List of Clive Cussler's novels

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This article is a listing of Clive Cussler's novels and provides an overview of the works of which Cussler was author or co-author. The list of the English originals and their respective German first publications, if available, is based on the order in which the original titles appeared.

German title Original title year series German edition
The death flyer The Mediterranean Caper 1973 Dirk Pitt (Volume 1) Goldmann, 1978
ISBN 3-442-03657-7
In the UK under the title MAYDAY! released.
iceberg Ice berg 1975 Dirk Pitt (Volume 2) Goldmann, 1978
ISBN 3-442-03513-9
Eisberg and Der Todesflieger were also published in 1987 as On behalf of NUMA (Goldmann, 1987, ISBN 3-442-10080-1 ).
Raise the Titanic! Raise the Titanic 1976 Dirk Pitt (Volume 3) Blanvalet, 1976
ISBN 3-7645-5607-2
For a new missile defense system, the United States needs the radioactive core element byzanium. Larger amounts of the element were on an island in Siberia, but these were removed a long time ago. Dirk Pitt succeeds in tracing the element back - right into the cargo hold of the Titanic . The President of the United States ordered that the wreck be found and retrieved. After several months of searching, the wreck of the ship turned out to be in good condition so that the rescue operation could be carried out. However, the rescue team was infiltrated by spies from the Soviet Union who sabotaged the operation. They want to capture the Titanic in a hurricane in order to get to the Byzanium themselves. The plan is thwarted, but in the end the Byzanium is not in the hold of the ship, but can be found in a cemetery in England.

The book was published before the wreck of the Titanic was discovered. Was filmed in 1980 as Lifts the Titanic .

The death flight of Cargo 03 Vixen 03 1978 Dirk Pitt (Volume 4) Blanvalet, 1979
ISBN 3-7645-2751-X
In 1954 the “Cargo 03” transport aircraft disappears during a flight - and with it several steel containers full of poison gas artillery grenades . The fate of the plane remained unclear for years until Dirk Pitt came across parts of the plane during a short vacation with Loren Smith . With the help of his NUMA colleagues, he can find the cargo and recover it, but inside he comes across a shortage of grenades - and the corpse of a recently deceased. At the same time, preparations are under way in South Africa for an overthrow and an enterprise called "Wilde Rose" for which the African Revolutionary Army (ARA) needs a battleship. Pitt learns that the grenades were recovered and sold to a weapons manufacturer, ultimately boarding the USS Iowa , the battleship the ARA bought for their company. The leader of the operation, a retired British officer who lost his family in an attack, hijacks the ship and steers it into Washington DC to bombard the city's landmarks without knowing its dangerous cargo.
By a hair's breadth Night rehearsal! 1981 Dirk Pitt (Volume 5) Hestia, 1982
ISBN 3-7770-0238-0
In order to raise funds for the upcoming First World War, Britain is secretly selling Canada to the United States. However, the diplomats charged with transporting the so-called “North American Treaty”, which had been issued several times, both perished - one in the sinking of the Empress of Ireland , the other in a train accident (similar to the railway accident on the Firth-of-Tay bridge ). The contract is then deleted from history.

Decades later, a chance find leads to the track of the contract. In order to secure an oil deposit off the coast of Quebec and to create a united America, Numa is tasked with recovering a copy of the contract. A Canadian minister who wants to lead Quebec to independence and a reactivated ex-MI6 agent who wants to preserve the colonial claims of the British Empire stand in their way. The copy of the contract on board the Empress of Ireland was destroyed by the water while it was on the seabed, but the train with the other copy turned out to be nowhere to be found. After some research, Dirk Pitt realizes that the train accident was just a ruse in the context of a large-scale gold theft and can finally track it down in an old mine with an intact copy of the contract.

