List of members of the Landtag of the Principality of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen

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This list names the members of the Landtag of the Principality of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen .

The state parliaments from 1843 to 1850

First term

The first electoral term spans the period from August 31, 1843 to March 28, 1848 (1st and 2nd Landtag). In accordance with the electoral law, a 1st and a 2nd deputy were elected, who were able to exercise the mandate instead of the elected MPs. Therefore, more than 13 MPs are listed.


Surname direction WK no Curia area annotation
Otto Freiherr von Bendeleben-Uckermann rep.? 1 Knight and property owner Subordination
Carl Adolph Benecke 0 7th Trading booth Subordination from March 27, 1848 for EWG Hallensleben
Johann Samuel Ferdinand Blumröder lib. 12 Scholarly status Supremacy Actually, the mayor and judiciary Christian Heinrich Meinhard was elected; she did not accept the mandate
Friedrich Emmerling lib. 9 City of Arnstadt Supremacy from June 28, 1847 to March 27, 1848 as deputy for Christian Theodor Zimmermann
Gotthelf Greiner 0 10 Plaue, Gehren, Breitenbach and Langewiesen Supremacy from July 6, 1847 to July 31, 1847 as deputy for August Wilke
Ernst Wilhelm Gottfried Hallensleben 0 7th Trading booth Subordination Resignation from office March 24, 1848; His successor was Carl Adolph Benecke
Friedrich Hatzius 0 5 peasant landowners Subordination from June 28, 1847 for Heinrich Carl Koch
August Hirschberg lib.-const./(WB) 2 City of Sondershausen Subordination
Albrecht Höland 0 10 Plaue, Gehren, Breitenbach and Langewiesen Supremacy from July 28, 1847 to March 27, 1848 as deputy for August Wilke
Christian Hoffmeister 0 4th peasant landowners Subordination
Eduard Huschke (lib.) - cons. 3 Greußen, Großenehrich and Clingen Subordination Resigned from office on March 20, 1848. Successor Carl Rebling
Dr. Wilhelm Kieser cons. 6th Scholarly status Subordination from March 20, 1848 to March 27, 1848 as deputy for Adolf Magerstedt
Heinrich Carl Koch 0 5 peasant landowners Subordination Waiver of mandate on June 28, 1847
Dr. hc Adolf Magerstedt cons. 6th Scholarly status Subordination
Carl Rebling lib.-dem. 3 Greußen, Großenehrich and Clingen Subordination from March 21, 1848 as a replacement for Eduard Huschke
August Tittelbach 0 8th Knight and property owner Supremacy In fact, Chamber Councilor Johann Albert Freiherr von Ketelhodt (1806–1873) was elected with 5 out of 6 votes. He was unable to accept the mandate due to § 113 LGG, so that Tittelbach, who placed second (with one vote), was elected.
Johann Christian Jakob Wagner 0 11 peasant landowners Supremacy
Heinrich Wellendorff 0 13 Trading booth Supremacy
August Wilke lib. 10 Plaue, Gehren, Breitenbach and Langewiesen Supremacy
Eduard von Wurmb cons. 1 Knight and freehold owner Subordination from July 28, 1847 to March 27, 1848 as deputy for Bendeleben-Uckermann
Christian Theodor Zimmermann 0 9 City of Arnstadt Supremacy


  • Age director  : Ernst Wilhelm Gottfried Hallensleben
  • Landtag Director (President of the Landtag)
    • Ernst Wilhelm Gottfried Hallensleben: (Interim) from August 31 to September 13, 1843
    • Christian Theodor Zimmermann: elected as Landtag director on September 9, 1843, but not accepted; New election September 12, 1843
    • Eduard Huschke: From September 13, 1843 to December 20, 1844 and from June 28, 1847 to March 20, 1848
    • August Hirschberg: From March 24, 1848 to March 27, 1848
  • Deputy Director
    • Eduard Huschke: From September 9, 1843 to September 13, 1843
    • August Wilke: From September 13, 1843 to December 20, 1844
    • August Hirschberg: From June 28, 1847 to March 24, 1848
    • August Wilke: From March 24, 1848 to March 27, 1848
  • Landscape Syndic : Theodor Dorl
  • Deputy Landscape Syndic: Dr. hc Adolf Magerstedt

Second legislative term

The second electoral term covers the period from August 28, 1848 to May 9, 1849 (2nd state parliament).


