List of songs by Claire Waldoff

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The list of songs and chansons by Claire Waldoff contains, in chronological order, songs and chansons that Claire Waldoff performed for the first time in their respective annual programs. As far as known, the composers (M.) and lyricists (T.) of the songs and chansons are given in brackets.


  • He's crazy about me (M .: Max Kluck, T .: Ludwig Mendelssohn?)
  • The variety show
  • The Schmackeduzchen (M .: Walter Kollo , T .: Hermann Frey )


  • The Scheenste are the Beenekins (M: Walter Kollo , T .: C. Waldoff)
  • Kuno the misogynist ( Rudolf Nelson )
  • In the morning you don't want to and in the evening you can't (E. Hartmann)
  • I popped the cucumber off the schnitzel


  • My Berlin is a nice city (M .: Walter Kollo , T .: Hardt)
  • When the groom walks through the woods with the bride (M .: Walter Kollo, T .: Hardt)
  • Berlin is crazy about my beene (M .: Walter Kollo, T .: Hardt)
  • What is Lehmann under the apple tree (M .: Walter Kollo, T .: AO Alberts)
  • Knoll the Drummer (Soldier's Song)
  • The little cadet (soldier's song)
  • And again I stood guard (soldier's song)
  • Knoll, yawoll (soldier's song)


  • Soldier March Song (= When the soldiers march through the city , JF Rollers)
  • He was standing by the train (= the aunt from Hamburg) ( Heinrich Lautensack )
  • Gustav mit'm Simili (M .: OB Roeser, T .: Harry Senger)
  • Noble Berlin (M .: Georg Mewes, T .: Harry Senger)
  • Well, then let's get it for you (M .: Walter Kollo , T .: Hartmann)


  • I'm so cloudy (soldier's song)
  • Clara from the garden house (Harry Senger)
  • For me (cooks song) (Harry Senger)
  • I go my Schlendrian (student song)
  • This is what the Berliner thinks in spring (Hermann Schultze-Buch)
  • What do people mean, how you can be wrong (M .: Gutkind, T .: Willy Hagen)
  • It's not exactly pleasant (Jobst Haslinde)
  • Kiss apprenticeship (Jobst Haslinde)
  • Mr. Meyer, Mr. Meyer, where is my heron (from the operetta “So strolling”) ( Jean Gilbert )
  • The Berlin Plant (M .: Otto Erich Lindner, T .: Alexander Tyrkowski)
  • Berlin, that's how you look (Niklas-Kempner)
  • Hermann is called he (Ludwig Mendelssohn)
  • Zippel polka (Hermann Schultze book)
  • Moritat (Ludwig Mendelssohn)
  • Argentinian (M .: Ehrlich, T .: Alexander Tyrkowski)
  • Far from home (soldier's song)
  • The product of our time (before 1914)
  • The Faithless Apology (before 1914)


  • Can i for it? (Jobst Haslinde)
  • Burlala (student song)
  • The Soldate (march duet from the operetta "Immer Solid Druff", with Karl Gessner) ( Walter Kollo )
  • Auf der Banke, an der Panke (from the operetta "Always solid druff", with Karl Gessner) (Walter Kollo)
  • Soldier romance (around 1914)


  • Waldmar-Mieze-Duett (from the operetta “What we think about”, with Guido Thielscher) (M .: Jean Gilbert , T .: Walter Turzinsky)
  • Mein Justav (from the operetta "What we think about") (M .: Jean Gilbert, T .: Walter Turzinsky)
  • No emperor or king can do anything (music based on the motif of an old soldier's song, T .: Claire Waldoff)
  • A stork stands on one leg


  • Why does the soldier have a bride? (Bromme)
  • Maxe from the heavy artillery! (Leander)
  • War song of a tertian (Ludwig Mendelssohn)
  • Then Reserve has Ruh (Konrad Scherber)
  • Silesian Soldier's Song ( Willy Prager )
  • Now the shooting is over (Hartmann)


