Luigi Lanfranchi (archivist)

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Luigi Lanfranchi (born September 12, 1908 in Venice , † March 14, 1986 ibid) was an Italian archivist . He was Sopraintendente archivistico per il Veneto from 1956 to 1961 and headed the Venice State Archives from 1968 to 1973 . He was the successor to Raimondo Morozzo della Rocca , who had headed the house since 1952.

life and work

Lanfranchi, who worked in the archives from 1939, was in charge of a comprehensive project that began around 1940, through which from 1944 the war-endangered documents of the State Archives were to be secured, which went from the earliest period of the Republic of Venice to 1199. This project became known under the name Codice diplomatico veneziano . It included the reproduction of these documents, most of which were handed down from monasteries - which were dissolved under Napoleon - that had been stored for a century and a half without being in order, and which thus largely eluded scientific access. In addition, there was the editing of more than 4,500 registers to simplify the search for material, as well as the transcription of complete documents. Thereafter, the project for the sources of the 13th century was continued. While Lanfranchi was able to complete the project for the materials stored in the Frari Church , he only partially succeeded in doing so for the similarly extensive holdings of the Museo Correr and the Biblioteca Marciana until his death. A total of around 25,000 registers were created, which can be viewed today in the State Archives, in the Soprintendenza archivistica per il Veneto and in the Fondazione Giorgio Cini .

Lanfranchi, Sopraintendente archivistico per il Veneto from 1956 to 1961 and director of the Venice State Archives from 1968 to 1973, also founded the Fonti relative alla storia di Venezia collection , which is continued today as Comitato per la pubblicazione delle fonti relative alla storia di Venezia . He not only directed this source edition project, but also edited seven of her volumes himself, including those on the holdings of the monasteries of S. Lorenzo di Ammiana and San Giovanni di Torcello as well as San Giorgio Maggiore . There were also the introductions to a number of editions.

He also taught palaeography at the Scuola di Archivistica and Paleografia e Diplomatica at the State Archives. He also worked at the Ateneo Veneto , the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti and the Fondazione Giorgio Cini. He also taught at the Facoltà di lettere e filosofia of the University of Padua and at the schools specializing in archival and library services.

Publications (selection)

  • (Ed.): S. Lorenzo di Ammiana (1125–1199) (= Fonti relative alle storia di Venezia, sez. 2: Archivi ecclesiastici, diocesi torcellana), Venice 1947.
  • (Ed.): S. Giovanni Evangelista di Torcello (1024–1199) , Venice 1948.
  • (Ed.): Famiglia Zusatz (1083–1199) , Venice 1955.
  • with Bianca Strina (ed.): SS. Ilario e Benedetto e S. Gregorio (= Fonti per la storia di Venezia, Sez. II), Venice 1965.
  • (Ed.): S. Giorgio Maggiore (982–1199) , Venice 1968.
  • with Bianca Lanfranchi-Strina: La laguna dal secolo VI al XIV , in: Franco Mario Colasanti (ed.): Mostra storica della laguna Veneta , Venice 1970, pp. 77-84.


  • Giorgetta Bonfiglio Dosio: Luigi Lanfranchi. Cenni biografici e bibliografia , in: Archivio Veneto CXVII (1986) 147–153.

Web links


  1. Codice diplomatico veneziano (secc. XI-XIII) a cura di Luigi Lanfranchi, 1940-1984 , website of the Venice State Archives.