Ludovic-Napoléon Lepic

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Marcellin Desboutin : Ludovic-Napoléon Lepic (around 1876)
Edgar Degas: Place de la Concorde with Lepic, his two daughters and dog (1875)

Ludovic-Napoléon Lepic (born December 17, 1839 in Paris ; died October 27, 1889 there ) was a French graphic artist , etcher , painter and archaeologist .


Viscount Ludovic-Napoléon Lepic was a grandson of the Napoleonic general Louis Lepic , his father Louis Joseph Napoléon Lepic (1810–1875) was a general under Napoleon III. He turned down his military career and learned painting first in 1858 with the court painter Gustave Wappers and then with the animal painter Charles Verlat . In 1862 he co-founded the Société des aquafortistes and entered the studio of Charles Gleyre and in 1864 in the class of Alexandre Cabanel . In 1863 he first took part in the Salon de Paris . From 1870 he was a member of the Société d'anthropologie de Paris . He took part in archaeological excavations in Savoy, founded the Lépic Museum in Aix-les-Bains in 1872 and wrote an illustrated treatise on Les armes et les outils préhistoriques reconstitués (1872).

With Edgar Degas he experimented with the painting and printing technique monotype , and Degas also invited him to the first Impressionist exhibitions . Degas often portrayed him or placed him in groups of people in his paintings. Between 1877 and 1885 Lepic stayed frequently in Berck-sur-Mer . In 1882 he was appointed Peintre Officiel de la Marine . His beach and boat pictures made for lasting fame.

Lepic took part in a scientific expedition to Egypt in 1882 and published the illustrated travelogue La dernière Egypte about it in 1884 . He was married to Joséphine Scévole de Barral and they had two daughters. The ballet dancer Marie Sanlaville was his mistress who was looking after him in her apartment when he suddenly fell ill in 1889.

Fonts (selection)

  • Les armes et outils préhistoriques reconstitués: textes et gravures . C. Reinwald, Paris 1872 ( digitized version ).
  • Grottes de Savigny, commune de la Biolle, canton d'Albens (Savoie) . Perrin, Chambéry 1874.
  • Eaux-fortes de Lepic. Comment je devins engraver à l'eau-forte, par le comte Lepic. La Gravure à l'eau-forte, essai historique, by Raoul de Saint-Arroman . Vve A. Cadart, Paris 1876 ( digitized ).
  • La dernière Égypte . G. Charpentier, Paris 1884 ( digitized version ).


  • Thierry Zimmer (Ed.): Ludovic-Napoléon Lepic, 1839–1889. “Le patron” . Ce livre a été édité à l'occasion de l'exposition Ludovic-Napoléon Lepic organisée par le Musée d'Opale-Sud, du 7 juin au 30 December 2013. Berck-sur-Mer 2013, ISBN 979-10-91418-02 -7
  • C. Berger: Lepic, Ludovic-Napoléon . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 84, de Gruyter, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-11-023189-2 , p. 163.

Web links