Hempfler, Stefan Steinmetz: The healing springs of Bad Wildungen and the surrounding area. Hessian State Office for Environment and Geology, Wiesbaden 2006, ISBN 3-89026-347-X .

Individual evidence

  1. Königsquelle Bad Wildungen on

Web links