In the fog of death Pacific Vortex! 1983 Dirk Pitt (Volume 6) Hestia, 1984
ISBN 3-7770-0279-8
The first book written by Cussler. However, he could not win a publisher for it. Chronologically it takes place before the book "Der Todesflieger", which also refers to this book in some points.
Deep sea Deep Six 1984 Dirk Pitt (Volume 7) Goldmann, 1985
ISBN 3-442-30043-6
Cyclop Cyclops 1986 Dirk Pitt (Volume 8) Blanvalet, 1988
ISBN 3-442-06235-4
Dirk Pitt hides a driverless zeppelin floating off the coast of Florida . There are three bodies on board, but the owner Raymond LeBaron , who was in the airship when it took off, is not among them. Pitt discovers that LeBaron was looking for La Dorada , a fabled South American gold statue believed to be aboard the USS Cyclops, which sank in 1918 . Hoping to find Raymond LeBaron, Pitt, Al Giordino and Jessie LeBaron stumble upon a secret Soviet eavesdropping station during a reconnaissance mission to the wreck and are captured by the unscrupulous General Velikov. He wants to use the base on the one hand for the hijacking of a US space shuttle (with colonists from a secret moon base) and on the other hand for the disempowerment of Fidel Castro through a bomb attack in Havana. Pitt escapes from the island on which the listening station is located using a cast iron bathtub and returns with military reinforcements. After the military mission he went to Cuba and did his best to prevent the bomb explosion.
The Alexandria plot Treasure 1988 Dirk Pitt (Volume 9) Blanvalet, 1989
ISBN 3-7645-05245-X
While searching for a sunken Soviet submarine, the Numa accidentally discovers an old Roman ship in the Greenland ice. The information found on board indicates that it was involved in removing the most valuable pieces of the Alexandria Library from Egypt. Shortly thereafter, there was a plane crash nearby, in which UN Secretary-General Hala Kamil narrowly escaped death. The crash was arranged by the professional killer Ammar, who desperately wants to finish his job. Therefore, a short time later, he hijacked a ship with several high-ranking politicians, including Hala Kamil and Senator George Pitt , father of Dirk Pitt. While the computer genius Hiram Yeager is busy evaluating the clues from the Roman ship, Dirk Pitt starts the search for the hijacked ship. When it is found, they encounter a conspiracy to seek revolutions in Mexico and Egypt, led by brothers Paul and Robert Capesterre. After Yeager located the remains of the Alexandria library near the Rio Grande and leaked the information to the press, a popular uprising broke out on the Mexican-American border, in the course of which Robert Capesterre alias Topiltzin was killed after his brother Paul alias Achmed had previously been killed Yazid was killed at the hand of the professional killer he only used.
The Ajima conspiracy Dragon 1990 Dirk Pitt (Volume 10) Blanvalet, 1991
ISBN 3-7645-2416-2
On the voyage from Kobe to Los Angeles, the driverless car freighter " Divine Star " detonates in the middle of the Pacific - in a nuclear explosion. The explosion made the United States aware of a devious attack plan with which a Japanese secret cartel led by the magnate Hideki Suma wants to bring the United States to its knees and establish its home country as the dominant economic power: An EMP strike triggered by atomic bombs that the all electronics of the economic countries destroyed. A counter-action launched by the American government aimed at infiltrating Suma's operations center on the island of Ajima fails because of traitors and Suma's surveillance system. A satellite system discovered a wrecked plane that had loaded a Fat Man atom bomb and crashed near the island. Pitt succeeds in activating the atomic bomb and sinking the entire island into the sea.
Operation Sahara Sahara 1992 Dirk Pitt (Volume 11) Blanvalet, 1993
ISBN 3-7645-2493-6
The red tide spreads uncontrollably and the Numa discovers that the cause is somewhere in the course of the Niger . Admiral Sandecker sends Dirk, Al and Rudi Gunn on a mission upstream to find the cause. In Mali , they discover that toxins enter the river via an underground river. Pitt and Giordino discover the cause of the problem at the Fort Foreau chemical waste incinerator , which is located above the river. The owner, Yves Massarde , does not have the waste incinerated, but instead has it stored under the system, so that it ends up in the groundwater. He captures Pitt and Giordino and sends them to a secret gold mine owned by the warlord Zateb Kazim . You can escape and make your way to the Trans-Sahara Route after a multi-day march through the desert. In order to free the other prisoners, including the WHO doctor Eva Rojas, whom they met in the course of the plot, they receive help from a United Nations reaction force . When their transport plane is destroyed in the middle of the desert, they make their way to Fort Foreau, where they then engage in a heavy battle with Kazim's army.

