List of cultural assets in Glarus Nord

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The list of cultural assets in Glarus Nord contains all objects in the municipality of Glarus Nord in the canton of Glarus that are subject to the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict , the Federal Act of June 20, 2014 on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and the Ordinance of October 29, 2014 on the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict .

Objects in categories A and B are completely included in the list, objects in category C are currently missing (as of January 1, 2018).

Cultural assets

photo   object Cat. Type Location description
Manor Milt (Elsenerhaus)
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Milt manor (Elsenerhaus)
KGS no .: 2650
A. G Bilten , Elsenerstrasse 12
720 170  /  222810

In front of the forest (Roman watchtower)
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Before the forest (Roman watchtower)
KGS-No .: 2689
A. F. Filzbach , Kerenzerbergstrasse
seven hundred and twenty-seven thousand four hundred and sixty  /  220300

Haltli manor
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Haltli Manor
KGS-No .: 2751
A. G Mollis , Kerenzerstrasse 19
724 227  /  217694

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KGS-No .: 2752
A. G Mollis, Vorderdorfstrasse 59
seven hundred twenty-four thousand two hundred and one  /  216725

Courtyard and courtyard with garden pavilion
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Courtyard and courtyard with garden pavilion
KGS-No .: 2758
A. G Mollis, Steinackerstrasse 4
724 263  /  216692

BW Upload file Hammerschmiede
KGS-No .: 2764
A. G Mühlehorn , Kohlplatz
731 529  /  two hundred nineteen thousand seven hundred sixty-one

Freuler Palace
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KGS-No .: 2767
A. G Näfels , Bahnhofstrasse 2
723,343  /  217749

Catholic Church of St. Hilary
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Catholic Church St. Hilarius
KGS-No .: 2768
A. G Näfels, Denkmalweg
seven hundred twenty-three thousand three hundred and eighty  /  217890

Medieval letzi
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Medieval Letzi
KGS no .: 2769
A. F. Näfels, Letz
723,480  /  two hundred seventeen thousand nine hundred seventy-nine

Industrial estate Jenny & Co. Upload file Industrial estate Jenny & Co.
KGS-No .: 2797
A. G Niederurnen , Ziegelbrücke
723,165  /  221512

Museum of the State of Glarus Upload file Museum of the State of Glarus
KGS-No .: 8511
A. S. Näfels, Bahnhofstrasse 2
723,336  /  217745

Reformed Church Oberbilten
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Reformed Church Oberbilten
KGS-No .: 2651
B. G Bilten, Hauptstrasse 56
720 136  /  222965

Knight house Upload file Ritterhaus (1638)
KGS-No .: 2652
B. G Bilten, Alpgässli 12
720 171  /  222810

Dean's house (around 1700) with garden pavilion
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Deans house with garden pavilion
KGS-No .: 2753
B. G Mollis, Büchelstrasse 2
724320  /  216867

Försterhaus (Schindlerhaus)
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Försterhaus (Schindlerhaus)
KGS-No .: 2754
B. G Mollis, Schulstrasse 2
724,155  /  216895

BW Upload file House Neuhaus (around 1750)
KGS no .: 2755
B. G Mollis, Hinterdorfstrasse 23
724251  /  217420

House Unterilchen with an economic building
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House Unterkilchen (around 1750) with an economic building (1864)
KGS no .: 2756
B. G Mollis, Vorderdorfstrasse 2
724 231  /  217140

House facing the factory yard, with wash house and former factory buildings in Zingg
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Factory courtyard house (1760), with wash house (around 1830) and former factory buildings Zingg
KGS-No .: 2757
B. G Mollis, Mill Street 4-6
724185  /  216507

Hüttenböschen, Gallo-Roman square temple
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Hüttenböschen, Gallo-Roman square temple
KGS-No .: 2760
B. F. Mollis, Gäsi
seven hundred twenty-six thousand and eleven  /  221 370

Mollis Reformed Church
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Reformed Church Mollis
KGS-No .: 2761
B. G Mollis, Vorderdorfstrasse 1
724 278  /  217153

Schmidhaus (Küferhaus)
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Schmidhaus (Küferhaus)
KGS-No .: 2762
B. G Mollis, Kerenzerstrasse 4-6
seven hundred twenty-four thousand three hundred twenty-nine  /  217199

Villa country house with garden pavilion
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Villa Landhaus (1862) with garden pavilion
KGS-No .: 2763
B. G Mollis, Vorderdorfstrasse 31
724 274  /  216938

Reformed Church Mühlehorn
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Reformed Church Mühlehorn
KGS-No .: 2765
B. G Mühlehorn, Dorfstrasse 30
731588  /  219930

Legend Bridge
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Legend Bridge
KGS-No .: 2766
B. G Mühlehorn
seven hundred twenty-six thousand eight hundred and fifty-five  /  219028

