Logi Már Einarsson

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Logi Már Einarsson (born August 21, 1964 in Akureyri ) is an Icelandic architect and politician of the Social Democratic Alliance . He has been Chairman of Allianz since October 31, 2016.

Logi has a degree in architecture from the Oslo School of Architecture and Design and was for a time chairman of the Icelandic architects' association Arkitektafélag Íslands . In 2003 he founded his own architectural office Kollgáta in Akureyri.

Logi Már Einarsson was a member of Akureyri City Council. In the parliamentary elections on October 29, 2016 , he was elected to represent the North Eastern constituency in the Icelandic parliament Althing . On October 31, he succeeded the resigned party leader Oddný G. Harðardóttir after he had been deputy chairman of the Alliance since June.

At Althing, Logi Már Einarsson is a member of the parliamentary committee for commercial affairs (as of September 2017).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Logi Már Einarsson. Samfylkingin Akureyri, accessed December 25, 2016 (Icelandic).
  2. About. Kollgáta arkitektúr, accessed December 25, 2016 .
  3. a b Logi Einarsson er nýr varaformaður. Samfylkingin, June 4, 2016, archived from the original on June 14, 2016 ; Retrieved December 25, 2016 (Icelandic).
  4. ^ Arnar Páll Hauksson: "Ekki hennar sök hvernig fór". In: ruv.is. Ríkisútvarpið, October 31, 2016, accessed December 25, 2016 (Icelandic).