Lutz-Peter Naumann

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Lutz-Peter Naumann (born July 10, 1944 in Papitz near Cottbus , † November 5, 1996 in Berlin ) was a German journalist . Before his expatriation in 1972, he was a political prisoner in the GDR for a year .


After graduating from the Polytechnic High School (1960), Naumann learned the profession of animal breeder and then worked as a tractor driver. From 1963 to March 31, 1966 he was a regular soldier in the "Feliks Dzierzynski" guard regiment after he had become a member of the SED in 1963 . He was released from the guard regiment as a sergeant and received the best badge of the NVA . After another activity as an animal breeder and a correspondence course at the technical college for archives, Naumann became head of the film archive of German television broadcasting in Berlin-Adlershof on August 1, 1968 . In 1971 he was the administrative director of the 14th Leipzig Documentary and Short Film Week.

Since purchasing a tape recorder in 1959, he has been passionate about making a large number of tape recordings. In total he recorded around 450 tapes by 1971, which he cataloged exactly. Initially, Naumann, who was a fan of Elvis Presley throughout his life , mainly recorded music programs. Since the mid-1960s - but especially during the Prague Spring - there was an increasing number of political broadcasts in which he contrasted GDR broadcasts with Western radio reports in order to obtain objective and comprehensive information. This tape archive was confiscated by the GDR State Security in 1971 .

Naumann was arrested on December 3, 1971, at the same time from the SED excluded . In the indictment, Naumann was accused of producing a tape collage in which he had distorted Walter Ulbricht 's New Year's address on December 31, 1964 with “by fading in hits and other texts”. He was also accused of having staged a "party trial" as an impromptu game and thus "grossly discriminating" against the SED's policy of making tapes against the invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops in the CSSR in 1968 and to have made cuts with songs by Wolf Biermann , which were directed "against the social conditions in the GDR". District attorney Grützner alleged that he had received copies of the news magazine Der Spiegel from his grandmother in the Federal Republic of Germany and distributed them among his friends. After his arrest, initially imprisoned in the remand prison of the Ministry for State Security in Potsdam, Naumann was sentenced to four years in prison on May 19, 1972 by the 1st Criminal Division of the Potsdam District Court , presided over by Judge Skuppin, for " subversive agitation ". To serve this sentence, Naumann was transferred to the Brandenburg / Havel prison. Amnestied by a state council resolution of October 6, 1972, he was allowed to travel to the Federal Republic of Germany on December 4, 1972 after his GDR citizenship was withdrawn . From then on Naumann lived in West Berlin .

From 1973 Naumann worked as an editor for the Axel Springer Inlandsdienst (ASD). 1978 Naumann worked in West Berlin on the establishment of a non-profit association "Fluchthilfe-Beratung". At Springer-Verlag he specialized in his reporting on the GDR. Naumann wrote mainly about escape attempts and political persecution. In the summer of 1978 he dealt intensively with the case of the conscientious objector Nico Hübner , whom he welcomed in West Berlin in autumn 1979 immediately after his release from prison. In the SED central organ Neues Deutschland on December 21, 1979, Naumann was accused of supporting attacks on the inner German border ("Springer journalist supports attacks on the GDR state border") - which Naumann rejected as a "targeted lie". In the 1970s and 1980s, Naumann worked closely with the head of the Wall Museum, Rainer Hildebrandt , the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR) and the ZDF magazine . From 1982 Naumann worked as an editor for the Berliner Morgenpost . Due to a serious illness, he had to quit this job at the end of 1995.


  • The dramatic flight of two friends from east to west: “The swamp in front of us - the bloodhounds behind us”, in: Bild am Sonntag, June 25, 1978
  • The hijacker of the LOT machine politely asked to land in Tempelhof, in: Berliner Morgenpost, September 2, 1978
  • Letter to Honecker: "GDR is not my fatherland, but a straitjacket", in: Berliner Morgenpost, December 14, 1978
  • Appeals to Waldheim: He should campaign for the release of Niko Huebner, in: Berliner Morgenpost, March 30, 1979
  • “In the last three years we only lived in fear”, in: Berliner Morgenpost, April 10, 1979
  • East Berlin family: "The children shouldn't become cadets". Escape attempt, imprisonment, ransom, reunification - the long road to freedom, in: Berliner Morgenpost, September 6, 1979
  • Fate in divided Germany: parents were agents, son became a critic of the regime, in: Berliner Morgenpost, September 13, 1979
  • Released "GDR" prisoner is looking for his mother in the West, in: Berliner Morgenpost, September 30, 1979
  • Six attempts to escape failed. Because he wanted to be free: A youth behind bars, in: Hamburger Abendblatt, November 12, 1979
  • Refugee: SSD has my Berlin protocol. State security investigates possible security scandal, in: Berliner Morgenpost, December 7, 1979
  • Eight years later in the West, in: Berliner Morgenpost, April 11, 1980
  • Vopos shot him to a cripple: The man millions talked about is finally free !, in: Bild (Berlin), April 11, 1980
  • Former "GDR" prisoners came to Tegel to get an idea of ​​the prison system in the West: "Prison and prison - there are worlds in between", in: Berliner Morgenpost, May 31, 1980
  • Lawyer Vogel assures: I am not an SSD employee, in: Berliner Morgenpost, June 25, 1980
  • Home again! The incredible story of Erwin R., in: Berliner Morgenpost, July 30, 1980
  • West Berliners have been fighting in vain for reparations for 20 years, in: Berliner Morgenpost, August 6, 1980
  • Inner German summit in a hermetically sealed hunting lodge: Does the SED want to hide the Chancellor in the Uckermark? in: Berliner Morgenpost, August 13, 1980
  • Refugee judge: I brought you over, they cried with happiness, hugged, in: Berliner Morgenpost, December 7, 1980
  • At the rest area, the SSD grabbed it - bought free by Bonn. Escape in balloon failed: Family still in the West, in: Berliner Morgenpost, December 10, 1980
  • With handcuffs in the "Stasi Airline" - East Berlin State Security Service handcuffed prisoners even during the flight, in: Berliner Morgenpost, December 21, 1980
  • Eyewitnesses: "They dragged him away like a sack of flour", in: Berliner Morgenpost, December 28, 1980
  • Paper is patient: Berlin's world champion of cartoonists, top agent of the Stasi? Attorney General accuses Gero Hilliger of betraying 88 GDR refugees, in: Berliner Morgenpost, August 21, 1994


  • Jochen Staadt , Tobias Voigt, Stefan wool : Feind-Bild Springer - A publishing house and its opponents. Göttingen 2009

Individual evidence

  1. Siegmar Faust : I want to get out of here ... K. Guhl, Berlin-West 1983, ISBN 3-88220-365-X , p. 37 ( limited preview in Google Book search).