Ludwig Bertsch

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Ludwig Bertsch SJ (born June 16, 1929 in Frankfurt am Main ; † August 28, 2006 in Cologne ) was a German Jesuit priest and theologian . Bertsch was rector of the Philosophical-Theological University of Sankt Georgen in Frankfurt am Main and director of the Missio Institute in Aachen.


After the end of the Second World War, he studied as a Limburg seminarist in the Sankt Georgen seminary in Frankfurt am Main. Ludwig Bertsch joined the Society of Jesus on September 13, 1951 in Eringerfeld . From 1953 to 1955 he studied philosophy at the Berchmanskolleg in Pullach (today: University of Philosophy in Munich ), followed by a two-year postgraduate course in theology in Sankt Georgen. On June 30, 1956, he was ordained a priest in Frankfurt Cathedral. In 1960 he received his doctorate from the liturgical scholar Josef Andreas Jungmann SJ in Innsbruck . In 1961 he became professor of homiletics , later also pastoral theology and liturgical science in Sankt Georgen. In 1997 he retired.

Bertsch was rector of the Jesuit community from 1967 to 1973 and at the same time rector of the Philosophical-Theological University of Sankt Georgen , from 1973 to 1982 Regens of the seminary of Sankt Georgen and from 1982 to 1988 again rector of the university. He has had a major impact on today's university.

In addition to his duties in Sankt Georgen, Ludwig Bertsch was the managing director of the missiological institute Missio e. V. (MWI) in Aachen . He was involved as a visiting professor for the Catholic University in Kinshasa (Congo) and as chairman of the "Association for the development and exchange with the Université du Kasayi (UKA) eV" Democratic Republic of the Congo. After his retirement in 1997 he became a member of the board of trustees of the Agora Foundation .

At the Würzburg Synod he was chairman of Commission II.

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