Battle memorial
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memorial KGS no .: 2771
B. K Näfels, Denkmalweg
seven hundred and twenty-three thousand five hundred and fifty-one  /  217 973

Näfels-Mollis station with goods expedition
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Näfels-Mollis station with freight expedition
KGS-No .: 2772
B. G Näfels, Bahnhofstrasse 34
723 832  /  217707

Tomb Niklaus Franz von Bachmann Upload file Tomb Niklaus Franz von Bachmann (1740–1831)
KGS no .: 2776
B. G Näfels, Denkmalweg
seven hundred twenty-three thousand four hundred forty-one  /  217870

Näfels Letz 13.JPG
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Haus an der Letz (General-Bachmann-Haus, now Ida-Heim)
KGS-No .: 2777
B. G Näfels, Letz 13
723 465  /  218004

Näfels Letz 15.JPG
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Haus auf der Letz (Haus Landammann Josef Müller)
KGS-No .: 2778
B. G Näfels, Letz 15
723,355  /  217960

House Landammann Hauser-Reding Upload file Haus Landammann Hauser-Reding
KGS-No .: 2779
B. G Näfels, in the village 13
723 304  /  217787

House to the bow Upload file Haus zur Beuge
KGS-No .: 2780
B. G Näfels, flexor 1
723 316  /  217647

Courtier Upload file Höfli
KGS no .: 2781
B. G Näfels, in the village of 22
seven hundred and twenty-three thousand three hundred and one  /  217713

Capuchin monastery with castle complex Upload file Capuchin monastery (today Franciscan monastery) with castle
complex KGS-No .: 2782
B. G Näfels, Klosterweg 10
723 151  /  217630

BW Upload file Rothaus
KGS-No .: 2783
B. G Näfels, Bach Doerfli 1
723 501  /  217650

Stadium House (Burghaus) Upload file Stadionhaus (Burghaus)
KGS-No .: 2784
B. G Näfels, Burg 11
723171  /  217540

Tape factory Upload file Bandfabrik
KGS-No .: 2795
B. G Niederurnen, Hauptstrasse 40
seven hundred and twenty-two thousand four hundred and ninety-one  /  220320

Schlössli with vineyard Upload file Schlössli with Rebberg
KGS-No .: 2796
B. G Niederurnen, Schlossli 1
722 401  /  220890

Windegg Castle Upload file Burg Windegg
KGS-No .: 2798
B. G Oberurnen
seven hundred twenty-two thousand eight hundred thirty-three  /  219825

BW Upload file Catholic Trinity
Chapel KGS-No .: 2799
B. G Oberurnen, Kapellenstrasse 1
722 834  /  219309

Catholic Church of St. George
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Catholic Church St. Georg (1868)
KGS-No .: 2800
B. G Oberurnen Poststrasse 3
seven hundred twenty-two thousand nine hundred thirty-five  /  219443

Reformed church Obstalden with rectory and fountain
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Reformed church Obstalden with rectory and fountain
KGS-No .: 2801
B. G Obstalden , Village 2
729 951  /  219920


The table contains the following information:

KGS-No: Number of the cultural property , to be found in the KGS lists of the federal government and the cantons . KGS is the acronym for K ultur G üter s chutz
Photo: Photography of the cultural property. Click the photo generates an enlarged view. There are also two symbols:
More pictures on Wikimedia CommonsMore pictures of the object can be found here on Wikimedia Commons .
Upload your own workA link to upload a new image. Certain parameters are already filled in.
Object: Name of the object. In individual cases, a more generally known name can also be given.
Kat: Category of cultural property: A = national importance; B = regional / cantonal importance; C = local meaning
Type: Type of cultural property: G = building or other construction object; S = collection (archives, libraries, museums); F = archaeological site; K = small cultural object (e.g. fountain, wayside crosses, monuments); X = special case
Address: Street and house number of the cultural property (if known), possibly place / district
Coordinates: Location of the cultural property according to the Swiss national coordinates (CH1903).

The content of the table is sorted in descending order according to the cultural property category and within this alphabetically.

By clicking on «Map with all coordinates» (top right in the article), the location of all cultural assets in the selected map object is displayed.

Web links

Commons : Cultural assets in the canton of Glarus  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • A objects GL 2018 . Swiss inventory of cultural assets of national importance. In: / Federal Office for Civil Protection FOCP - Department of Cultural Property Protection, January 1, 2018, accessed on December 26, 2017 (PDF; 52 kB, 4 pages, updated annually, no changes for 2018).
  • B objects GL 2018 . Canton of Glarus KGS inventory, B objects, status: 1.1.2018 (no changes compared to the previous year). In: / Federal Office for Civil Protection FOCP - Department of Cultural Property Protection, January 1, 2018, accessed on December 31, 2017 (PDF; 246 kB, 3 pages, updated annually, no changes for 2018).

Individual evidence