  • The arbor colony (Ludwig Mendelssohn)
  • Ms. Kulicke's admonitions to her daughter Hulda (Ernst Petermann)
  • What use is love to girls (from the operetta " Drei alten Schachteln ") (M .: Walter Kollo , T .: Rideamus )
  • Soldiers song (from the operetta "Drei alten Schachteln") (M .: Walter Kollo, T .: Rideamus)
  • Well, now it's going a little again (from the operetta "Drei alten Schachteln") (M .: Walter Kollo, T .: Rideamus)
  • Jott, what are the men stupid (from the operetta "Drei alten Schachteln") (M .: Walter Kollo, T .: Rideamus)
  • If ick me like that in the Trimoh (from the operetta "Drei alten Schachteln") (M .: Walter Kollo, T .: Rideamus)
  • There are loose birds in Tegel (M .: Franz Schmidt-Hagen, T .: Hermann Frey )
  • Alleene, janz alleene (Ludwig Mendelssohn)
  • The Song of My Kleenen (Ludwig Mendelssohn)
  • Country innocence (M .: Kapeller, T .: Paul Lindau)
  • Why shouldn't he be with her? (from the revue "An Alle") (Walter Mendelssohn)
  • Always go for bacon (Walter Mendelssohn)


  • Virtue is a strange virtue (from the operetta "When love awakens") ( Eduard Künneke )
  • Just like you (from the operetta "When Love Awakens") (Eduard Künneke, with Carl Geppert)
  • At the springtime, at the beautiful springtime (from the operetta "When love awakens") (Eduard Künneke, with Carl Geppert)
  • Who will cry when you part ways (from the operetta “Die Scheidungsreise”) (M .: Hugo Hirsch T .: Arthur Rebner )
  • Piefke in Paris ( Ralph Benatzky )
  • Gotthold Bemmchens Adventure (M .: Robert Stolz , T .: Kurt Robitschek )
  • The Song of Avec (Hugo Leonhard)
  • Oh, how I love Lena (Schusterjungenlied) (by Carl Geppert, from the operetta "Immer die verflixte Liebe" by Anton Profes, T .: Hans Jansen-Jakobs)
  • Schiebermaxe (M .: Walter Kollo , T .: Hermann Frey )
  • Krause is a lovely boy (Ralph Benatzky)
  • Berlin goofy song
  • Maruchka


  • I need a man (= European couplet) (from the operetta "Marriage in a Circle") ( Eduard Künneke )
  • Hey, Shimmy, that's how it sounds (from the operetta "Marriage in a Circle") (Eduard Künneke, with Kurt Lilien)
  • Girl when the bad boys lure (Alfredy)
  • In the middle of the night (Erich Franz Glaser, Harry Hauptmann)
  • Without light (M .: Ehrlich, T .: Planter)
  • In the evening in front of the door (in Berlin's Volkston) (Ludwig Mendelssohn)
  • Put on your dirndl (from "Please pay") (M .: Rudolf Nelson , T .: Tucholsky )
  • Never start anything with relatives (from "Please Pay") (M .: Rudolf Nelson, T .: Tucholsky)
  • We want to drown grief in champagne (from the operetta "Marriage in a Circle") (Eduard Künneke, with Lori Leux and Ilse Marwenga)
  • But annoy men, no, I don't ( Wilhelm Aletter )


  • The gosling (Bruno Granichstaedten)
  • If you're smart ( Wilhelm Aletter )
  • I was ready for everything (Ludwig Mendelssohn)
  • Eh du mon Dieu, mon Dieu (Frank Wedekind)
  • The red dress (M .: Rudolf Nelson , T .: Fritz Grünbaum )
  • Berlin Tempo (Friedrich Hollaender)
  • I'm not pretty, but cheeky (M .: Rudolf Nelson, T .: Fritz Prager)
  • Brigitte B. (Wedekind)
  • Such a camel (M .: Paul Pallos, T .: Fritz Grünbaum )
  • There is no jostling here (Fritz Loewe)
  • Püppchen Liese (M .: Elit Worsing, T .: Arthur Rebner )
  • The old faun (M .: Victor Hollaender , T. Eddy Beuth)
  • Everyone has their own note (Loewe)


  • And don't you want to be mine - well - then not ( Robert Stolz )
  • Come on my darling, we'll drink a liqueur (Preil)
  • Don't cry my darling, don't cry ( Arthur Rebner , Richard Rillo)
  • Jonny (Friedrich Hollaender)
  • Come on over here ( Harry Waldau )
  • Why did I always peck at the bed (Harry Waldau)
  • If only Franz didn't have a friend (monologue by a cook) (Ludwig Mendelssohn)
  • It's janz ejal (Maurice Yvain)
  • Masked ball in the goat barn (Kollo)
  • Groschenlied (Friedrich Hollaender)
  • Farmer and Soubrette (Albert Szirmai)
  • But it has to be mine, janz alone (Meyer-Helmund)
  • Yes, love has its whims ( Rudolf Nelson )
  • Sleeping Beauty from Wedding (M .: Friedrich Hollaender, T .: Hermann Vallentin)


