Ludovico Lodron

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Ludovico Conte Lodron (German Count Ludwig Lodron ) (* 1484 - † October 1537 in Esseg ) was a Landsknechtsführer in the Habsburg service.

Ludovico Conte Lodron


He came from the Lodron family . Paride Antonio's father was governor of Bergamo . The mother Maria was a daughter of the Count von Brembate. His sister Anna was married to Georg von Frundsberg since 1519 . He himself married in 1536 in the presence of Ferdinand I and Queen Anna Ursula of Cles.


Already at the time of Maximilian I Lodron was in the Habsburg military service. Among other things, he fought against the Republic of Venice in 1515 . He used auxiliary troops to prevent the city of Brescia from being abandoned. In the wars of Charles V against Franz I , he served under Georg von Frundsberg and other military leaders. He took part in the unsuccessful siege of Marseille in 1524 as an imperial field officer. In 1525, he distinguished himself at the Battle of Pavia . In the same year he put down peasant uprisings in Tyrol .

In 1527 he took part with his mercenaries in the campaign that ended with the Sacco di Roma . The leaders of the imperial troops entrusted him on various occasions with special tasks, such as negotiations with the Duke of Ferrara. He was one of those representatives of the imperial army who signed a treaty with Pope Clement VII on June 5, 1527 . Due to local resistance, he did not succeed in taking possession of five cities pledged by the Pope to the imperial family. He was later captured by the French while defending Bosco . He was released from this only after the Peace of Cambrai in 1529.

He gathered troops to repel the Ottomans, but came too late to take part in the defense of Vienna during the siege . Then he took part in the siege of Florence. Since September 1532 he participated in the Turkish wars as a colonel of the auxiliary troops in support of a threatened renewed siege of Vienna. He was involved in the victory in the battle of Leobersdorf .

Under the command of Hans Katzianer , he was involved in the defense against Ottoman attacks in Croatia and Slavonia in 1537 . He defied Katziander's order to withdraw. He was captured in one battle and was eventually beheaded.
