Ludwig Schrader

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Ludwig Schrader (born March 11, 1932 in Dresden ; † August 10, 2014 in Jever ) was a German Romanist and Hispanicist .

life and work

Schrader studied in Hamburg, Murcia and Bonn. He received his doctorate in 1958 at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn under Walter Pabst with the thesis Panurge and Hermes. On the origin of a character at Rabelais (Bonn 1958) and was a lecturer at the University of Toulouse for a year . As an assistant to Walter Pabst, he completed his habilitation in 1967 at the Free University of Berlin with the writing Senses and Sensory Links. Studies and materials on the prehistory of synesthesia and on the evaluation of the senses in Italian, Spanish and French literature (Heidelberg 1969; Spanish: S ensación y sinestesia. Estudios y materiales para la prehistoria de la sinestesia y para la valoración de los sentidos en las literaturas italiana, española y francesa , Madrid 1975 DNB 458882496 ) and was the first Romanist and founding dean of the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf from 1968 to 1995 .

Schrader was chairman of the German Hispanic Association, founded in 1977, from 1981 to 1985.

Other works

  • (Eds.) François Rabelais , Gargantua and Pantagruel , translated by Gottlob Regis , 2 volumes, Munich / Darmstadt 1964
  • (Ed.) Augusto Roa Bastos . Actas del coloquio Franco-Alemán Düsseldorf 1 - 3 de junio de 1982 , Tübingen 1984
  • (Ed.) Alternative Worlds in the Middle Ages and Renaissance , Düsseldorf 1988
  • (Ed.) From Góngora to Nicolás Guillén . Spanish and Latin American literature in German translation. Experiences and perspectives. Files from the international colloquium in Düsseldorf from May 21-22 , 1992 , Tübingen 1993
  • (Ed. With Gisela Febel) " Canto cósmico" or "Movimiento kloaka"? Ways of contemporary Latin American poetry , Tübingen 1995 (lectures Hispanistenag Augsburg 1993)
  • (Ed. With Klaus Ley and Winfried Wehle) Text and tradition. Commemorative Eberhard Leube , Frankfurt 1996


  • Myth and Text. Colloquium in honor of Ludwig Schrader on March 11, 1992 at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf , ed. by Siegfried Jüttner , Frankfurt am Main et al. 1997
  • Sense and understanding of meaning. Festschrift for Ludwig Schrader on his 65th birthday , ed. by Karl Hölz, Siegfried Jüttner, Rainer Stillers and Christoph Strosetzki, Berlin 1997
  • Nordwest-Zeitung from August 15, 2014 (obituary notice)

Web links