  • The old cake woman (Kurt Baumeister)
  • In Berlin on the Kurfürstendamm (Prager)
  • Oh Marianka! Come to the Banka (Ernö Geiger, Arthur Rebner )
  • Tutankhamen Shimmy (Jaro Benes)
  • The dirndl dress (Prague)
  • Bananas, of all things (Frank Silver and Irving Cohn, German text by Fritz Löhner-Beda )
  • If you can't, let me (Theo Körner, Fritz Grünbaum)
  • The girls from Java (Henry Richards, Fritz Grünbaum )
  • I don't say yes, I don't say no (from the operetta "Senora") ( Hugo Hirsch )
  • Lied der Pompadour (from the operetta "Madame Pompadour") (M .: Leo Fall, T .: Rudolf Schanzer and Ernst Welisch)
  • Every girl gets one (from the revue "The World Without a Veil") (Paul Hühn)
  • The thousand-crown note (Harry Waldau)
  • When I see you I have to cry (Werau)
  • Hold on tight so that you don't lose your balance (from the operetta "Mädi") ( Robert Stolz )
  • That can only be a whip (from "Treffen Dorado") ( Rudolf Nelson )
  • My Maxe (Walter Mendelssohn)
  • Widow Meyer (Walter Mendelssohn)
  • Lord God, protect me from love (M .: Erich Ziegler, T .: Hans Pflanzer)
  • Miss, don't you want to ( Willy Prager )


  • Honey, oh honey (from the revue "To all") (Max Bertuch)
  • When the little girls are close to sixteen (M .: Theo A. Körner, T .: Willy Prager )
  • When it's gloomy in Friedrichshain (Walter Mendelssohn)
  • The old organ grinder (Walter Mendelssohn)
  • The Ixenthal Virgins' Association (Walter Mendelssohn)
  • My little plug of joy (Walter Mendelssohn)
  • Laugh! (Walter Mendelssohn)
  • If Evelyne just shrugs her shoulders ( Otto Stransky )
  • First he said "you" to her (Willy Prager)
  • When two are in love, you shouldn't disturb them (M .: Julian Fuhs, T .: Willy Prager)


  • He jeht with se (Walter Mendelssohn)
  • One can also be loyal ( Arthur Rebner )
  • What use is the most beautiful Grunewaldsee (M .: Fritz Loewe, T .: Robert Gilbert)
  • When we girls are young, men answer it! (Marcel Boissier)
  • Out with the men from the Reichstag (from the revue "From mouth to mouth") (Friedrich Hollaender)
  • On the Panke - on the Wuhle - on the Spree (M .: Hans Mey, T .: Hans Brennert)
  • In the walnut tree to the left of the Molkenmarkt (M .: Hans May, T .: Hans Brennert)
  • June, July and August, every lust for love fades ( Willy Prager )
  • Dösköppe have no place today, dear darling (Walter Mendelssohn)
  • Erna goes sailing with Max'n bisken (Ernst Kaufmann)
  • Een Dröpken from de Panke (from the revue "From mouth to mouth") (M .: Hans May, T .: Hans Brennert)
  • I'm not made for loyalty (from the revue "From mouth to mouth") (M .: Irving Caesar, T .: Robert Gilbert)
  • Being a Berliner is enough (from the Charell review "From mouth to mouth") (Hans Brennert, Hans May)
  • Max, take your mustache off (Richard Hirsch)
  • Come with me, Karoline (Willy Prager)
  • Tell me when (Willi Weill)
  • Just a little Schwips (= Just a little drink) (M .: Byron-Gray, T .: Otto Stransky and Fritz Rotter)


  • How happy I am on the weekend (M .: AM Werau, T .: Hans Pflanzer)
  • O how practical (Friedrich Hollaender)
  • I see in your voice you are ne.