Surname direction WK no Curia area annotation
Johann Samuel Ferdinand Blumröder lib. 12 Scholarly status Supremacy
Moritz Buddensieg 0 7th Trading booth Subordination
Friedrich Emmerling lib. 9 City of Arnstadt Supremacy
Wilhelm Helmkampf 0 5 peasant landowners Subordination
August Hirschberg lib.-const./(WH) 2 City of Sondershausen Subordination
Christian Hoffmeister 0 4th peasant landowners Subordination
Dr. Wilhelm Kieser cons. 6th Scholarly status Subordination
Carl Rebling lib.-dem. 3 Greußen, Großenehrich and Clingen Subordination
Adolph Driver 0 8th Knight and property owner Supremacy
Heinrich Wellendorff 0 13 Trading booth Supremacy
August Wilke lib. 10 Plaue, Gehren, Breitenbach and Langewiesen Supremacy
Eduard von Wurmb cons. 1 Knight and freehold owner Subordination
Serious tooth 0 11 peasant landowners Supremacy


  • Age director  : Johann Samuel Ferdinand Blumröder
  • Landtag Director (President of the Landtag): August Hirschberg
  • Deputy Director: August Wilke
  • Landscape Syndic: Theodor Dorl
  • Deputy Landscape Syndic: Carl Rebling

Third term

The third electoral term covers the period from June 4, 1849 to June 30, 1850 (3rd state parliament).


Surname direction WK no area annotation
Johann Samuel Ferdinand Blumröder lib. B9 Plaue
Wilhelm Bohnhardt the. A3 Great, really
Christian Brückmann 0 A2 Greetings
Georg Ferdinand Burkhardt 0 A4 Subordination
Ferdinand Chop 0 A1 Sondershausen
Albert Falckner the. B8 Arnstadt
Ernst August Hörning the. B12 Großbreitenbach
Dr. Wilhelm Kieser cons. B10 Langewiesen
Dr. Gustav Queck 0 A1 Sondershausen
Carl Rebling lib.-dem. A4 Hachelbich
Dr. August Umbreit the. B8 Arnstadt
Friedrich Weise 0 A7 Holzthaleben
Johann Weitze 0 A5 Schernberg
Wilhelm Wiegandt 0 A6 Life
Christian Zahn the. B11 Miter


  • Age director: Johann Weitze
  • Landtag director (President of the Landtag): Johann Samuel Ferdinand Blumröder
  • Deputy Director: Dr. August Umbreit
  • Landscape Syndic: Theodor Dorl
  • Deputy Landscape Syndic: Ferdinand Chop

The diets from 1851 to 1855

First term

The first electoral term covers the period from December 29, 1851 to May 23, 1853 (3rd state parliament).


Surname direction WK no area annotation
Christian Brückmann Chop III 1 Greetings 1
Friedrich Chop lib.const. / Chop IV 2 Arnstadt 2 Mandate resigned on January 4, 1852; Successor to Hoschke
August Henning Drechsler cons. / chop II 2 Revival 2
Carl Gottschalck cons. / vH II 1 Life 1
Eduard Große Chop IV 4 Arnstadt 4
Albert Hochheim cons. / vH III 2 Greetings 2
Albert von Holleuffer cons. / vH I 1 Sondershausen 1
Heinrich Hoschke 0 IV 2 Arnstadt 2 Follower for Chop
Eduard Huschke (lib .-) cons. / vH III 3 Greetings 3
Günther Keyser cons. / vH II 3 Life 3
Gustav Adolph Keyser cons. / vH V 1 Miter 1
Dr. Wilhelm Kieser cons. / chop I 4 Sondershausen 4
Eduard Kirsch cons. / vH V 3 Miter 3
Wilhelm Lattermann cons. / chop V 4 Miter 4
Heinrich Muller rad.lib. / Chop IV 1 Arnstadt 1
Karl Münch cons. / vH I 2 Sondershausen 2
Otto Reinhard cons. / chop IV 3 Arnstadt 3
Gustav Ferdinand Stoz cons. / vH V 2 Miter 2
Ludwig Thomas cons. / vH I 3 Sondershausen 3

Note: The state parliament was divided into two groups: One, tending to be more liberal, supported the Chop government, the other (marked with a vH) the opposition around Albert von Holleuffer.


  • Age director: Gustav Ferdinand Stoz
  • Landtag Director (President of the Landtag): Eduard Huschke
  • Deputy Director: Carl Gottschalck (January 5 to July 31, 1852)
  • Landscape Syndic: Theodor Dorl

Second legislative term

The second electoral term covers the period from November 28, 1853 to December 31, 1855 (4th and 5th Landtag).


