List of bridges in Hamburg / N

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photo Name, brief description use (First) construction District, location
RK 1804 1580665 Nettelnburg Bridge over the Allermöher Landscheidefleet.jpg Nettelnburger Brücke (N216)
With this bridge the Nettelnburger Strasse crosses the Landscheidefleet in Allermöhe.
Street Bergedorf ,
Allermöhe ,
( 53 ° 28 ′ 40 ″ N, 10 ° 11 ′ 5 ″ E )
Hamburg, launch NIK 3510.jpg New bridge over the Elbe

Norderelbbrücke on the B 4 / B 75; Reinforced concrete structure; not listed in the street directory. The bridge is a listed building.

Street 1884/1887 Rothenburgsort , Veddel
( 53 ° 31 ′ 55 ″ N, 10 ° 1 ′ 34 ″ E )
For Neuenfeld road bridge
see Hermann Keesenberg Bridge
Street Wilhelmsburg
RK 1804 1590324 Neuengammer Blue Bridge.jpg Neuengammer Blue Bridge
Between the Neuengammer Hausdeich and the Curslacker Deich, this bridge leads over the Dove Elbe .
Street Curslack ,
( 53 ° 26 ′ 15 ″ N, 10 ° 14 ′ 13 ″ E )
RK 1804 1580694 Neuengammer Durchstichbrücke.jpg Neuengammer Durchstichbrücke
A reinforced concrete bridge built in 1934 over the Neuengammer Durchstich, a canal between the Dove Elbe and the Gose Elbe.
Street 1934 Neuengamme
( 53 ° 27 ′ 50 ″ N, 10 ° 11 ′ 42 ″ E )
RK 1906 1700340 Neuengammer Hausdeichbrücke.jpg Neuengammer Hausdeichbrücke
This bridge is named after the Neuengammer Hausdeich. A dike on which the houses are located is called a “house dike”.
Street Neuengamme
( 53 ° 26 ′ 7 ″ N, 10 ° 14 ′ 15 ″ E )
RK 1808 1630046 Neuengammer Hinterdeichbrücke.jpg Neuengammer Hinterdeichbrücke
This bridge is named after the Hinterdeich in Neuengamme. At Achterdeich it leads over the Neuengammer breakthrough.
Street Neuengamme
( 53 ° 26 ′ 56 ″ N, 10 ° 10 ′ 27 ″ E )
Neuerwallbrücke over Neuerwallfleet (2) .jpg Neuerwallbrücke
An inconspicuous bridge in downtown Hamburg. With it, the popular Neuer Wall shopping street crosses a small connecting canal between Alsterfleet and Bleichenfleet.
Street Neustadt
( 53 ° 33 ′ 5 ″ N, 9 ° 59 ′ 24 ″ E )
Neuerweg Bridge (Hamburg-HafenCity) .3.ajb.jpg Neuerwegsbrücke (N223)
Between the streets Am Sandtorkai and St. Annenfleet , this bridge leads over the St. Annenfleet . in downtown Hamburg.
Street HafenCity
( 53 ° 32 ′ 39 ″ N, 9 ° 59 ′ 47 ″ E )
New Vering Canal Swing Bridge.nnw.jpg New
Vering Canal Swing Bridge The name of the Vering Canal goes back to Hermann Vering, who opened up the surrounding area for settlement.
Street Wilhelmsburg
( 53 ° 30 ′ 38 ″ N, 9 ° 59 ′ 2 ″ E )
New York Bridge. 2.nnw.jpg New York Bridge
One of the many pedestrian bridges in the North City , the names of which are reminiscent of the major overseas trading centers.
Footpath Winterhude
( 53 ° 36 ′ 10 ″ N, 10 ° 1 ′ 10 ″ E )
Niederbaumbrücke.jpg Niederbaumbrücke (N233)
A bridge between the baumall and the free port.
Street HafenCity ,
( 53 ° 32 ′ 37 ″ N, 9 ° 58 ′ 57 ″ E )
Niedernfeld Bridge.South Side.nnw.jpg Niedernfelder Brücke
A bridge near the Veddel-Ballinstadt S-Bahn station , which separates the Saale harbor from the Spreehafen .
Street Kleiner Grasbrook
( 53 ° 31 ′ 23 ″ N, 10 ° 0 ′ 34 ″ E )
Niendorfer Bridge.nnw.jpg Niendorfer Brücke
The Niendorfer Brücke was built in 1878 and reinforced in 1953. She crosses the Tarpenbek
Street 1878 Groß Borstel
( 53 ° 36 ′ 36 ″ N, 9 ° 57 ′ 54 ″ E )
Nikolaibrücke (Hamburg old town) .South side.ajb.jpg Nikolaibrücke
With this bridge Willy-Brandt-Straße crosses Nikolaifleet.
Street Hamburg Old Town
( 53 ° 32 ′ 50 ″ N, 9 ° 59 ′ 35 ″ E )
Norderlochbrücke (Hamburg-Steinwerder) .3.phb.ajb.jpg Norderlochbrücke
This bridge is named after the Norderloch waterway - which connects Steinwerder with the ferry canal.
Road, railroad Steinwerder
( 53 ° 32 ′ 16 ″ N, 9 ° 58 ′ 6 ″ E )
North Canal Bridge.jpg Nordkanalbrücke (N195)
A bridge between Amsinckstrasse and Nordkanalstrasse . It is named after the North Canal, which has since been filled in.
Street Hammerbrook
( 53 ° 32 ′ 52 ″ N, 10 ° 0 ′ 45 ″ E )
Nordmarkstrasse Bridge Hamburg-Tonndorf.nnw.jpg Nordmarkstrasse
Bridge The street of the same name crosses the Wandse with this bridge.
Street Tonndorf
( 53 ° 35 ′ 9 ″ N, 10 ° 6 ′ 34 ″ E )