Ludwig Reissenberger

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Ludwig Reissenberger (born January 23, 1819 in Sibiu ; † November 27, 1895 ibid) was a Transylvanian-Saxon meteorologist , art historian and educator .


Reissenberger was the son of a linen weaver. He attended the Hermannstädter Gymnasium and in 1837 went to the University of Berlin . There he studied not only Protestant theology until 1839, but also in particular the natural sciences . In the following years he traveled and studied nature and art monuments independently. From 1845 he began with the metrological records for Transylvania and is therefore considered to be the founder of metrology in Transylvania. He also made a name for himself by measuring heights in the Carpathian Mountains and recording architectural monuments in Transylvania. In 1848/1849 he was a volunteer in the Saxon National Guard .

In 1850 Reissenberger received a permanent position as a high school professor at the Burkenthal High School in Sibiu. In 1851 he was also appointed a corresponding employee of the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geomagnetism in Vienna and shortly afterwards also appointed to the board of the Sibiu weather station. In addition, in 1854 he was appointed conservator for the southern part of Transylvania on behalf of the kk Central Commission for Research and Conservation of Architectural Monuments . In 1859 he was named a corresponding member of the Geological Reichsanstalt , and in 1862 he also became a member of the Zoological-Botanical Society in Vienna.

Reissenberger retired in 1880 as a high school professor . His work as librarian and curator of the library and the collection of paintings in the Baron Brukenthal 's Museum of the Saxon University of Nations in Transylvania , which he had taken over in 1862, he retained until 1882.

Works (selection)

  • The episcopal monastery church at Kurtea d'Argyisch in Wallachia ; Brewmaster, Vienna 1860.
  • To determine the daily rate of air heat and air pressure in Hermannstadt , Hermannstadt 1862.
  • Remains of the Gothic and Renaissance on secular buildings in Sibiu , 1888.
  • The Kerzer Abbey , 1894.


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