List of Luxembourg MEPs to the EU Parliament (1979–1984)

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The list of Luxembourg members to the EU Parliament (1979–1984) lists all Luxembourg members of the 1st European Parliament after the European elections in Luxembourg in 1979 . Victor Abens was the only Luxembourg member to sit in parliament for the entire electoral term.

Strength of mandate of the parties

National party fraction Mandates
  • Chrëschtlech Sozial Vollekspartei (CSV)
  • Christian Democrats
  • 3
  • Democratic Party (DP)
  • liberal
  • 2
  • Lëtzebuerger Sozialistesch Aarbechterpartei (LSAP)
  • Socialists
  • 1


    image MEP from to Political party fraction Remarks
    Placeholder staff photo.svg
    Victor Abens 17th July 1979 July 23, 1984 LSAP
  • Socialists
  • Placeholder staff photo.svg
    Fernand Boden 17th July 1979 July 18, 1979 CSV
  • Christian Democrats
  • Successor: Marc Fischbach
    Placeholder staff photo.svg
    Nicolas Estgen August 14, 1979 July 23, 1984 CSV
  • Christian Democrats
  • moved up for Jean Wolter
    Placeholder staff photo.svg
    Marc Fischbach July 19, 1979 July 23, 1984 CSV
  • Christian Democrats
  • moved up for Fernand Boden
    Colette-Flesch - w.jpg
    Colette Flesch 17th July 1979 November 22, 1980 DP
  • liberal
  • Successor: René Mart
    Charles Goerens, "D'Konsequenze vun anti-Semitism a Judde persecution at the political discourse in Lëtzebuerg, 1945-2014" -103.jpg
    Charles Goerens February 15, 1982 July 23, 1984 DP
  • liberal
  • moved up for Jean Hamilius
    Jean Hamilius, "Collaboration with the Lëtzebuerger Verwaltungskommissioun" -104.jpg
    Jean Hamilius July 19, 1979 January 14, 1982 DP
  • liberal
  • successor for Gaston Thorn , successor: Charles Goerens
    Marcelle Lentz-Cornette.jpg
    Marcelle Lentz-Cornette 0March 5, 1980 July 23, 1984 CSV
  • Christian Democrats
  • moved up for Jean Spautz
    Placeholder staff photo.svg
    René Mart November 26, 1980 July 23, 1984 DP
  • liberal
  • moved up for Colette Flesch
    Jacques Santer cropped.jpg
    Jacques Santer 17th July 1979 July 18, 1979 CSV
  • Christian Democrats
  • Successor: Jean Spautz
    Federal archive B 145 Bild-F073608-0019, Mainz, CDU federal party conference, Kohl, Spantz cropped.jpg
    Jean Spautz July 19, 1979 0March 4th 1980 CSV
  • Christian Democrats
  • Successor for Jacques Santer , successor: Marcelle Lentz-Cornette
    Gaston Thorn (1984) .jpg
    Gaston Thorn 17th July 1979 July 18, 1979 DP
  • liberal
  • Successor: Jean Hamilius
    Placeholder staff photo.svg
    Jean Wolter 17th July 1979 July 18, 1979 CSV
  • Christian Democrats
  • Successor: Nicolas Estgen

    Web links