Surname direction WK no area annotation
Heinrich Barthel 0 HB I Constituency of the highest taxed people, Sondershausen
Wilhelm Bohnhardt the. AW II 2 Greuss-Land
Theodor Dorl 0 AW I 1 Sondershausen city
Carl Gottschalck cons. AW III 1 Life 1
Eduard Große 0 AW IV 2 Arnstadt-Land
Johann Friedrich Heubach 0 HB IV Constituency of the highest taxed people, Arnstadt
Günther Keyser cons. AW V 1 Miter 1 Mandate expired in 1854 due to appointment as public prosecutor. Successor: Wilhelm Lattermann
Gustav Adolph Keyser cons. HB V Constituency of the highest taxed, Gehren
Ferdinand Kleemann 0 LL Appointed by the prince for life
Carl Koehn cons. HB III Constituency of the highest taxed, Ebeleben
Adrian Langbein 0 LL Appointed by the prince for life
Wilhelm Lattermann cons. AW V 1 Miter 1 From November 13, 1855 for Günther Keyser
Ernst Maempel 0 HB IV Constituency of the highest taxed people, Arnstadt
Dr. Adolf Magerstedt cons. HB II Constituency of the highest taxed, Greußen
Heinrich Muller 0 AW IV 1 Arnstadt city
Carl Rebling 0 AW II 1 Greussen cities
Christian Steinmann 0 AW I 2 Sondershausen country
Gustav Ferdinand Stoz cons. AW V 2 Miter 2
Ludwig Thomas cons. LL Appointed by the prince for life
Carl Wachter the. AW III 2 Revival 2

The state parliament consisted of members appointed by the prince for life (LL), members who were elected among the highest taxable persons (HB) and those who were elected in general elections (AW).


  • President of the Landtag: Carl Gottschalck
  • Deputy President of the State Parliament:
  • Günther Keyser (December 2, 1853 to March 25, 1854)
  • Adolf Magerstedt (November 12th to December 10th, 1855)
  • Adrian Langbein (December 10-21, 1855)
  • Landscape Syndic: Theodor Dorl
  • Deputy Landscape Syndic: Carl Höland

The state parliaments from 1856 to 1919

First term

The first electoral term spanned the period from January 1, 1856 to December 31, 1859 (6th and 7th Landtag).


Surname direction WK no area annotation
Thilo Apel 0 LL UH Appointed for life by the prince, subordinate
Theodor Dorl 0 HB UH Constituency of the highest taxed, subordinate rule
Oscar von Elsner cons. AW 3 General elections
Eduard Große 0 AW 4 General elections
Albert Hochheim cons. HB UH Constituency of the highest taxed, subordinate rule
Thank God Hochheim 0 HB UH Constituency of the highest taxed, subordinate rule
Wilhelm Hülsemann cons. HB OH Constituency of the highest taxed, suzerainty
Eduar Huschke (lib.) cons. AW 2 General elections
Gustav Adolph Keyser cons. AW 5 General elections
Wilhelm von Krause 0 LL UH Appointed for life by the prince, subordinate
Edmund Krieger cons. HB OH Constituency of the highest taxed, suzerainty
Adrian Langbein 0 LL OH Appointed by the prince for life, suzerainty
Ernst Maempel 0 AW 1 General elections
Dr. Adolf Magerstedt cons. HB UH Constituency of the highest taxed, subordinate rule
Adelbert Schierholz 0 LL OH Appointed by the prince for life, suzerainty
Ludwig Thomas cons. (NL) LL UH Appointed for life by the prince, subordinate
Eduard von Wurmb cons. LL UH Appointed for life by the prince, subordinate

The state parliament consisted of members appointed by the prince for life (LL), members who were elected among the highest taxable persons (HB) and those who were elected in general elections (AW).


  • President of the Landtag: Eduard Huschke
  • Deputy President of the State Parliament:
  • Adrian Langbein (June 4 to 30, 1857)
  • Edmund Krieger (September 8 to December 22, 1859)
  • Landscape Syndic: Theodor Dorl

Second legislative term

The second electoral term spanned the period from January 1, 1860 to December 31, 1863 (8th and 9th Landtag).


Surname direction WK no area annotation
Dr. August Friedrich Wilhelm Dorl 0 AW 2 General elections
Theodor Dorl 0 HB UH Constituency of the highest taxed, subordinate rule
Wilhelm Helmkampf 0 HB UH Constituency of the highest taxed, subordinate rule
Thank God Hochheim 0 HB UH Constituency of the highest taxed, subordinate rule
Eduar Huschke (lib.) cons. AW 3 General elections
Gustav Adolph Keyser cons. AW 5 General elections
Wilhelm von Krause 0 LL UH Appointed for life by the prince, subordinate
August Kumpenhahn rad.lib. (NL) AW 4 General elections
Adrian Langbein 0 LL OH Appointed by the prince for life, suzerainty
Friedrich Laue lib. AW 1 General elections
Dr. Adolf Magerstedt cons. LL UH Appointed for life by the prince, subordinate
Heinrich Leopold Möller rad.lib. (NL) HB OH Constituency of the highest taxed, suzerainty
Otto Reinhard cons. (NL) AW 5 General elections
Adelbert Schierholz 0 LL OH Appointed by the prince for life, suzerainty
Christoph Schmidt (NL) HB OH Constituency of the highest taxed, suzerainty
Eduard von Wurmb cons. LL UH Appointed for life by the prince, subordinate

The state parliament consisted of members appointed by the prince for life (LL), members who were elected among the highest taxable persons (HB) and those who were elected in general elections (AW).


