Ludwig Rotter

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Ludwig Rotter , also Louis Rotter and Luis Rotter (born September 6, 1810 in Vienna , † April 5, 1895 in Vienna) was an Austrian organist and composer.

In addition to a few smaller works for violin and cello, organ and piano (and a four-hand piano sonata), he wrote mainly sacred works such as masses, graduals, offers, requiums, etc., many of them for large ensembles. He also published a harmonology titled Harmonie - und Basslehre , published in 1849 by the Viennese publishing house Diabelli.


Ludwig Rotter's grave of honor in Vienna's central cemetery

His musical talent came to the fore at an early stage. Sponsored by his father, Dr. jur. Josef Rotter, he took lessons in piano, violin and organ playing. He also began to compose and studied harmony and counterpoint . After completing his training, he gave lessons himself and was also in demand as a piano accompanist for singers because of his improvisational skills. Eventually he accepted a position as organist at the church at court and devoted himself mainly to church music .

In 1843 he became professor at the Vienna Church Music Association, and in 1845 choir director and conductor. From 1858 he was a member of the court orchestra, in 1862 he became court organist and in 1870 vice court conductor. He held this office until he asked for a retirement due to increasing hearing loss .

He was an honorary member of the Salzburg Mozarteum and the church music associations in Vienna, Prague, Innsbruck and Pressburg. In 1880 he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Franz Joseph Order .

He rests in a grave of honor in the Vienna Central Cemetery (Group 14A, No. 15), his tomb was designed by the kuk court master stonemason Sommer & Less .

Dated works

  • Gradual: Confitemini Domino, op.26 (August 18, 1860)
  • Gradual: Confiteantur Tibi, op.29 (December 8, 1856)
  • Gradual No. 9, op.37: Laudamus invocabo (August 13, 1857)
  • Messa per il Sabbato santo (October 1847)
  • Missa brevis [in F major] [without Gloria!] (May 6, 1853)
  • Messe de Santo Thoma brevis et solennis ("Oct. 17, 853", "Nov. 5, 853", "L. Rotter mp.")
  • Vocal Mass [F major] (26/11 1857)
  • Missa pro recuperanda valetudine ---- imperatricis .... Elisabethae ... 1861
  • Offertory de Dom. XIX post. Pent: Si ambulavero (March 16-17, 1838)
  • Offertory de Dom. XX p. Pent: Oculi omnium (January 1840)
  • Offertorium de tempore: Dominus virtutem <Venite exultemus> (Nov. 1847)
  • Offertory in D major /: festo martyrum: / (October 30, 1848)
  • Offertory No. 10: Beata es Virgo Maria (August 29, 1866)
  • Offertorium pastorale: Salve Jesu pie (23 August 1869)
  • Offertory: Bonum est confiteri (January 16, 1873)
  • Offertory: Dignare me laudare (October 1875)
  • Te Deum ("L. Rotter mp. Weinhaus July 12, 1850)
  • Pater noster (Dec. 1842)
  • Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei genitrix (November 3, 1870)
  • Requiem No. II in A minor (1868)
  • Requiem [G minor] ("on April 23, 1895 this requiem was performed as a death celebration for the composer who died on April 5 at court")
  • Salve regina [for alto voice with choir and orchestra] (November 1842)


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