List of Soviet fighter pilots in World War II

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The list of Soviet fighter pilots in World War II includes fighter pilots of the Soviet air forces in World War II , which lasted from 1939 to 1945 , who scored at least 40 kills.


The table contains the Soviet aviators from 40 confirmed kills with:

  • Surname
  • Rank
  • Number of confirmed aerial victories
  • highest award given
  • Unit / IAP (Russian: istrebitelny awiazionny polk) - fighter pilot regiment, LA (vosduschnaja armija) - air army
  • Date of death (†)

Note: The list can be sorted : By clicking on a column header, the list is sorted according to this column, clicking twice reverses the sorting.

Surname image rank L. Award unit
Ivan Nikitovich Koschedub Ivan Kozhedub 2.jpg major 62 3 × HdS 176th GW IAP ( 16th LA ) August 12, 1991
Alexander Ivanovich Pokryschkin Alexander Pokryshkin 1941.jpg Colonel 59 (6 of them as group shots) 3 × HdS 16th Gw IAP (2nd LA) November 13, 1985
Nikolai Dmitrievich Gulaev Николай Дмитриевич Гулаев.jpg 57 2 × HdS 423. IAP
487. IAP
129. Gw IAP
September 27, 1985
Grigory Andreevich Rechkalov Grigory Rechkalov.jpg Major general 56 2 × Order of Lenin 16. Gw IAP December 20, 1990
Kirill Alexejewitsch Evstignejew Кирилл Алексеевич Евстигнеев.jpg Major general 52 2 × HdS 240th IAP (6th LA),
178th Gw IAP
August 29, 1996
Arseni Wassiljewitsch Vorosheikin Арсений Васильевич Ворожейкин.jpg 52 2 × HdS 728th IAP,
32nd Gw IAP (9th LA)
May 23, 2001
Dmitri Borisovich Glinka Colonel 50 2 × HdS 45th IAP,
100th Gw IAP
March 1, 1979
Amet-chan Sultan Amet-khan Sultan.jpg major 49 (19 of them as group shots) 2 × HdS 9. Gw IAP 1st February 1971
Alexander Fyodorovich Klubov Captain 50 2 × HdS 27. Gw IAP November 1, 1944
Nikolai Mikhailovich Skomorochow Николай Михайлович Скоморохов.jpg major 46 31st IAP (17th LA) 1994
Alexander Ivanovich Koldunow Chief Marshal 46 HdS 866. IAP June 7, 1992
Vitaly Ivanovich Popkov Lieutenant General 41 2 × HdS 5th Gw IAP (17th LA) June 2, 2010
Boris Feoktistowitsch Safonow Сафонов Борис Феоктистович.jpg 41 2 × HdS 32nd SAP,
78th IAP
May 30, 1942
Alexej Wassiljewitsch Alelyukhin Алексей Васильевич Алелюхин.jpg Captain 40 2 × HdS 9. Gw IAP October 29, 1990

See also


  • Raymond F. Toliver: Get Hartmann from Heaven. Publisher: Motorbuch.
  • Christopher Chant / Richard Humble: The great book of dogfights. Publisher: Buch und Zeit Verlagsgesellschaft.
  • Wilfried Copenhagen : Lexicon Soviet Aviation. Elbe – Dnjepr, Klitzschen 2007, ISBN 978-3-933395-90-0 .
  • Waldemar Trojca: Soviet flying ace 1941–1945. (= History of the Great Patriotic War ), VDM, Zweibrücken 2019, ISBN 978-3-86619-152-5 .