In the course of the plot, they also discover multiple references to a Confederate ironclad ship called " CSS Texas " which was stranded in the desert and which, in addition to the gold reserves of the south, also had Abraham Lincoln on board.

Was filmed in 2005 as a Sahara desert adventure .

Inca gold Inca gold 1994 Dirk Pitt (Volume 12) Blanvalet, 1995
ISBN 3-7645-06666-0
Two divers get lost in a sinkhole in the Andes . Dirk Pitt and Al Giordino go on a rescue mission after which they are threatened and kidnapped by a group of mercenaries. But they manage to free themselves. They discover that the wire-pullers are an international organization of art forgers , the Solpemachaco . They also come across evidence that a quipu with a map of the huscar's treasure is aboard a galleon captured by Francis Drake . Pitt manages to track down the missing galleon and locate the location of the treasure. The Solpemachaco , led by Joseph Zolar, also follows clues to the treasure. They take Rudi Gunn and Pitt's lover, Loren Smith, prisoner and keep them in the treasure cave. Pitt and Giordino try to reach them and save them via an underground river that leads exactly into the treasure cave. During the battle, Pitt ends up in the river and is forced to follow him to the mouth in the Gulf of California .
Shock wave Shock wave 1996 Dirk Pitt (Volume 13) Blanvalet, 1996
ISBN 3-7645-0032-8
All passengers on the polar cruise ship Polar Queen are mysteriously killed. The event joins a chain of mass extinctions in the Pacific. Only Maeve Fletcher and Dedire Dorsett survive the disaster. Dirk Pitt, who investigates the mass extinction on behalf of Numa, harbors the Polar Queen. Numa succeeds in tracing the mass extinctions back to the Dorsett Mining Consolidation, which is run by the father of the two sisters, Arthur Dorsett. With the help of the Indian Mason Broadmore, Pitt penetrates a mine run by Dorsett and finds out that the cause is a method of extraction using sound waves from the company. Pitt also learns that Arthur Dorsett kidnapped Maeve's sons and goes with her to rescue them. Arthur Dorsett manages to intercept them and launch them in a small boat on the sea. After several weeks at sea, they manage to reach Gladiator Island, Dorsett's private island. At the same time, Numa discovered that Honolulu was endangered by the extraction method, but the Hughes Glomar Explorer managed to send the sound waves back to Gladiator Island. There they cause a volcanic eruption, which puts Dirk Pitt in serious danger and in which all members of the Dorsett family perish.

In the end, Pitt finds a totem pole carved by Mason Broadmore in his hangar as a thank you gift.