  • A strange man kissed me in the night (M .: Marbot, T .: Elow)
  • What does a Berliner need to be happy? (M .: Fritz Paul, T .: Werner Hassenstein)
  • Autolied (= Hanomag) (M .: Sigismund Witt, T .: Heide Sachs)
  • I roll point (M .: Sigismund Witt, T .: Heide Sachs)
  • The card reader (M .: Paul Strasser, T .: Heide Sachs)
  • The cheese else (M .: Hans May, T .: Hans Brennert )
  • Muckepicke (M .: Otto Stransky, T .: Heide Sachs)
  • Guido vom Lido (M .: Sigismund Witt, T .: Willy Hagen)
  • Do we need it? (M .: Wismar Rosendahl, T .: Erich Kersten)
  • Emilie vom Kurfürstendamm (M .: Otto Stransky, T .: Jul. Arendt )
  • Hannelore (M .: Horst Platen , T .: Willy Hagen)
  • The song of the creature (M .: J. Rosenberg, T .: Curt Peiser)
  • One only lives once (M .: Wismar Rosendahl, T .: Hermann Frey )
  • An old poplar is dreaming in Weißensee (M .: Wismar Rosendahl, T .: Hermann Frey)
  • Junkel-Funkel (M .: Wismar Rosendahl, T .: Hermann Frey)
  • Letter to the mother (= he said, I said) (M .: Ludwig Schüller, T .: Erich Kersten)


  • Can you still like me a little? (Wismar Rosendahl)
  • The green eel (prose) (T .: Heide Sachs)
  • The ballad from the left Been (M .: Otto Stransky, T .: Leo Hirsch)
  • Lied der Harfenjule (M .: Paul Strasser, T .: Walter Mendelssohn)
  • According to me he is really great (M .: Carl Hötzel, T .: Georg Wallis)
  • That's why we have another drink (March from the operetta "Three Little Girls") (Willi Kollo)
  • The big city plant (= Eene, meene, ming, mang) (Erich Eingg)
  • Boxer Maxe (M .: Paul Strasser, T .: Erich Kersten)
  • The aunt is not my aunt (M .: Paul Strasser, T .: Jul. Arendt )
  • Because of Emil his indecent lust (M .: Paul Strasser, T .: Jul. Arendt )
  • Dear organ grinder (Willi Kollo)
  • My Schorsche with the researcher (Emil Hartmann)


  • The song of father Zille (= His Milljöh) (M .: Willi Kollo, T .: Willi Kollo and Hans Pflanzer)
  • You have to ignore that! (M .: Paul Strasser, T .: Erich Kersten)
  • You're only young once! (M .: Richard Fall, T .: Rud. Bernauer)
  • My Paulchen is gone (M .: Otto Stransky, T .: Felix Josky)
  • In love - engaged - married (M .: Werau, T .: Hans Pflanzer)
  • Popular hit (Theobald Tiger = Tucholsky )
  • The flounders will be surprised (M .: Walter Kollo , T .: Leo Leipziger)
  • The Corporal (A Folk Song)
  • My Kleener (Ludwig Mendelssohn)
  • The modern girl (M .: Claire Waldoff, T .: Erich Kersten)
  • Because of you ... (Erich Eingg)
  • Talk to my friend Marie (M .: Ernst Leibholz, T .: Lisa Simonis)
  • Adolf (Theobald Tiger = Kurt Tucholsky )
  • The song of the hunting license (Theobald Tiger = Tucholsky)
  • The Sunday Gown (M .: Ernst Leibholz, T .: Lisa Simonis)
  • Why are you coming so late again, Marie? (M .: Hugo Hirsch , T .: Willy Hagen)
  • Four stations (M .: Erich Einegg, T .: Claire Waldoff)
  • The break-in at Aunt Klara (M .: Käthe Hyan , T .: Hans Hyan )


  • Song of the postage cash register (Hermann Schultze book)
  • Mother's hands (M .: Claus Clauberg , T .: Kurt Tucholsky )
  • Nutt nutt nutt ooch broken is the roller (Walter Mendelssohn)
  • In the green clover (M .: Hermann Leopoldi, T .: Beda)
  • Love has nothing to do with cleverness (M .: Eduard Künneke , T .: Rideamus )
  • Hallelujah (Willi Kollo)
  • Kremserlied (= when the Kremser was still driving out into the countryside) (Willi Kollo)
  • Happy end (= so and then) (M .: Claus Clauberg, T .: Theobald Tiger = Tucholsky)
  • I'm like that again, I don't know how (M .: Henry Kassbon, T .: Erich Kersten)
  • Sabinchen was a woman (scary barrel organ ballad) (M .: W. Aletter)
  • Why does Vladimir love me in particular? (Foxtrot) (M .: Hans May, T .: Robert Gilbert)
  • Here I am sitting on the lawn (old student song)
  • Lullaby for Molleken (M .: Claus Clauberg, T .: Frank Günther)
  • Once every storm passes (M .: Marcel Boissier, T .: Harry Kornblum)
  • The director (M .: Claus Clauberg, T .: Felix Josky)
  • Minna has to go to the film (M .: Otto Stransky, T .: Felix Josky)
  • Lulu on the way to Barminstrasse (M .: Claus Clauberg, T .: Kurt Steinfeld)
  • The bike ride (Helmut Markiewicz)
  • The chance of the racetrack (M .: Claire Waldoff, T .: Kurt Steinfeld)
  • Memories of my Hermann (M .: Claus Clauberg, T .: Erich Kersten)


  • Our Havel is our Rhine (M .: Paul Strasser, T .: Harry Kornblum)
  • There is only one Berlin (marching song) (M .: Willi Kollo, T .: Willi Kollo and Hans Pflanzer)
  • It will be another spring like this in a hundred years (M .: Nico Dostal, T .: Robert Gilbert)
  • The dissatisfied wife (= why did you marry me) (M .: Claus Clauberg, T .: HL Rumpf)
  • The onion cure (M .: Claus Clauberg, T .: Kurt Steinfeld)
  • When Willi says "Puppet" to me (Helmut Markiewicz)
  • Why do you want to leave me completely? (Court singer song)
  • What do you get from love? (M .: Claus Clauberg, T .: Werner Hassenstein)
  • I have such a row with my husband (M .: Claus Clauberg, T .: Felix Josky)
  • From grandmother's songbook (= The Rose and the Butterfly) (trad.)
  • Fritze Bollmann wanted to fish ( folk song from the Brandenburg and Berlin area)
  • Girl, come with me (M .: Oscar Jascha, T .: F. Kahn)
  • One meter twenty from bus 2 (from the film "I'll go out and you stay there") (M .: Otto Stransky, T .: Otto Stransky and Karl Brüll)
  • Then you are young, then you are old (Erich Kersten)
  • My Yo-Yo (Erich Kersten)
  • How are you thinking about the two of us? (M .: Edmund Nick, T .: Gertrud Renner)
  • The pink silk knickers


  • Werderlied (= What do you want in the Engadin?) (M .: Erwin Strauss, T .: Käthe Huldschinsky)
  • I can't go home at ten (M .: Claus Clauberg, T .: Erich Kersten)
  • Our Minna (M .: Claus Clauberg, T .: Erich Kersten)
  • Human - all too human (M .: Claus Clauberg, T .: Erich Kersten)
  • Make no complaints (M .: Mac Rauls, T .: Erich Kersten)
  • Did you mind Ferdinand? (M .: Mac Rauls, T .: Willy Hagen)
  • With me there are hanging (= over my bed) (M .: Alex Stone and Walter Borchert, T .: Alex Stone and Friedrich Schwarz)
  • Then the wall wobbles (M .: Mac Rauls, T .: Erich Kersten)
  • Greetings to our homeland (M .: Werner Schütte, T .: Erich Kersten and Koenigsborn)
  • Well, we were just unlucky (= I have a heart) (M .: Werner Schütte, T .: Erich Kersten and Koenigsborn)


