Manfred Bonatz

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Manfred Bonatz (born March 1, 1932 in Siegburg ; † December 2, 2018 ) was a German geodesist and university professor for theoretical geodesy with a focus on gravimetry and earth tides .

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Manfred Bonatz was a student at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Gymnasium in Bonn and studied geodesy at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn after graduating from high school . During his studies in 1953 he became a member of the Marchia Bonn fraternity . After completing his studies, he completed a technical clerkship . In 1961 he became a scientific assistant at the Institute for Theoretical Geodesy at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, founded by Helmut Wolf in 1955 . This made him a doctorate in 1965 as Dr.-Ing. ; the thesis topic was: About the calibration of registration gravimeters by means of a vertical laboratory calibration section. In 1969 Manfred Bonatz completed his habilitation . From 1973 to 1997 he was a full professor of gravimetry and earth tides at the Institute for Theoretical Geodesy. 1997 Bonatz retired.

Bonatz 'specialty was gravimetry and the study of the earth's tides. To measure the earth's gravity field, he developed measuring instruments and set up various measuring stations, including a. in Svalbard ( Spitzbergen ), in Erpel , in the Wiehler stalactite cave , in Walferdange ( Luxembourg ) and in Odendorf , on which he made observations himself. Bonatz has published numerous specialist publications on these topics.


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Individual evidence

  1. Burschenschafter Stammrolle 1991. P. 67.
  2. The natural and life sciences . In: Thomas Becker, Philip Rosin (Hrsg.): History of the University of Bonn . tape 4 . Bonn 2018, p. 573 ( ).
  3. a b Prof. Dr.-Ing. (em.) Manfred Bonatz †. Institute for Applied Geodesy, accessed on March 20, 2019 .
  4. ^ Förderkreis Vermessungstechnisches Museum : No. 688: On the death of geodesist Prof. Dr. Manfred Bonatz
  5. ^ German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation : Carl Pulfrich Prize