Maike Albath

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Maike Albath at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2018

Maike Albath (* 1966 in Braunschweig ) is a German literary critic , author and journalist .


After studying Romance and German in Berlin and Italy, Maike Albath received her doctorate in 1998 on the Italian poet Andrea Zanzotto . Since 1993 she has been working as a journalist for Deutschlandfunk and Deutschlandradio Kultur and, as an author, has designed features about Antonio Tabucchi , Cesare Pavese and his hometown Turin and the Croatian literary scene.

Maike Albath works for the Neue Zürcher Zeitung , the Frankfurter Rundschau , the Tagesspiegel , the Süddeutsche Zeitung and the magazine Cicero . Her work as a literary critic was honored with the Alfred Kerr Prize in 2002 . In 2006 she received the translator's bar from the Association of German-Language Translators of Literary and Scientific Works “for your fairness, your respect and your keen interest in the work of literary translators”.

“Albath emphasized the importance of literary translators for book culture. She particularly appreciated the dedication and seriousness with which they ... went about their work. As a reviewer , she also feels obliged to this attitude . That was an implicit invitation to their colleagues to critically follow the contribution of literary translators to literary life more often and in greater detail. "

- Albath, acceptance speech, Frankfurt Book Fair , October 4, 2006

Albath, who lived in Turin and Padua for several years , is a recognized expert on Italian literature and contemporary culture. In her work Der Geist von Turin , published in 2010 , she traces the checkered history of the left-liberal Einaudi publishing house based on the life paths of the publisher Giulio Einaudi and the literary figures Cesare Pavese and Leone Ginzburg , who largely determined the fortunes of the Turin publishing house. The publishing house, which shaped the intellectual life of Italy well into the 1970s, is today part of Silvio Berlusconi's media empire . In Rome, Träume (2013) she dedicates herself to intellectual life in post-war Rome, above all to the circle of authors around Elsa Morante , Alberto Moravia , Carlo Emilio Gadda , Ennio Flaiano and Pier Paolo Pasolini .

Maike Albath also acts as a moderator of literary events , around 2002 as part of the Days of German-Language Literature in Klagenfurt and since 2003 at the Erlanger Poetenfest . In 2011 she was a member of the jury of the Akademie Deutscher Buchpreis and was its spokesperson. She has been a member of the jury for the Leipzig Book Fair Prize since 2015 .

Maike Albath lives in Berlin.



  • 2011: The beautiful summer - The Italian writer Cesare Pavese ( Feature - DLF)


Web links

Commons : Maike Albath  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Award of the translator's mark 2006 with laudation ( memento of the original from June 25, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /