Luigi Giuseppe Lasagna

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Luigi Giuseppe Lasagna SDB (born March 4, 1850 in Montemagno , Asti , † November 6, 1895 in Juiz de Fora ) was an Italian religious priest , missionary and Roman Catholic bishop in Brazil .


Lasagna had lost his father early. In 1861 he met Don Bosco and from October 21, 1862 he went to the oratory of Valdocco to attend grammar school. Sponsored by Don Bosco, he became a Salesian of Don Bosco . After his philosophical and theological studies, he was ordained a priest on June 8, 1873 . First he worked as a teacher at the Lyceum of Alassio .

In 1876 Don Bosco chose him for the second missionary expedition to Latin America. There he opened a Salesian branch in Uruguay and became director of the College of Villa Colòn . Soon he also became a provincial .

In 1881 he opened a meteorological observatory in Uruguay , founded a Catholic university and opened an agricultural college. Its activity also extended to Indians from Brazil.

On January 19, 1893 he was by Pope Leo XIII. appointed titular bishop of Oëa . On March 12 of the same year he was ordained bishop. He was supposed to lay the foundation for a new Salesian mission in Mato Grosso and to stabilize the contacts between the Holy See and the Brazilian Republic. However, on November 6, 1895, Bishop Lasagna, his secretary and four Don Bosco sisters fell victim to a railway accident in South America.


Bishop Lasagna left a chronicle or a diary as well as an extensive correspondence:

  • Antonio Ferreira da Silva (ed.): Cronistoria o diario di Monsignor Luigi Lasagna, 3-1893 - 11-1895, Rome 1988 - ISBN 88-213-0163-X
  • Epistolario. Introduzione, note e testo critico a cura di Antonio da Silva Ferreira,


  • Paolo Albera : Mons. Luigi Lasagna: Memorie Biografiche , 1900.
  • D. Barberis: Mgr. Luigi Lasagna “Vale mecum” . San Benigno Can. 1901.
  • Lorenzo Gentile: Mission Bishop Alois Lasagna, Salesian 1850–1895, translated by Leo Schlegel, Munich 1933
  • Juan E. Belza: Luis Lasagna, el obispo misionero, 1969

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