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Madrisahütte DAV self-catering  hut category  I
location Above Gargellen in Valzifenztal at the foot of the Madrisa ; Vorarlberg , Austria ; Valley location:  Gargellen
Mountain range Rätikon
Regions Montafon
Geographical location: 46 ° 57 '4.6 "  N , 9 ° 54' 39.3"  E Coordinates: 46 ° 57 '4.6 "  N , 9 ° 54' 39.3"  E
Altitude 1660  m above sea level A.
Madrisahütte (Vorarlberg)
owner DAV - Karlsruhe section
Built 1926
Construction type Self-catering hut; Wood
Development Strait of Vergalda
Usual opening times Self-catering hut
accommodation 0 beds, 20  camps
Winter room Whole hut can also be used in winter - key at the tourist information office in Gargellendep1
Web link Website of the section
Hut directory ÖAV DAV

The Madrisahütte is an unmanaged refuge of the Karlsruhe section of the German Alpine Club . It is located in the Valzifenz valley at the foot of the Madrisa at 1660  m above sea level. A. in the Rätikon in the Montafon in Vorarlberg . The hut has electricity and modern cooking facilities, but is otherwise largely preserved in its original condition.


The shortest way to get to the Madrisahütte is from the hut's own parking lot in the Gargellen district of Vergalda. From there it is about 30 minutes to the hut - either on an AV-Steig or an asphalt alpine path.

Transitions to other huts

Tour possibilities


  • Swiss National Map 238 Montafon

Web links

Commons : Madrisa Hut  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
Madrisahütte with Madrisa