Magnolia espinalii

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Magnolia espinalii
Class : Bedecktsamer (Magnoliopsida)
Order : Magnolia-like (Magnoliales)
Family : Magnolia family (Magnoliaceae)
Genre : Magnolias ( Magnolia )
Type : Magnolia espinalii
Scientific name
Magnolia espinalii
( Lozano ) Govaerts

Magnolia espinalii is a species of the Magnoliaceae family. Thespecies endemic to Colombia is threatened with extinction . According to a study by the Colombian botanist Diana M. López-A and colleagues, there were only 23 trees left in the wild in 2008. Common names are hojarasco, magnolio de monte.


The tree can reach a height of 30 m and a trunk diameter of 55 cm; The bark and wood are cinnamon-colored. The branches have short hairs, as well as leaf scars and oval lenticels . The alternate , paper-like leaves are ovate to elliptical and not pointed, they are hairy creamy white on the underside. The flowers sit individually at the branch tips, each flower is surrounded by three to five bracts . The flowers consist of six to seven yellow-green to cream-white colored, pointed petals and three obovate sepals , the flowers are hermaphrodite and feminine ( protogynous ). The woody, elliptical fruits are 6.9 to 8.5 inches long and 3.3 to 4.5 inches wide, they open irregularly due to the divergence of the carpels . Each fruit contains between 6 and 20 seeds.

Habitat and occurrence

The tree is endemic in the department of Antioquia , Colombia, along the Central Cordillera , between 1,800 and 2,400 m altitude, occurrences are known in the communities of Angelópolis , Armenia Mantequilla Betania , Caldas , Envigado , Jericó and Medellín . The tree occurs in humid submontane to montane forests.


The decorative wood was used for wooden posts, boards, beams and furniture.

Hazardous situation

The tree is threatened with extinction. It is listed in the Red List of Plants of Colombia and in the Red List of the IUCN in the category "critically endangered". In the wild, seedlings were only found in the vicinity of two older trees; it is possible that the insect-pollinated species can no longer be successfully pollinated naturally in the remaining, small forest fragments. The tree has been successfully reproduced in conservation programs and a few plants have been planted in various protected areas and private forest areas, for example in the municipality of Rionegro . The South Pole Group is promoting the conservation of this species in a reproduction project in collaboration with the Medellín Botanical Garden .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Diana M. López-A, Brian C. Bock, Gabriel Bedoya (2008): Genetic Structure in Remnant Populations of an Endangered Andean Magnolia. Biotropica 40 (3): 375-379. doi : 10.1111 / j.1744-7429.2007.00387.x
  2. Velásquez R., C. y Serna G., M. 2005. Magnoliáceas de Antioquia. Jardín Botánico Joaquín Antonio Uribe - CORANTIOQUIA - OIMT. Primera Edición. Medellin, Colombia. 32 p .; Lozano C., G. 1983. Magnoliaceae. Flora de Colombia, Monografía No 1. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales. Universidad Nacional de Colombia - COLCIENCIAS. Bogotá. 120 p.
  3. a b c d Trujillo, L .; Agudelo, G .; Restrepo, M .; Cardona, E .; Murillo, J..Avances en la estrategia para la conservación de las especies de las familia Magnoliaceae en Jurisdición de CORANTIOQUIA, Medellín: CORANTIOQUIA, 2011 100.p. (Boletín Técnico Biodiversidad; No. 6, Diciembre 2011)
  4. Calderón S., E .; A. Cogollo P; C. Velásquez R .; M. Serna G. y N. García. 2007. Las magnoliáceas. Pp. 45-154. En: García, N. (ed.). Libro Rojo de Plantas de Colombia. Volume 5: Las magnoliáceas, las miristicáceas y las podocarpáceas. Libros Rojos de Especies Amenazadas de Colombia series. Bogotá, Colombia. Instituto Alexander von Humboldt - CORANTIOQUIA - Jardín Botánico Joaquín Antonio Uribe - Instituto de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial. 236 p.