Ludwig Deppe

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Ludwig Deppe

Ludwig Deppe (born November 7, 1828 in Alverdissen , † September 5, 1890 in Bad Pyrmont ) was a German composer , conductor and piano teacher.


Deppe studied violin and piano playing as well as composition in Detmold and settled in Hamburg as a music teacher in 1857 after completing his studies under the direction of Eduard Marxsen in Altona and Johann Christian Lobe in Leipzig .

At the head of a choral society, he soon distinguished himself as a conductor so much that he was given larger tasks, such as the direction of several oratorios by Georg Friedrich Handel in the Michaeliskirche . After long journeys, he took over the management of the Berlin Symphony Orchestra in 1871 , but gave it up again after a year in order to concentrate mainly on performing larger oratorios and teaching. In addition, he has made a name for himself as the conductor of the Silesian music festivals that were founded in 1876 .

Among his compositions, the overtures to Theodor Körner's drama Zriny and Friedrich Schiller's Don Karlos , a symphony in F and a number of works for choir should be emphasized. Deppe also played an important role in promoting the appreciation of this composer through his instrumentation of several oratorios by Handel .

Ludwig Deppe has achieved great and lasting importance for the development of modern piano pedagogy. His ideas were presented in detail by his student Elisabeth Caland (1862–1929) and are discussed to this day.


  • Two years Kapellmeister at the Royal Opera in Berlin , Bielefeld: Selle, 1890


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