  • The ballad of the overworking Berliner


  • Oh, a girl doesn't care (M .: Rudolf Meinhard / Ludwig Mendelssohn)
  • Oh dear, the people (Franz Adler)
  • Adolar (M .: Wismar Rosendahl, T .: Hermann Frey )
  • Alfried's Lot (Claus Clauberg)
  • Everything comes back once in a lifetime (M .: Claire Waldoff, T .: Alfons Hayduck)
  • All play blind man's buff.
  • Call to all modern girls.
  • August just don't bother you.
  • Ballad about Nantes and Jumbo's love death.
  • Ballad of the Virgin Cordula (Kurt Baumeister)
  • Berlin (Claus Clauberg)
  • Berlin, Berlin, I don't know you anymore (Fritz Ginzel)
  • Berlin blood, Berlin blood is good.
  • Berlin girls.
  • Berlin Marguerite Dance I, II, III ( Tucholsky )
  • Berlin lullaby (M .: Claus Clauberg, T .: Frank Günther)
  • Balance of love.
  • Stay on the carpet.
  • Just Adalbert, det Aas (Alex Stone)
  • Charlott, totally crazy.
  • Scrooge.
  • The song about the green field.
  • The song of true love.
  • The Boxer Maxe (Paul Strasser)
  • The frog (M .: Martin Knopf, T .: Eddy Beuth)
  • The Gunner (Soldier's Song)
  • Little Mr. Steppke (M .: Claus Clauberg, Erich Kesten)
  • Der Klugschieter (M .: Claus Clauberg, T .: Erich Kesten)
  • Widow Schulz's pulse (M .: Mayor Roeser, T .: Harry Senger)
  • The tie in the coal box (speaking text: Charlie Roellinghoff)
  • The greatest discovery of life (Claus Clauberg)
  • The practical Berliner (Friedrich Hollaender)
  • The drum calls (soldiers' song, 1915)
  • Du mein Berlin (M .: Georg Mewes, T .: Harry Senger)
  • Emil (Otto Stransky, T .: Areuß-Benefeld)
  • Family Gänseklein (M .: Erich Einegg, T .: Erich Kersten)
  • Spring Song (Carl Hötzel)
  • Not like the frogs ( Wilhelm Lindemann )
  • Golf (M .: Schütt, T .: Willy Hagen)
  • Heinrich he heezes (after the melody "Hermann heeßt he", T .: Claire Waldoff)
  • Here I sit at the table, surrounded by friends (Kommersbuch song)
  • I am and don't know what.
  • I feel that I'm fine ( Willy Prager )
  • I don't let me screw up de Neese (M .: Paul Strasser, T .: Julian Arendt )
  • In a dilemma.
  • Yes, if you think you can (M .: Paul Strasser, T .: Loewenburg)
  • Jottlieb Neumann (Ludwig Mendelssohn)
  • Young man, buy yourself a newspaper (M .: Henry Kassbon, T .: Erich Kersten)
  • Knoll, the firm grenadier (Wilhelm Lindemann)
  • Song about a prisoner of war from Canada.
  • Line with great temperament.
  • Girl, you are made for love (M .: Anton Profes, T .: Hans Pflanzer)
  • Girl, you won't get a husband (from the Singspiel "Hofball bei Zille") (M .: Hans May, T .: Hans Brennert)
  • Mariechen sat crying in the garden (kitchen song)
  • My little villa (Helmut Markiewicz)
  • My weak side (M .: Claus Clauberg, T .: Erich Kesten)
  • Man, you're hanging out with a zipper (Hermann Schulz book)
  • Man, you get the gramophone (from the Singspiel "Hofball bei Zille") (M .: Hans May, T .: Hans Brennert)
  • Reserve has peace.
  • Schnuppquadrat (Wilhelm Lindemann)
  • Schulzen's Daughters (Ludwig Mendelssohn)
  • As long as the trousers are not hanging on the chandelier (M .: Walter Kollo, T .: Hermann Frey)
  • Soldier song.
  • Meaningfulness gulf.
  • Strempels Kitty.
  • Tomorrow will come again (Jolson, Conrad, de Sylva)
  • Aunt Ida (W. Rosendahl)
  • And then you won't come (M .: Claus Clauberg, T .: Lilly Austerlitz)
  • Metamorphoses (M .: Claus Clauberg, T .: Erich Kersten)
  • What my brother sang (M .: Victor Hollaender, T .: Julius Freund)
  • Wat hangs on the wall of the people (Claus Clauberg)
  • What does the bridegroom have from the bride (Carl Hötzel)
  • What always pissed my blouse (M .: Hugo Hirsch , T .: Alfred Berg)
  • If I should love you (W. Rosendahl)
  • When you're alone ( Hugo Hirsch )
  • Who is throwing clay (Claire Waldoff)
  • Do you want to be a minister?
  • Do you care about your girl (Scheibenhofer)
  • Where to take and not to steal.
  • Zeppelins (M .: Rudolf Nelson , T .: OA Alberts)

Individual evidence

  1. See Walter Rösler: Das Chanson im deutschen Kabarett, 1901-1933 , Henschel-Verlag In 1980 Claire Waldoff sang the song in the Linden Cabaret , in which she was engaged in the 1909/1910 season. According to Rösler, the text of the song is also from Max Kluck - the imprint of a shellac record contradicts this, see . See page 392 in: Adolf Moritz Hofmeister (Ed.): Hofmeister's Handbuch der Musikliteratur Volume 14, Edition 1., Hofmeister Verlag, Leipzig 1909, He is crazy about me is said to have been known previously under the title Liebeslied by a Berlin cook .