Literature year 1533

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Literary year 1533  | 1534
Overview of the literary
years Further events

Title page of the Lübeck Bible, 1533




The Liber de sarcienda ecclesiae concordia by Erasmus von Rotterdam is printed in Basel. With his book Erasmus tries to reunite the Catholic Church with the Reformation faith.

To Praise and Thanks to God , the first Protestant hymn book in Switzerland is being printed by Froschauer on behalf of the St. Gallen City Council.

The Lübeck Bible , the first Middle Low German edition of the Luther Bible , was published in 1533/34 . Because of Johannes Bugenhagen's editing, it is also called the Bugenhagen Bible. It is the first edition of a full Bible based on Martin Luther's translation and appears before the first complete High German edition.



See also

Portal: Literature  - Overview of Wikipedia content on the topic of literature

Web links

Commons : Books 1533  - Collection of Pictures, Videos and Audio Files