Ludwinów (Krakow)

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The oldest houses from the 19th century
Ludwinów after being incorporated into Cracow

Ludwinów is a district of Krakow in the Dębniki administrative district , on the southern bank of the Vistula River in Poland .


Only in 1726 the mention of was Blona in 1377 identified as Ludwinow. The place was more associated with the city of Kazimierz than with Krakow. The current name first appeared in 1732, when it was given by the Kraków Bishop Konstanty Felicjan Szaniawski at the Theological Seminary in Stradom .

Politically, the place was initially part of the Kingdom of Poland (from 1569 in the aristocratic republic of Poland-Lithuania ), Krakow Voivodeship , Szczyrzyc District. When Poland was first partitioned in 1772, Ludwinów became part of the new Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria of the Habsburg Empire (from 1804). To the east of the village, the Austrians founded Josefstadt, today Podgórze . In 1787 the south-eastern part of Ludwinów was attached to the Josefstadt / Podgórze. From 1855 Ludwinów belonged to the Podgórze district .

In 1887 a wooden bridge was opened over the Vistula River, resulting in greater suburbanization , with the greatest population growth in the area around Kraków from 1880 to 1900 (from 316 to 2108, or 667.09%). The proximity of Podgórze led to industrialization.

In 1900 the disposal rural community Ludwinow an area of 44 hectares with 94 houses and 2,089 citizens, which were all locals polnischsprachig (2014). The majority of the population present was Roman Catholic (1,958), and 124 Jews lived in the village . The population density was 4,541 people per square kilometer.

In 1911 the community was incorporated into Kraków, four years before Podgórze.

In 1921, District IX. Ludwinów 127 buildings with 2,840 inhabitants. In that year the Lauda Kraków football club was founded in Ludwinów, sponsored by Polskie Zakłady Garbarskie from 1924 . In the middle of the interwar period , the club became one of the most successful teams in Poland under the name Garbarnia Kraków .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tomasz Jurek (editor): Błonie ( pl ) In: Słownik Historyczno-Geograficzny Ziem Polskich w Średniowieczu. Edycja elektroniczna . PAN . 2010-2016. Retrieved April 22, 2019.
  2. History of Ludwinow
  3. a b Władysław Kwiecień: Przyczynek do studiów nad ludnością miasta Krakowa i gmin przyległych u schyłku XIX w. 1981, p. 374–376 [PDF 6–8] (Polish, online [PDF]).
  4. Ludwig Patryn (Ed.): Community encyclopedia of the kingdoms and countries represented in the Reichsrat, edited on the basis of the results of the census of December 31, 1900, XII. Galicia . Vienna 1907 ( online ).
  5. Jak powstawał Wielki Kraków. 100 lat od przyłączenia Podgórza
  6. Główny Urząd Statystyczny: Skorowidz miejscowości Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Województwo krakowskie i Śląsk Cieszyński . Warszawa 1925, p. 17 [PDF: 27] (Polish, Woj.krakowskie i Sląsk Cieszynski miejscowości.pdf ).

Web links

Commons : Ludwinów  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 50 ° 3 '  N , 19 ° 56'  E