Hell flood Flood tide 1997 Dirk Pitt (Volume 14) Blanvalet, 1998
ISBN 3-7645-0062-X
Atlantis Files Atlantis Found 1999 Dirk Pitt (Volume 15) Blanvalet, 2001
ISBN 3-7645-0106-5
A miner, a researcher and Scottish archaeologist Pat (ricia) O'Connell are buried in a disused mine in Colorado . Dirk Pitt manages to save the three from the mine system, but it turns out that the accident was not a coincidence. It only served to cover up the find, a chamber with a strange obsidian skull. Dirk Pitt and Al Giordino come across clues to other chambers and are attacked by mercenaries while exploring. Little by little you can trace the traces back to the Wolf family, descendants of a National Socialist . When Pat O'Connell, who is busy deciphering the symbols found in the chambers, is kidnapped by the Wolfs, Pitt starts a rescue operation and flies with the Moller Skycar to Argentina to Wolfschen Werft. Based on the information obtained there, they come to the conclusion that the wolfs are preparing for a sudden, massive continental drift, which they artificially triggered by the separation of the Ross Ice Shelf . So they want to establish a "fourth kingdom". When this massive danger became known, the United States launched a brief military attack on a Wolf factory on the edge of the ice shelf. Dirk Pitt and Al Giordino can procure the Snow Cruiser and thus prevent the end of the world at the last minute. Under the ice of the Antarctic, you will also discover a city of the people who made the obsidian skulls and associate the whole thing with the legend of Atlantis .
The death wreck Serpent 1999 Numa Files (Volume 1) Goldmann, 2000
ISBN 3-442-35274-6
Burning water Blue gold 2000 Numa Files (Volume 2) Goldmann, 2002
ISBN 3-442-35683-0
Under the sign of the Vikings Valhalla Rising 2001 Dirk Pitt (Volume 16) Blanvalet, 2002
ISBN 3-7645-0146-4
The " Emerald Dolphin ", a super-modern cruise ship of superlatives with a revolutionary drive, is on fire in the middle of the Pacific, despite extensive safety precautions. Dirk Pitt and his NUMA colleagues, who happen to be nearby, were able to save the majority of the passengers - including the young Kelly Egan , whose father, Dr. Elmore Egan developed the magnetohydrodynamic engine concept. Viking fanatic Dr. Elmore Egan has also developed a groundbreaking oil, the formula of which the industrial tycoon Zale wants to come up with at any cost in order to increase its power within the United States with an oil monopoly. He puts his ice-cold head of security and professional killer Omo Kanai on the heads of Dirk, Al and Kelly and lets him cause two more disasters on the side: The sinking of a luxury submarine, which was also operated by Dr. Egan's propulsion system is powered, and a liquid gas tanker detonates in New York. At the same time, St. Julien Perlmutter searches for Pitt for Egan's inspiration for the oil and stumbles upon Jule Verne's historical role model for Captain Nemo and the Nautilus . At the end of the novel are Dirk Pitt Jr. and Summer Pitt on her father's doorstep.
Flaming ice Fire ice 2002 Numa Files (Volume 3) Goldmann, 2003
ISBN 3-442-35825-6
The Troy Mission Trojan Odyssey 2003 Dirk Pitt (Volume 17) Blanvalet, 2004
ISBN 3-7645-0189-8
The massive hurricane " Lizzie " brings two generations together professionally. While Pitt's children, Dirk Jr. and Summer survive the storm underwater in a diving chamber in the Caribbean and discover a submerged Celtic temple, Pitt Sr. and Al Giordino try to save the floating luxury hotel of the mysterious millionaire “ Specter ” from destruction.

The further investigations into her actual work on site, the investigation of a mysterious toxic pollution of the Caribbean waters, lead Dirk sr. and Al finally back to "Specter" and its company " Odyssey ". In Nicaragua he is building a gigantic tunnel system between the Atlantic and the Pacific, the effect of which could kill millions of people. Meanwhile, Dirk jr. and Summer to get to the bottom of the mystery of the sunken temple and thus obtain information that completely turns the story of Troy and the wanderings of Odysseus , according to a really existing thesis by Iman Wilkens , upside down.

Deadly prey White Death 2003 Numa Files (Volume 4) Blanvalet, 2004
ISBN 3-442-36068-4
The golden buddha Golden Buddha 2003 Oregon Files (Volume 1) Blanvalet, 2005
ISBN 3-442-36160-5
Secret code Makaze Black wind 2004 Dirk Pitt (Volume 18) Blanvalet, 2004
ISBN 3-442-37151-8
On an island of the Aleutian Islands are Dirk Pitt jr. and his colleague Jack Dahlgren witnessed a mysterious death of many animals and some people. Both are able to save the researcher Sarah and expose a mysterious ship as a possible culprit.

With the help of NUMA, Dirk and his sister Summer are continuing their research and are uncovering a devastating biological weapon that the Japanese intended to use in an act of desperation shortly before the end of the Second World War. But the South Korean industrial tycoon Kang is also after the warfare agent and, with the support of his henchman Tongju, hunted it down after it was recovered by NUMA. Kang is planning to breed a deadly virus and carry out an attack that will end the US supremacy in Southeast Asia once and for all.

Since Black Wind , Cussler has been supported as a co-author by his son Dirk Cussler .

