Louis Fischer (painter)

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Louis Fischer , actually Louis François Poisson, Marquis de Marigny (born August 25, 1784 in Paris , † February 15, 1845 in Schwerin ) was a Franco-German officer, painter, sculptor, ivory carver and lithographer. Louis Fischer was a cousin of Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, better known as Madame de Pompadour , mistress of the French King Louis XV.


There are currently no sources on Louis Fischer's youth and education. During the French War in 1806/07 he came to Mecklenburg as an officer and after the war he settled in Goldberg (Mecklenburg) , where he worked as a drawing teacher and painter. Here he decided on the German name Fischer (= Poisson) and after his marriage to Charlotte, b. Oehm (1793-1860), the daughter of the court hunter Oehm, moved to Güstrow and from there in 1815 to Schwerin. Here he was employed as a drawing and French teacher at the grand ducal page institute . In 1817 his son Theodor was born, who was also to become a painter. In 1824 he went on a long study trip to Dresden in order to perfect himself in oil painting.

He is known to have fruit and flower still lifes, of which the Gemäldegalerie in Schwerin owned two besides a Quodlibet . He also operated art turning, for example a chess set made of ivory that was sold to Hamburg is reported. In 1834 he was represented at the exhibition of the Royal Prussian Academy of the Arts in Berlin with two works. In 1837 he became a member of the Association for Mecklenburg History and Archeology .


In Friedrich Schlie (1884) and again in Grete Grewolls (2011) it is stated that the father of Louis Fischer was Abel-François Poisson de Vandières, Marquis de Marigny et de Menars (1727–1781). This was at the court of the French King Louis XV. from 1751 to 1773 the general director of the royal buildings, gardens, arts, academies and manufactories and the younger brother Jeanne Antoinette Poissons, the Madame de Pompadour . Since Abel-François Poisson died on May 11, 1781, this assumption is logically incorrect.

Madame de Pompadour had Marigny, which previously belonged to her father François Poisson (1684–1754), as a marquisate in favor of her brother Abel-François, who was then entitled to the title of Marquis de Marigny. The Marquise de Pompadour died on April 15, 1764 without any direct descendants. She left all of her possessions to her brother by will, but with the codicil (addition), which said that if the brother dies without having offspring, his property will pass to the cousin Gabriel Poisson de Malvoisin (1723–1789). This had the son Auguste (? –1793) and the daughter Jeanne Charlotte (1762-1819).

Abel-François died without an heir, divorced from his wife since 1777 and without a will. Gabriel de Malvoisin became a legacy and now claimed the inheritance of Madame de Pompadour and his inheritance in the Marigny estate for his son Auguste. Auguste Poisson de Malvoisin (de Marigny) had joined the Vendées at the beginning of the French Revolution and was killed in the Battle of Savenay against the republican troops of General François-Joseph Westermann on December 23, 1793. The year 1793 as the year of death of Louis Fischer's father is again in Friedrich Schlie, so that it can be assumed that Auguste Poisson de Malvoisin (de Marigny) was the father.


Zeus appears to Asteria in the form of an eagle. (1827)
  • Portrait of Friedrich Franz I of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. 1819, oil / canvas, 86 × 63 cm
  • Weever . two copper engravings, around 1823
  • Still life flowers and fruits. 1828, Schwerin, inv. No. 1191
  • Still life kitchen supplies. 1835, Schwerin, inv. No. 1193
  • Quodlibet . 1838, oil / canvas, Schwerin, inv. No. G 2854
  • Zeus appears to Asteria in the form of an eagle. 81 × 98 cm, 1827
  • Half-length portrait of Rostock University Rector August Ludwig Diemer , lithograph 1830
  • "A Quodlibet: several products of the drawing arts reproduced with the brush." ​​Oil painting, 1834
  • “A still life, based on nature.” Oil painting, 1834
  • Still life fruits with red wine glass. 1844, oil / canvas.


Web links

Weever. (around 1823)
Commons : Louis Fischer  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Friedrich Schlie: Descriptive Directory… - see literature.
  2. ^ A b c Louis Fischer in Schwerin in Mecklenburg. In: Directory of the works of living artists. XXVIII. Art exhibition of the Royal Academy of the Arts, Berlin 1834. P. 16, No. 184 and 185. ( Digitized at the Berlin Art Library ).
  3. Grete Grewolls: Who Was Who ... - see literature
  4. ^ Entry on Abel-François Poisson at Wikidata
  5. a b Pierre Ferdinand Ozenne et l'héritage de la marquise de Pompadour in Généalogie et Histoire de la Caraïbe (French)
  6. ^ Genealogy Poisson. In: Neil Jeffares: Dictionary of pastellists before 1800. (French) ( Online edition, PDF )
  7. ^ Johann Wilhelm von Archenholz : The War in the Vendée , Leipzig and Hamburg, 1794, contains the following chapters: The War in the Vendée , digitized versionhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3DM6sWAAAAQAAJ~IA%3D~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3DPA5~ double-sided%3D~LT%3D~PUR%3D and campaign of the French general [Franz Joseph] Westermann in the Vendée (described by himself), digitized versionhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3DM6sWAAAAQAAJ~IA%3D~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3DPA82~ double-sided%3D~LT%3D~PUR%3D . In Westermann's description, Marigny is mentioned as the leader, pp. 40–42 Digitized version http: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3DM6sWAAAAQAAJ~IA%3D~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3DPA121~ double-sided%3D~LT%3D~PUR%3D.
  8. Database of protected cultural assets
  9. The copper engravings were used as an illustration in:
    Friedrich Studemund: Mecklenburgische Sagen. 2., verb. and probably ed., Kürschner, Schwerin 1848, after p. 208 ( digitalized RosDoc ). or as a title vignette in:
    Mecklenburg's Volkssagen. Collected and edited by M. Dr. A. Niederhoeffer . Hübner, Leipzig 1859, ( digitized BSB )
  10. Image at the picture agency for art, culture and history (BPK)
  11. Figure in Leon Wilnitzky Ancient Art, Vienna
  12. Listed by Thieme-Becker - see literature.
  13. ^ Illustration at Koller Auctions AG., Zurich