List of cultural assets in Schwanden near Brienz
The list of cultural assets in Schwanden bei Brienz contains all objects in the municipality of Schwanden bei Brienz in the canton of Bern that are subject to the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict , the Federal Act of June 20, 2014 on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflicts and the Ordinance of October 29, 2014 on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict .
There are no A-objects or B-objects in the municipality, objects of category C are currently missing (as of January 1, 2018). Among other monuments objects are found, the "worthy of protection" in the canton of Bern Bauinventar than are listed.
Other monuments
ID | photo | object | Type | address | Coordinates |
1 ff. | Farmhouse (18th / 19th century) | G | Floor 10/12 |
647768 / 178896
10 | Field stove with a crust (19th century) | G | Stutzligasse 24a |
646995 / 178929
17th | Feldofen (18th / 19th century) | G | Oberschwanderstrasse |
647603 / 178887
37 | House (1892) | G | Stutzligasse 1 |
647094 / 178865
51 | Feldofen (19th century) | G | Oberschwanderstrasse 40a |
647657 / 178846
124 ff. | Farmhouse (3rd quarter of the 18th century) | G | Derfliplatz 3/4 |
647152 / 178900
126 | Feldofen (end of the 19th century) | G | Derfliplatz 8a |
647210 / 178892
160 | Farmhouse (3rd quarter of the 18th century) | G | Oberschwanderstrasse 46 |
647695 / 178842
210 | Feldofen (19th / 20th century) | G | Leaves 14a |
647684 / 178998
221 | Feldofen / Schopf (19th / 20th century) | G | Leaves 6a |
647722 / 178969
253 | Feldofen (18th / 19th century) | G | Bottom 12b |
647762 / 178917
297 | Feldofen (18th / 19th century) | G | Oberschwanderstrasse 29b |
647563 / 178937
305 | Feldofen (18th / 19th century) | G | Stockistrasse 18a |
646941 / 178803
348 | Feldofen / Schopf (19th century) | G | Stockistrasse 12a |
647017 / 178837
350 | Feldofen (18th / 19th century) | G | Bottom 15b |
647693 / 178902
596 | Feldofen (19th century) | G | Floor 24 |
647703 / 178926
599 | Feldofen (18th century) | G | Glyssen 17 |
646588 / 178931
624 | Feldofen (19th century) | G | On the Allmend 53b |
647079 / 178956
719 | Feldofen (mid 19th century) | G | Wydi 4a | 647022 / 178869 |
Note on the legend: Instead of the KGS number, the property number is used as the object identifier (ID).
Web links
- A objects BE 2018 . Swiss inventory of cultural assets of national importance. In: / Federal Office for Civil Protection FOCP - Department of Cultural Property Protection, January 1, 2018, accessed on December 26, 2017 (PDF; 212 kB, 47 pages, updated annually, the changes for 2018 are marked in blue).
- B objects BE 2018 . Canton of Bern KGS inventory, B objects, status: 2009, unadjusted (1.1.2018; municipal mergers for 2018 are marked in blue). In: / Federal Office for Civil Protection FOCP - Department of Cultural Property Protection, January 1, 2018, accessed on December 30, 2017 (PDF; 344 kB, 11 pages, updated annually, the changes for 2018 are marked in blue).
- Bauinventar-Online Monument Preservation of the Canton of Bern
Individual evidence
- ↑ Federal Chancellery : Federal Act on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, Disaster and Emergencies (KGSG). SR 520.3. In: Systematic Legal Collection SR . Federal Assembly of the Swiss Confederation , June 20, 2014, accessed on August 30, 2017 (as of January 1, 2016).
- ^ Federal Chancellery : Ordinance on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflicts, Disasters and Emergencies (KGSV). SR 520.31. In: Systematic Legal Collection SR . Swiss Federal Council , October 29, 2014, accessed on August 30, 2017 (as of January 1, 2016).