Killer algae Lost City 2004 Numa Files (Volume 5) Blanvalet, 2005
ISBN 3-442-36362-4
Death shrine Sacred Stone 2004 Oregon Files (Volume 2) Blanvalet, 2006
ISBN 3-442-36446-9
Pack ice Polar Shift 2005 Numa Files (Volume 6) Blanvalet, 2006
ISBN 3-442-36617-8
Dead freight Dark Watch 2005 Oregon Files (Volume 3) Blanvalet, 2008
ISBN 978-3-442-36857-0
The curse of Khan Treasure of Khan 2006 Dirk Pitt (Volume 19) Blanvalet, 2007
ISBN 3-7645-0275-4
Several earthquakes destroy strategically important transshipment centers for the Asian oil industry. When the team around NUMA Director Dirk Pitt and Al Giordino was almost killed by a similar phenomenon on the Siberian Lake Baikal, the experienced duo got involved. The mysterious “ Avarga ” oil company appears to be behind the attacks . Pitt and Giordino travel towards the Mongolian company headquarters and meet the clan of a powerful oil patron. He claims of himself to be the legitimate descendant of Genghis Khan and did everything in his power to restore himself and the Mongolian people - sometimes by force - to their old strength. While Pitt and Al try to escape the murder squads, Pitt's children Dirk and Summer are also targeted by the Mogul's killer brigades off Hawaii.
Snake hunting Skeleton Coast 2006 Oregon Files (Volume 4) Weltbild, 2008
ISBN 978-3-8289-9250-4
Hellmouth The Navigator 2007 Numa Files (Volume 7) Blanvalet, 2008
ISBN 978-3-442-36922-5
Hell Hunt The Chase 2007 Isaac Bell (Volume 1) Blanvalet, 2009
ISBN 978-3-442-37057-3
Polar storm Arctic drift 2008 Dirk Pitt (Volume 20) Blanvalet, 2009
ISBN 978-3-7645-0347-5
Plague ship Plague Ship 2008 Oregon Files (Volume 5) Blanvalet, 2010
ISBN 978-3-442-37243-0
Freezing surf Medusa 2009 Numa Files (Volume 8) Blanvalet, 2010
ISBN 978-3-442-37577-6
Pirate trip Corsair 2009 Oregon Files (Volume 6) Blanvalet, 2011
ISBN 978-3-442-37590-5
sabotage The wrecker 2009 Isaac Bell (Volume 2) Blanvalet, 2011
ISBN 978-3-442-37684-1
The gold of Sparta Spartan gold 2009 Sam & Remi Fargo (Volume 1) Blanvalet, 2011
ISBN 978-3-442-37683-4
Desert fire Crescent Dawn 2010 Dirk Pitt (Volume 21) Blanvalet, 2011
ISBN 978-3-7645-0396-3
Devilish pull The Silent Sea 2010 Oregon Files (Volume 7) Blanvalet, 2011
ISBN 978-3-442-37751-0
Blood web The Spy 2010 Isaac Bell (Volume 3) Blanvalet, 2012
ISBN 978-3-442-37964-4
Aztec legacy Lost Empire 2010 Sam & Remi Fargo (Volume 2) Blanvalet, 2012
ISBN 978-3-442-37949-1
Killer wave The jungle 2011 Oregon Files (Volume 8) Blanvalet, 2012
ISBN 978-3-442-37818-0
The Secret of Shangri La The Kingdom 2011 Sam & Remi Fargo (Volume 3) Blanvalet, 2012
ISBN 978-3-442-38069-5
Devil's gate Devil's Gate 2011 Numa Files (Volume 9) Blanvalet, 2013
ISBN 978-3-442-38048-0
Hellstorm The Storm 2012 Numa Files (Volume 10) Blanvalet, 2014
ISBN 978-3-442-38297-2
negative pressure Poseidon's Arrow 2012 Dirk Pitt (Volume 22) Blanvalet, 2013
ISBN 978-3-7645-0483-0
Death race The Race 2011 Isaac Bell (Volume 4) Blanvalet, 2013
