Ludwig Samuel Kühne

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Samuel Ludwig Bogislav Kühne (Louis) (born February 15, 1786 in Wanzleben , † April 3, 1864 in Berlin ) was a German civil servant and politician.


Louis Kühne was the second son of the domain tenant and councilor Friedrich Ludwig (Louis) Kühne in Wanzleben and his first wife Luise Christiane Elisabeth née Sibeth (1735–1786), the daughter of the senior councilor Samuel Georg Sibeth and Charlotte Marie née Benecke. Louis Kühne, who was of the Protestant denomination, remained unmarried.


Louis Kühne first received home schooling from his stepmother and from 1797–1803 attended the pedagogy of the Berge monastery near Magdeburg under Johann Gottfried Gurlitt and then studied camera studies in Erlangen from 1803 to 1805. He passed the university examination with cum laude and became a trainee lawyer at the War and Domain Chamber in Plock in 1806. Due to the Tilsiter Peace the authority was dissolved and Kühne was transferred to the War and Domain Chamber in Magdeburg. From 1808 to 1814 he was in the service of the Kingdom of Westphalia . There he was initially head of the office of the Prefect of the Elbe Department, Friedrich Christoph Daniel Graf von der Schulenburg. In 1809 he became office manager at the Fulda department in Kassel under the prefect August von Reimann . In 1810 he moved as secretary to the sub-prefecture in Nienburg and in 1812 as state council auditor and sub-prefect to Braunschweig. In 1814 he became a deputy councilor at the regional directorate of the 3rd department of the royal Prussian governorate Elbe and Weser in Heiligenstadt and then at the government in Halberstadt, where he was mainly concerned with military matters. In 1816 he became a councilor in Erfurt and in 1819 an unskilled worker in the Ministry of Finance in Berlin. In this function, she was actively involved in the work on tax reforms and laws (introduction of a class tax, a meal and slaughter tax and a trade tax). There he was promoted to the Secret Finance Council in 1820 and to the Secret Upper Finance Council in 1828, and in 1842 Real Secret Upper Finance Council. In 1842 he became general tax director.

He was a close employee of the respective finance minister and was involved in the establishment of the customs union and later in the merger of the Prussian-Hessian and southern German customs union. He was the Prussian authorized representative for negotiations with Saxony and the southern German states. Kühne was interim head of the finance ministry on several occasions and turned down several offers to become finance minister himself. On March 1, 1849, he retired, but remained a member of the senior examination committee.


From 1849 to 1852 he was a member of the First Prussian Chamber , from 1852 to 1863 of the Second Prussian Chamber and the House of Representatives . In 1862 he was the senior president there. In 1850 he was a member of the Volkshaus of the Erfurt Union Parliament . From March 13, 1841 to 1854 he was a member of the Prussian State Council.


On May 18, 1859, he was appointed to the Real Secret Chief Finance Councilor with the title Excellency. He was holder of the following medals:


  • About the German Customs Union, 1836
  • The German Customs Union during the years 1834 to 1845, 1846
  • On the question of trade policy. Essays, 1852.


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