Lodovico Grossi da Viadana

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Lodovico Grossi da Viadana (also Lodovico Viadana ; * around 1560 in Viadana near Parma ; † May 2, 1627 in Gualtieri ) was an Italian composer and member of the Franciscan Observant Order. His musical activity is at the intersection of the Renaissance and the Baroque.


His birth name was Lodovico Grossi. Viadana may have learned from Constanzo Porta . In 1594 he received the post of choirmaster at Mantua Cathedral . In 1597 he went to Rome , back in Mantua he became choirmaster at San Lucca in 1602. Viadana then worked in the same position in various northern Italian cities, including Concordia near Venice and Fano . From 1614 to 1617 he worked for his ecclesiastical order in the province of Bologna, in addition to Mantua in Ferrara and Piacenza . Around 1623 he retired to the Santa Andrea Monastery in Busseto .


Viadana was the first important composer to use the then newly developed technique of figured bass in his Op. 12, which Cento concerti con il basso continuo - Concerti a una voce con l'organo used.

His Salmi a 4 cori op. 27 are among his best works. They are composed in the concertato style and contrast five solo voices, a three-part choir and various instruments (3 organs, chitarrone , strings, bassoons and trumpets).


Printed works with opus number

  • Op. 10: Motecta for 8 voices (Venice, 1597)
  • Op. 11: Officium Defunctorum for 4 voices (Venice, 1600)
  • Op. 12: 100 Concerti ecclesiastici a una, a due, a tre, et a quattro Voci (Venice, 1602)
  • Op. 13: Psalmi omnes ad Vespera for 5 voices (Venice, 1604)
  • Op. 14: Letanie che si cantano nella S. Casa di Loreto for 3, 8 and 12 voices (Venice, 1605)
  • Op. 15: Officium ac Missa Defunctorum for 5 voices (Venice, 1604)
  • Op. 16: Completorium Romanum octo Vocibus decantandum (Venice, 1606)
  • Op. 17: Concerti ecclesiastici a una, a due, a tre, et a quattro Voci, con il Basso continuo per sonar nell ' Organo (Venice, 1607)
  • Op. 18: Symphony musicali a otto Voci (Venice, 1610)
  • Op. 20: Salmi a quattro Voci pari col Basso per l'Organo, brevi commodi et ariosi. Con dui Magnificat (Venice, 1608)
  • Op. 21: Completorium Romanum quaternis Vocibus decantandum, una cum basso continuo pro Organo (Venice, 1609)
  • Op. 22: Lamentationes Hieremiae Prophetae for 4 voices (Venice, 1609)
  • Op. 23: Responsoria ad Lamentationes Hieremiae Prophetae (Venice, 1609)
  • Op. 24: Il terzo Libro de 'Concerti ecclesiastici a due, a tre, et a quattro Voci con il Basso per sonar nell'Organo (Venice, 1609)
  • Opp. 25–26: Salmi campagnoli a quattro […] con li Sicut erat a otto si placet with B. c. (Venice, 1612)
  • Op. 27: Salmi a quattro Chori per cantare e concertare nelle gran Solennità di tutto l'Anno (Venice, 1612)
  • Op. 28: Falsi bordoni a quattro Voci con i Sicut erat a otto, et il Te Deum laudamus e Salve Regina a otto (Rome, 1612)
  • Op. 30: 100 Sacri Concentus from una Voce sola (Venice, 1614)

Other printed works

  • Madrigali a quattro Voci (Venice, 1591)
  • Missa Defunctorum for 3 voices (Venice, 1592)
  • Madrigali a sei Voci (Venice, 1593)
  • Canzonette a tre Voci (Venice, 1594)
  • Falsi bordoni for 5 voices (Venice, 1596)
  • 24 Credo a Canto fermo (Venice, 1619)

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