Ludwig Feil

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Ludwig Feil (born January 4, 1910 in Worms , † August 3, 1980 in Mannheim ) was a German educator , painter and graphic artist .

Live and act

Ludwig Feil learned from Panitz, Kuhl and Mitlerbauer at the State Art College in Mainz and from the painters Jost and Henselmann. From 1938 he lived in Mannheim. As a senior teacher and art teacher, he taught at the Heinrich-Lanz-Gewerbeschule (Mannheim) until 1975.

His repertoire is diverse and covers artistic techniques such as drypoint etching , colored wood and linocuts , wood engravings , oil and watercolor painting , pencil and pen drawing. Besides nude studies and portraits, his subjects are mainly the bizarre world of jugglers and crooks .

Solo exhibitions (selection)

  • 1955 Graphic at the Buck brothers, Mannheim
  • 1956 Kunsthaus Heylshof ; Organizer: Cultural Office of the City of Worms
  • 1962 Rödel Art School, Mannheim
  • 1963 Exhibition of the Rödel Art School in Caen - Salon International Bosio, Monaco -
  • 1963 Solo exhibition in the Electoral Palace in Mainz
  • 1964 “ House of Art ”, Munich
  • 1966 Galerie Inge Seifert-Binder, Munich - Palais de la Scala Monte Carlo
  • 1968 Galerie Europa (Europa Center Berlin)
  • 1969 Merino Gallery, Worms
  • 1970 Voelter Gallery, Ludwigsburg
  • 1972 Gutenberg Book Guild (artist cellar) - together with the "Free Group 72", Mannheim
  • 1976 Monte Carlo - "Palme d'Or des Beaux-Arts"

Works (selection)

  • Mannheim market square (1941)
  • Dream city (watercolor / 1957)
  • Horse studies (coal / 1959)
  • Tingl-Tangl (drypoint etching)
  • Noble couple (watercolor study / 1973)
  • Prima Donna (linocut; hand print)
  • Dreaming (oil painting / 1977)
  • High Society (1980)
  • Twilight (1980)
  • Bal paré (drypoint)


  • Sven-Wieland Staps: Feil, Ludwig . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 37, Saur, Munich a. a. 2003, ISBN 3-598-22777-9 , p. 536.
  • 1966 Publication of woodcuts in the magazine "Die Kunst und das Schöne Heim", Bruckmann-Verlag, Munich
  • 1967 Publication of the work "Drypoint Repertory Arts"
  • international art bulletin (iab), Monte Carlo, 1977, p. 11
  • IV Salon International Bosio, catalog (1963)