  • President of the Landtag: Eduard Huschke
  • Deputy President of the State Parliament:
  • Wilhelm Helmkampf (November 24 to December 17, 1861)
  • Dr. hc Adolf Magerstedt (September 17 to August 5, 1863)
  • Heinrich Leopold Möller (November 30 to December 31, 1863)
  • Landscape Syndic: Theodor Dorl

Third term

The third electoral term spanned the period from January 1, 1864 to December 31, 1867.


Surname direction WK no area annotation
Reinhold Bärwinkel rad.-lib. (NL) HB OH Constituency of the highest taxed, suzerainty
Theodor Dorl 0 HB UH Constituency of the highest taxed, subordinate rule
Carl Höland 0 HB UH Constituency of the highest taxed, subordinate rule
Carl Adolph Kieser 0 LL OH Appointed by the prince for life, suzerainty
Dr. Wilhelm Kieser cons. AW 5 General elections
Wilhelm Kleemann 0 LL UH Appointed for life by the prince, subordinate
Theodor Koch 0 AW 3 General elections
Wilhelm von Krause 0 LL UH Appointed for life by the prince, subordinate
August Kumpenhahn rad.lib. (NL) AW 2 General elections
Adrian Langbein 0 LL OH Appointed by the prince for life, suzerainty
Friedrich Laue lib. AW 1 General elections
Bernhard Leupold NL AW 4 General elections
Bernhard Maempel 0 HB UH Constituency of the highest taxed, subordinate rule
Dr. hc Adolf Magerstedt cons. LL UH Appointed for life by the prince, subordinate
Heinrich Leopold Möller rad.lib. (NL) LL OH Appointed by the prince for life, suzerainty
Christoph Schmidt (NL) HB OH Constituency of the highest taxed, suzerainty
Eduard von Wurmb cons. LL UH Appointed for life by the prince, subordinate

The state parliament consisted of members appointed by the prince for life (LL), members who were elected among the highest taxable persons (HB) and those who were elected in general elections (AW).


  • President of the Landtag: Heinrich Leopold Möller
  • Deputy President of the State Parliament:
  • Bernhard Maempel (October 2 to November 7, 1865)
  • Carl Höland (June 29, 1866 to December 30, 1867)
  • Landscape Syndic: Theodor Dorl

Fourth legislative term

The fourth electoral term runs from January 1, 1868 to December 31, 1871.


Surname direction WK no area annotation
Reinhold Bärwinkel NL HB OH Constituency of the highest taxed, suzerainty
Theodor Dorl 0 HB UH Constituency of the highest taxed, subordinate rule
Friedrich Heise 0 HB UH Constituency of the highest taxed, subordinate rule
Carl Höland 0 HB UH Constituency of the highest taxed, subordinate rule
Bruno Huschke NL AW 3 General elections
Carl Adolph Kieser 0 LL OH Appointed by the prince for life, suzerainty
Dr. Wilhelm Kieser cons. AW 5 General elections
Ernst Kiesewetter NL LL OH Appointed by the prince for life, suzerainty appointed on December 17, 1869 as successor to HL Möller
Wilhelm Kleemann 0 LL UH Appointed for life by the prince, subordinate
Friedrich Laue lib. AW 1 General elections
Friedrich Ludewig 0 AW 2 General elections
Dr. Adolf Magerstedt cons. LL UH Appointed for life by the prince, subordinate relieved at his own request on November 26, 1870. Successor: H. Schmidt
Heinrich Leopold Möller NL LL OH Appointed by the prince for life, suzerainty died on September 26, 1869 / successor: Ernst Kiesewetter
Christoph Schmidt NL HB OH Constituency of the highest taxed, suzerainty
Hermann Schmidt 0 LL UH Appointed for life by the prince, subordinate appointed on October 2, 1871 as successor to Magerstedt
Eduard von Wurmb cons. LL UH Appointed for life by the prince, subordinate

The state parliament consisted of members appointed by the prince for life (LL), members who were elected among the highest taxable persons (HB) and those who were elected in general elections (AW).


  • President of the Landtag: Carl Höland
  • Deputy President of the State Parliament: Reinhold Bärwinkel
  • Landscape Syndic: Theodor Dorl

Further terms


  • Jochen Lengemann: Landtag and regional representation of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen 1843–1923. ISBN 3437353683