ISBN 978-3-442-38167-8
The fifth tomb of the king The Tombs 2012 Sam & Remi Fargo (Volume 4) Blanvalet, 2013
ISBN 978-3-442-38224-8
Stealth drive Mirage 2013 Oregon Files (Volume 9) Blanvalet, 2014
ISBN 978-3-442-38223-1
Sea thunder The Thief 2012 Isaac Bell (Volume 5) Blanvalet, 2014
ISBN 978-3-442-38364-1
Incorruptible The bootlegger 2014 Isaac Bell (Volume 7) Blanvalet, 2016
ISBN 978-3-7341-0320-9
The Cuba Conspiracy Havana Storm 2014 Dirk Pitt (Volume 23) Blanvalet, 2016
ISBN 978-3-7645-0553-0
Code name Tartarus Zero hour 2015 Numa Files (Volume 11) Blanvalet, 2015
ISBN 978-3-7341-0143-4
Death trade Ghost ship 2015 Numa Files (Volume 12) Blanvalet, 2015
ISBN 978-3-7341-0235-6
The Mayan Legacy The Mayan Secrets 2015 Sam & Remi Fargo (Volume 5) Blanvalet, 2015
ISBN 978-3-442-38387-0
The merciless The Striker 2015 Isaac Bell (Volume 6) Blanvalet, 2015
ISBN 978-3-7341-0144-1
The Vikings' oath The Eye of Heaven 2016 Sam & Remi Fargo (Volume 6) Blanvalet, 2016
ISBN 978-3-7341-0236-3
The assassin The assassin 2015 Isaac Bell (Volume 8) Blanvalet, 2017
ISBN 978-3-7341-0362-9
Piranha Piranha 2015 Oregon Files (Volume 10) Blanvalet, 2016
ISBN 978-3-7341-0309-4
The Osiris plot The Pharaoh's Secret 2015 Numa Files (Volume 13) Blanvalet, 2017
ISBN 978-3-7341-0361-2
The lost city The Solomon Curse 2015 Sam & Remi Fargo (Volume 7) Blanvalet, 2016
ISBN 978-3-7341-0363-6
Devil hunt The gangster 2016 Isaac Bell (Volume 9) Blanvalet, 2018
ISBN 978-3-7341-0516-6
Shadow cargo The Emperor's Revenge 2016 Oregon Files (Volume 11) Blanvalet, 2017
ISBN 978-3-7341-0517-3
Odessa secret file Odessa Sea 2016 Dirk Pitt (Volume 24) Blanvalet, 2017
ISBN 978-3-7645-0615-5
The pirate's treasure Pirate 2016 Sam & Remi Fargo (Volume 8) Blanvalet, 2017
ISBN 978-3-7341-0510-4
The return of the beast The cutthroat 2018 Isaac Bell (Volume 10) Blanvalet, 2019
ISBN 978-3-7341-0640-8
Nighthawk project Nighthawk 2017 Numa Files (Volume 14) Blanvalet, 2019
ISBN 978-3-7341-0641-5
Hunter of the stolen gold The Romanov Ransomware 2017 Sam & Remi Fargo (Volume 9) Blanvalet, 2019
ISBN 978-3-7341-0639-2
In the eye of the typhoon Typhoon Fury 2017 Oregon Files (Volume 12) Blanvalet, 2018
ISBN 978-3-7341-0642-2
The second deluge The Rising Sea 2018 Numa Files (Volume 15) Blanvalet, 2019
ISBN 978-3-7341-0782-5
- Sea of ​​Greed 2018 Numa Files (Volume 16) -
The gray phantom The Gray Ghost 2018 Sam & Remi Fargo (Volume 10) Blanvalet, 2020
ISBN 978-3734107801
The Colossus Code Shadow Tyrants 2018 Oregon Files (Volume 13) Blanvalet, 2019
ISBN 978-3-7341-0781-8
The tenth plague Celtic Empire 2019 Dirk Pitt (Volume 25) Blanvalet, 2020
ISBN 978-3764507039
- The Oracle 2019 Sam & Remi Fargo (Volume 11) -
The Titanic Conspiracy The Titanic Deception 2019 Isaac Bell (Volume 11) Blanvalet, 2020
ISBN 978-3734108303
- Final option 2019 Oregon Files (Volume 14) -
- Journey of the Pharaohs 2020 Numa Files (Volume 17) -

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